
Layout By

November 30th, 2020



[Thor Odinson, Darcy Lewis]
I've been crunching some numbers concerning the portals and there's a variable I want to rule out: how sure are we that none of this is Loki?



STARDATE: -302085
We're a very diverse group, representing a lot of specialized knowledge from a lot of different time periods, universes, cultures and technological backgrounds. While I can't commit to organizing it all myself, I can't help but wonder if a widescale cultural archive or cultural sharing hub would be a good idea - not only so we can potentially build towards a solution as to why we're all here, but also so we all gain some understanding of the people we're sharing this place with.

I, for one, am always for getting to know the cultural practices of different groups of people. I think the best way to take advantage of this strange opportunity is to try and make it all as enriching as possible.



Perhaps it goes without saying, but I've no interest in 'cultural sharing' or lending my talents to whatever cause the majority here deems worthy.



Good afternoon. My name is Querl Dox. Directions towards National City in the 21st century (Earth-Prime, formerly known as Earth-1) is appreciated.

Unless [...] We can't leave? Why can't we leave? What's the progress that has been made on getting us out of here and back where we belong?