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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4inactive+player:+laurel'

Sep. 26th, 2021



The bunker is like a never ending maze. It seems like the Men of Letters never threw anything away. Old books, personal effects, cars. I really like looking around. Honestly, if I wasn't careful, I'd never leave. This isn't the point of the post though. I found an old camera and I've been teaching myself to use it.

some pictures i've taken )

I'm pretty sure that's not what they intended it for but whatever, they're all gone now. I'd like to branch off and try my hand at taking more pictures of people though. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to volunteer to let me take pictures of them?

Sep. 24th, 2021



Maybe it's just because the last few years have been kind of crazy, but I feel like I'm going to lose my mind from boredom here. Anyone else feeling it?

[ EMMA ]
I can't take sitting on my butt anymore and I'm told you're the PiC with the sheriff's department. Any chance you've got an opening?



ɴᴇᴛᴡᴏʀᴋ ᴘᴏꜱᴛ | gwen stacy

Putting together an entertainment center shouldn't be so difficult?

I got an A in Organic Chemistry which is undeniably more complex. But this will be my downfall. When I die and my brain oozes out my ears just toss me into the broccoli plush bin at IKEA where I belong.

Ladies, laaaadies - it is not too early to think about Halloween. Or that the friggin' Devil will likely be throwing a party. So. Thoughts?

I know you just left to pick up dinner but!
1. Tell V I miss him already
2. Get like.. all the extra sauces.

Sep. 22nd, 2021



» network | america chavez

Okay, I'm calling it.

One of these snakes is most definitely a boy, and now I have absolutely got an egg situation. Curse you, St Patrick. On the flip side, tiny little baby snakes? My inner child is squeeing.

As impending grandmother-hood looms on my 20-something ass, I'm looking for a sparring partner. My condition is that you must be invulnerable, and I'm not talking 'oh, I can take a hit', I mean in-fucking-vulnerable. I can throw a tank to the god-damned moon, I don't need the guilt of punching your face through your skull and the healers not being able to fix it.

Hit me up; 1-800-AMERICA-KICKED-MY-ASS (don't dial that, i have no idea what weird kinky line you'll end up on here).

Sep. 21st, 2021



We're just about to when everyone starts decorating for Halloween, so a public service announcement:

Do not go to the creepy occult bookstore for inspiration, don't buy a dusty old book written primarily in Latin, and definitely do not draw any of the symbols if you ignore my advice and do the first two. Especially don't draw any of the symbols in blood -- human or otherwise.

Sep. 18th, 2021



I almost forgot what a night out to just cut loose felt like. A+, 10/10, highly recommend.

Is there a place yet to post reviews for Lux? 'cause I'm gonna.

So, about the other night.

Any interest in making that a casual, semi-regular thing?

Sep. 15th, 2021



[Ben Braeden]

How long are you going to keep this up? It's like you're punishing me, and I didn't even do anything.

[Dean Winchester - OG]

You need to talk to Ben. I don't care if it's in person or if you just text him, but it needs to happen. Just to be clear, you don't have a choice. You screwed this up, and you need to deal with it. Not stick your head in the sand like an ostrich. I'm sure you want your angel back.



Network Post | Mantis

Hello friends! I have exciting news! Quill and I moved into another apartment because we missed living on a ship together. I am still sad that I do not live on a ship, but I am very happy to be sharing a space with my friend. We are in 908 and I am told that it is customary to host a housewarming party!

I do not think it needs to be warmed as it feels fine to me but a party does sound nice! All friends are welcome to stop by on Friday. We will have plenty of snacks!

Sep. 12th, 2021



Is anyone going to karaoke tomorrow that might want to do a duet? I'm looking forward to just letting go. No, that is not a pun to hint I will be singing that.

Sep. 8th, 2021



I was just asked to file a police report on a stolen ice cream cone. That sounds like the punchline to a joke, I know. It's not.

What I wouldn't give for an actual case to work.

How's everyone else's Wednesday going?

Sep. 6th, 2021



Inspired by the pen I want but can't afford (no, I'm not linking it because someone will buy it and then I'll feel weird about expensive gifts) - if you suddenly found yourself with an unlimited bank account, what's the most ridiculous thing you'd buy?



I've been spending a really long time in the bunker. Making sure I didn't hurt anyone else The bonus is that I've been getting to cataloguing some of the rooms and things that we never got a chance to before. There is so much stuff in this place. I'm wondering if we're going to need to have a yardsale.

private to magic users
So, I have a significant amount of magical ingredients and artifacts. I worry that some of it is at risk of going bad. Is that possible? I have no magical abilities and only know how to do a little bit so it's not getting much use.

private to lisa
You don't have to answer this. I'm sure I am not your favorite person right now. When you're ready, come to the bunker and I will try to explain things more.

Sep. 5th, 2021



I've been thinking about taking a class or two at NVCC. Is anyone else enrolled? And if so, is it really as weird as it looks?

[ MOM ]
Don't freak out.

Sep. 3rd, 2021



[Dean Winchester - The arrogant asshole]
You'll be pleased to know that I have returned Lisa's memories to her.

[Dean Winchester - The most amazing boyfriend ever]
I just wanted to let you know that I saw Lisa today, and her memories have been returned. She requested that I wait to speak with Ben, so he is still unaware.



Well, August was definitely A Month.

I would like to thank everyone who pitched in to help during whatever that whole thing was (did we figure out a cause, or are we filing it under General Night Vale Weirdness?); however dispirate our origins, we're all stuck in the same boat.

The Night Vale Clinic remains open; please don't hesitate to seek our help if you need it, even if all you're really after is a cup of tea and a sympathetic ear. Alternatively, Chauncy the Very Small Bear is an excellent and incredibly soft listener (although not a great conversationalist) and can usually be found at The Black Emporium. I think I remember seeing we've a couple of Actual Therapists in our ranks so if that's you please consider this an open platform to advertise from.

Does the offer to visit your Magical Cat Tower still stand? I think I'd like about a week's worth of kitty biscuits.

How are you feeling now? Up to taking a look at something for me? It's kind of urg not particularly urgent.

Sep. 2nd, 2021



I was kind of hoping that the fight club would be good for some therapy. Turns out I am really only good at fighting one asshole in particular..

But I never got along very well with my therapists back home. I never could get them to believe me and it's hard to be open when you always feel invalidated. But maybe it's time to try again. If anyone has suggestions, I'm all ears.



Honestly glad that fear bullshit skipped me over

I finally tried Taco Bell. It's terrible and also I want ten more tacos. What the fuck?

Also I'm married now which...what the fuck?

Thanks for all your help with everything. I really couldn't have done any of that without you.

So, Mr. Steel, how are you liking this whole being hitched thing?

Aug. 31st, 2021



» network | eros


So, that was a bit of a fun week, right? This is sarcasm! Please don't take me seriously.

I know that sweet angel of a blond has already left us all the most delightful of cookies -they were super yummy, I feel a little tiny bit bad I stole some other peoples, but not bad enough that I will tell you whose I stole.

But I figured a more emotional pick me up might be needed for some people, so... I'm extending my powers to you all.

I live in 1108 with the decadent and perfect Kore, she is delightful, and if you need a boost of love, or affection, or warm fuzzies, I will give you hot chocolate and a hug. Guaranteed to turn any frown upside down and leave you all gooey inside.

Please note; I take no responsibility for awkward or non-awkward boners or the female equivalent. That is what happens when you are flooded with nice feelings, I get it.

Aug. 30th, 2021



[ CAS ]
You should know I told Lisa the truth last night.

Aug. 29th, 2021



It's been a hell of a couple days, so here's what I'm thinking: First three drinks are on the house at Harvelle's tonight. We've got cold beer, a pool table that's only slightly off-balance, and a karaoke machine if you really want to torment everyone else, so come on by. I could use the distraction