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Posts Tagged: '-player:+ashe'

Feb. 6th, 2022



This again, I see.

Eh, could be worse.

Wasn't even gone all that long.

I take it no witchers popped up in my absence?

Feb. 5th, 2022



Urianger, what have you done now?

This certainly is not the Source.

By the Twelve, I need a drink.

Feb. 4th, 2022



Someone has ten seconds to reply to this and explain how come I'm here again but was back in Geth before and had no recollection of this place but I do now. Or else.

Feb. 3rd, 2022




Read more... )

Jan. 20th, 2022



Right. Hello Night Vale.

How long was I gone?

Dec. 20th, 2021



It would seem the twins are here just in time for Winter's Crest.

The babies and Vex'ahlia are doing quite well, and Vesper is delighted to be a big sister.

So now we have Juniper Cassandra and Frederick Vax'ildan de Rolo.

vox machina and friends.
Vex still needs to rest, but we'd love to have you all meet the twins.

vax and keyleth.
Though I should think it's obvious, we would like you to be the children's godparents.

Dec. 16th, 2021



I'm liking all the Christmas carols on the radio. They're very catchy and fun.

I decorated my apartment. Natasha says I may have gone a little overboard but I think it looks nice.

natasha(s) and melina.
We should do something for Christmas. As a family.

It's been a long time and I just think it would be nice.



So, not Fillory then This dry heat is going to be murder on my hair Right. This is new. Hello?

Nov. 6th, 2021



I forgot how much I disliked paperwork. Keeping up with that alone is almost a full-time job, so I thought I'd put some feelers out: anyone interested in managing an office and wrangling a couple private investigators?

I found your name while I was going through the paperwork at the agency. It's my understanding that you were talking with Quistis about coming aboard, is that right?

[ BETH ]
What would you say about coming to work with me? Officially.

Oct. 30th, 2021



Who: Caleb and Quentin
What: Caleb has a gift
When: Saturday morning
Where: Quentin's place
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

ghosts can't hurt you )

Oct. 29th, 2021



Eliot might be gone, but we're still going to have the Halloween party tonight. Physical Kid's Cottage. Costumes. Booze. Drugs, probably. Etc. Be there, come have fun, let's forget how much this place sucks when it takes away people we love.

Oct. 22nd, 2021



Network Post | Mantis

i am alone.

ooc: I am still exploring Mantis' powers and what she's capable of because they butchered her abilities in the mcu, so with permission, the loss of Peter Quill has caused a sort of Empathic psychic blast, Mantis is completely unaware that it happened. She feels strongly so she's definitely hurting and feeling alone.




For those who don't know, I'm Kate Bishop and I'm one of the Housing Assistants here at the Last Resort.

With Wanda's return home, we have an opening for a Housing Assistant. If anyone's interested, just let us know and we'll hopefully find someone to fill that vacancy soon.

katie & zelda.
So this sucks.

But we should probably think about what things we need to do going forward. I know we've been working on computers and driving lessons. Do you two have any other ideas for programs to implement?

beaus and arrows.
So Clint's gone. And America's gone. And Wanda's gone.

This sucks.

At least Lucky is still here. And Jeff.

Come over?

Oct. 20th, 2021



If there's a person or two here who is mystically inclined, I could use a hand with something. Should only take an afternoon.

Oct. 18th, 2021



Well this is fucking great

I'm going to drink a shitton of rum.

Drink specials at the Hellfire Club. Feels like something Emma would like.

Long live the Queen.

You good, Rogers?

Oct. 17th, 2021



Haven't slept for 74 hours


Oct. 16th, 2021


I am looking for suggestions.

Where I grew up, I wasn't allowed to have anything much in the way of personal possessions, and after that, anything extra I earned or found in had to go towards the war effort. I am not saying that I was deprived or impoverished. I wasn't. It's just a new experience to have coin to spare, and no restrictions or demands on what to do with it.

What do you think I should try? As frivolous as you like, although I'll tell you that I'm not unfamiliar with the market, so don't bother suggesting your own goods at exorbitant prices.

Oct. 13th, 2021



How's everyone's Spooktober going? I have had a wonderful Spook Season so far as Lamb has come out (haven't had the chance to see it yet, but soon! All reviews have come back saying 'what the fuck' and that is exactly what I hoped it would be), but the new Candyman reboot/relaunch/continuation has also come out, plus I've just read Mike Flanegan is doing Fall of The House of Usher.

Which means as Poe is in the public domain, he's stated that he can cherry-pick from the stories. Which means that I'm going to spend a lot of time looking for those little nods, and like my ghost watch for his other shows will get a spreadsheet going.

Apparently it's going to be vastly different from his usual, and I am here for this.

On other matters; as it's Spooktober all What The Ghost merchandise is half off, and proceeds still go towards the local animal shelter.

As a reminder for this Halloween Show we're talking about Poe ourselves, in honor of the writer and the upcoming show, so be sure to tune in for me and Jon discussing our favorite stories, and the ones that aren't too wildly known. Also, for those of us who don't know what Halloween is, we've discussed a bit about its history and traditions, so I am happy to provide the links to those shows if you'd like them.

Oct. 12th, 2021



What's up, spooky bitches? If you can see the invite below, then make sure your hot asses are at the PKC on the 29th. Costumes are encouraged but not required, though don't be embarrassing about it. Any questions? Shoot 'em my way.

Oct. 11th, 2021



Happy Indigenous Peoples' Day
And fuck Christopher Columbus.

Captain America.