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Posts Tagged: '-player:+ally'

Mar. 15th, 2022



Hey. So.

Did anyone order a pair of creepy dolls? I think they got delivered to me by mistake maybe? They're in 1205 if you want to come claim them.

Image dump - CW: porcelain dolls )

Mar. 11th, 2022



You know, I would really like to stay in one place for at least a year before getting sent back home. Or at least, like a warning before I get sent back.

Anyway, hi again, Night Vale! For those of you who don't know me, I'm Ochaco Uraraka.



This is certainly not beach sand and it can't be Saharan with all of these American-esque buildings around. Though, it is possible that I'm hallucinating these sights and I am in the Sahara. It's a bit cool for that, though there could be an elusive oasis nearby?

Oh, I thank you for this device that I found in this unfamiliar room that is familiar all the same, but it is a nice room. I've certainly stayed in much worse. Feels a bit empty.

Most of the entries on this "network" seem a bit... lost, which I do commiserate with at the moment. Therefore, I will ask the inevitable question.

Where am I?

Mar. 8th, 2022



Heat and sand? This isn't upstate New York. Oh... crap.

Is this what happens when you get pulled through again? It was supposed to take you home, not drop you somewhere else. Unless my magics did something!

My name's Diana. Sadly not my first time being dropped in a new world with no idea what's going on. Can someone please tell me where I am and if there's a way to get back to where I was?

Oww.. Why is the symbol tingling?

Mar. 6th, 2022



So it would appear I've been kidnapped by skeletons, which I honestly just...probably should have expected it at this point? Things were going a bit too well. They're polite enough though, and they did ask me to write my own ransom note on account of how they can't read or write. Which...really, I could write anything I like. But seeing as I will probably get bored of this soon, I really ought to share their demands.

They want...okay, I probably should have paid more attention when they were telling me that part, but in my defense, I was bored and also did not really care all that much. They should have thought about this before picking me because I have never in my life not made my existence someone's problem and I intend to make them suffer. But just in case I get sick of this before they give up, I think they wanted a great deal of...I think they said fledge? So just a lot of feathers. Can't begin to say why.

In the meantime, I plan to make them regret everything. Have fun, lovelies.



I don't know where or when I am, but this technology is less than I expected when I woke up this morning. I spent most of the day trying to understand the screen remote in what I'm assuming is an apartment that I'm currently in. Going downstairs, all twenty-eight flights didn't explain anything more on the need for the hand crank on the faucet or why they have actual coffee grounds with no machine to use them. Am I in hell? Does it actually exist? I feel like I'm on the Earth of the ancestors but there is a lot more desert. Also, this hand terminal is useless. How can there be only one network connected to this thing? What does it even use for time? And has anyone heard of Montana?

Mar. 2nd, 2022



I went out to the ship. The one in the desert. I can't I thought there might be some gold interesting things that that I could steal salvage, and that I might actually find some bits that I could take for the Pour Judgement. You know, kitsch. But I can't... I literally can't put into words what I saw.

It was beautiful. Massive. And it definitely shouldn't have been there. A giant white whale, just swimming in the sand like it was meant to be there. It jumped out of it and just... hovered in the air for awhile before diving back down and disappearing. It's got to still be out there. I tried to There was just too much sand for me to see where it vanished to into it. The hole filled up immediately. But It's got to still be out there.

We need to go back out there. Look for it! It could mean something.

oxventurers + friends
SKY WHALE! MERILWEN! SKY WHALE! Or Desert Whale. But it definitely looked like it could fly for a moment if it had really wanted to. Either way!


Who knows what ELSE could be out there, too? Desert octopi? Desert sharks? Desert Cthulhu?

Honestly, I wouldn't really be surprised by that last one considering this place.


May. 21st, 2021



» network | carol danvers

I've cleared out as much of the lobby as I can, and I've managed to set up some space for a kind of mini-triage area.

If you're wounded, or medically trained, the lobby should be your destination, if you need help getting there, give us a heads-up and someone will try to come get you.

Anyone who's still inside, I could use a hand getting this place into semi-working order.

I'm not loving the Savage Land vibes I'm getting.

Can we please do a check-in so we know who the hell to worry the most about?

May. 9th, 2021



[ DEAN ]
We need to talk.

I need a drink or twenty, and someone to drink with me. Any takers?

May. 8th, 2021



I just want to thank everyone who came out last night, participants and spectators alike. We had a pretty awesome crowd, so again, thank you for showing up.

What are everyone's thoughts about making this a monthly charity fundraiser? Prizes, still, but I feel like we could raise a good bit of money for good causes.



ɴ ᴇ ᴛ ᴡ ᴏ ʀ ᴋ | pikachu

Toto we're not in Kansas anymore... or Africa, for that matter. Night Vale? Never heard of it but I'm getting some major Stow on Side feels. I just really hope this is the Bea version and not Allister because that Buffalo Bill wannabe Mimikyu gives me the heebie jeebies in my jellies.

Also this is definitely a felony in some regions. Just throwing that out there.

You know, they could have picked a size appropriate device for us small folk. I can practically wear this thing like a backpack. I think I may have to... my hands are already tiny and prime real estate - I can't afford to have them full constantly.

Oh... oh no. OH NO. Quick — I can feel my little heartbeat slowing and that is most definitely a sign of death's icy cold grip reaching out for my pudgy little body.

I need your best cup of coffee STAT!

May. 5th, 2021



Network Post: Leia [002]

Backdated to May 4

This isn't the first time I've been stalked by an Ewok.

May. 4th, 2021



Porgs and Ewoks on May the 4th. Night Vale, you get me. Kinda makes up for the smelly egg incident.

Pretty sure this porg is trying to make a nest in my flower box.

network | Cara Dune

Why is there an ewok in my room. Crix is afraid. Honestly, I'm not a fan either.

May. 3rd, 2021



Uh, thanks? Not sure what I'm supposed to do with a whole building, but I appreciate the sentiment, Night Vale.


So, something from my world showed up that might be of interest to some of you. There's a large building on the north side of town, kind of on the outskirts, that looks like a giant rectangle on support beams. I don't know how to describe it. Lots of windows, staircases to get down to the ground, etc.

It's called Summerland, or at least it was, and it's a horse ranch turned mutant training facility that was kind of just out in the middle of a forest in my world. There's housing in there, medical facilities, classrooms, and training spaces among some other things.

Does this sound like something that might be useful around here?

Apr. 30th, 2021



If anyone needs a job, we've got an opening at the record store since Heather disappeared. It's not a bad job. It's just...It's a weird little store. She lets us play our guitars sometimes so it's not so bad.

I wish there was a music festival or a battle of the bands or something fun we could play at. I don't even know if there are other bands in this weird little town.



Okay, I need recommendations. Books. Movies. Binge-worthy shows on Netflix. Comics? Something, anything, because this whole "I don't sleep" thing is slowly driving me crazy with boredom. I miss my beauty sleep. Not that I need beauty sleep, but it's the principle of the thing.

Apr. 27th, 2021



» network | morgan stark


[ john allerdyce ]
I look like a god damn My Little Pony. But not the ponies the weird "Equestria Girls" versions. Don't ask me how I know this.



Chocobo start showing up and somehow I don’t get one. And now I’m pink. Cool.

So what are the odds on this being permanent? I’m surprised Night Vale didn’t go for purple.



