
Layout By

April 29th, 2021




>> Hey.
>> I'm sorry that it took this for me to reach out.
>> I was hoping we'd get to meet normally.
>> But how are you holding up with Adam gone?



You know, April is usually a weird month. What with April Fool's day and Easter and all of the other religious stuff that goes with that. And it always turns into this battle of when it's good to go out and not. And while that was definitely less of an issue here, there was just a whole other brand of weirdness I wasn't entirely prepared to comprehend.

Why are Yoshis real? Like Chocobos I get. There's Final Fantasy people here, for fuck's sake. That's to be expected. But... Yoshis?

I really hope May gives us a bit of a breather.



john & abigail.
I think I might be a moron. Worse than I normally was. Gotta double check. But I definitely think I am.

Hey. So. Question. Back when you were talking about having loved two men in your life, and you'd lost both of them? Were you... talking about someone before Jake, or did you mean m someone that died after?

Cause I've been thinking on it. And I think I might have missed something?




Is anyone way slightly worried that their egg hasn't hatched yet?

Like is this a case of the worse ones going first? Or am I going to end up with something vicious? Jesus, I need more wine.




If you're looking for me, I'm either buying 40 bags of marshmallows or eating them all with Slimer.

Might need my stomach pumped later, it's been a while since I've gone on a Stay-Puft binge.