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Posts Tagged: 'the+magnus+archives:+georgie+barker'

Apr. 10th, 2021



With more free time on my hands than I'm used to, even with working, I'm trying to figure out some new things to learn to keep myself busy. What's a hobby you've (the general you) always wanted to take up but never got the chance to or what's a hobby you already love? Just gauging ideas here.

[archives crew + georgie]

I like to think I'd know the answer to this already, but have any of you gone into the Institute yet?

[tim stoker]

Lunch with me soon?

Apr. 5th, 2021



So, first of all thanks so much to everyone who reached out when I was stuck in song lyrics land. It was a pretty frustrating day that got turned a little better.

Secondly, if people have any sort of personal bits of weird and or spooky lore they find interesting, or have any personal knowledge of that of their world I am always happy to have a co-host for my show. Of course, you don't need to talk on air if you find that uncomfortable.

Mar. 22nd, 2021



There are many things that I would like to say to you
But I don't know how



Oh dear.

That's unfortunate.

archives gang + georgie + morgan + dean + jesse.
It would appear that the Institute is here.

Which...could be a problem.

Mar. 12th, 2021



Archive Squad

Sasha said she'd go with me to the Station today, but I can't seem to find her? She's not answering her phone either.

I don't want to ring any alarms, but yes. Bit worried.

Feb. 26th, 2021



Does anyone have any horrific experiences of a supernatural nature that they would be willing to discuss at length?

I'm legally obligated in that my boyfriend said I really should to tell you that if you do, there is a not-insignificant chance you will have strange recurring dreams about the incident in question.

If you're interested, please do let me know.

archive squad + georgie.
Well, that was certainly a choice that I made.

Does this technically count as self-care?

Would you like to sit in if people give statements?

You can be a mug if you'd prefer.

Feb. 24th, 2021



If anyone is looking for a job, I'm going to be opening a Coffee and Tea shop soon. The Paradox will have proper English tea and coffee, pastries and books for lending. We should be ready for opening day by the end of the first week in March. We had a bit of a plumbing problem that has been fixed.

And I am very tired. I need a vacation, I believe.

[archive gang + georgie]
I suppose I'm going to have to think of some big opening day event. I have no idea what to do. I've made a terrible mistake and this whole thing is going to fail.

Feb. 16th, 2021



Okay, what's with the Jazz music? I thought it was my alarm (somehow), but it very much isn't and it's been ever present all day. And very annoying.

I don't even like Jazz.

Feb. 14th, 2021



So if I have this straight from what I've read, this is an alternate universe. But a different one from the last one. Which is...not great. Definitely would have rather gone home. I really need to talk to MJ And it's Valentine's Day. Because...yeah. That figures. The universe is laughing at me But what can you do.

So. Right. Introductions. I'm Peter B. Parker. Your friendly neighborhood Spider-Man. Since that's a thing you can just say here. Apparently.

On the plus side, this universe isn't killing me. So that's an improvement.

So...where's the best place to get a burger?

Any other Spiders around? Spider-People assemble? Miles? Gwen?



Happy Valentine's Day, Night Vale. I hope everyone gets some good sweets and a hug or kiss (or two) if that's up your alley. 💖💖💖

[Left outside of Tim Stoker's bedroom door is a gift basket of sour candies, along with a card and this note folded up inside.]

[georgie barker]

I may need your company and a bottle of wine later depending on how Tim reacts to his V-day gift that I left him, please and thank you. x

Feb. 1st, 2021



[antoine triplett]

I still feel as if I owe you an apology for the other night, though I really did have a nice time with you. Would you like to go for a tea or coffee with me sometime?

[tim stoker]

My leaky colours and hearts have disappeared, thus ruining your plan. I'm very sorry.
Still on for a movie night despite that?

[archive gang + georgie]

Just wanted to tell you lot that I love you all dearly.

Jan. 21st, 2021



Well, we're having an eventful week here in Night Vale. It would seem, and we don't want to jump to conclusions here, that many of our residents have turned into llamas. No one is quite sure the cause of this incident, but this reporter would like to announce that this is possibly the most adorable problem Night Vale has had since that time a beagle puppy that was also the lord of hell nearly enslaved the entire town with its army of Strangers.

No word yet on how to solve this problem, or if there even is a solution.

In other news, City Council is disappointed to announce that this month was a failure of the "None of the New Residents Went Home So You Get a Pizza Party" contests they never told anyone about. The following new seem to have gone back through the portals and - presumably - to their home worlds this week:
• Aziraphale
• Crowley
• Helen Richardson
• Kurt Wagner
• Matt Murdock
• Ruth Aldine
So, that's a bust. It's a real shame. A pizza party could have been really nice. But maybe the City Council will institute more secret contests in the future.

carlos & dana.
I just want to pet all the llamas. They're so fluffy.

But also this is probably a somewhat serious problem.

Jan. 14th, 2021



It's snowing! Actual snow or at least it seems to be.

I don't have much experience with deserts outside of Nightvale but I was pretty sure that snow wasn't really something that happened there. It's very pretty though. I went for a walk and it was so quiet and calm. It reminded me of the lonely

the archive gang and georgie
I've been thinking...There is an abandoned storefront in town that would make a rather nice coffee and tea shop. I was also thinking perhaps I could find a way to get books for people.

What do you guys think?

Jan. 11th, 2021



This might be an incredibly weird question (though really, considering where we are maybe it's not)... but is anyone missing what I can only assume is a pirate ship? It's just sitting out there in the middle of nothing to the north of town.

[archive squad + georgie]

Some of my things from home seem to have appeared. Have any of you had this happen?

Jan. 3rd, 2021



ɴ ᴇ ᴛ ᴡ ᴏ ʀ ᴋ

What's a movie scene or music video that lives rent free in your head?? Don't be shy. And no judgment. Okay.. very little judgment.

One of mine is this. This movie was a gem. Ahh, childhood. Simpler times.

ALSO - everyone meet Jeff. )

Dec. 30th, 2020





Dec. 10th, 2020



I’m quite fond of my new kitten. She’s very sweet and affectionate.

She is currently doing a very good impression of a scarf, which is nice as I tend to run rather cold.

She also likes to come to work with me. Which is proving to be...interesting.

Georgie, please be sure the Admiral knows he is not being replaced. There is enough room in my heart for multiple cats.

Dec. 9th, 2020



Ooh, I just saw about the holiday market that's been set up! Might feel a bit weird in the middle of a desert, but I won't say no to some cheer right now.

[archive crew + georgie]

I know Georgie is going to say yes to going, but can I convince any of the rest of you into it? I'm sure it'll be nothing like the Christmas markets along the Southbank or in Greenwich, but it's better than nothing.

Plus I want to see this bear that's meant to represent Santa Claus.

Nov. 18th, 2020



private » [archives squad + georgie + morgan]

I know it's not a holiday any of us have celebrated (as far as I'm aware), but I decided I wanted to host a little Thanksgiving dinner next week. Since it's meant to be all about spending time with people you love, giving thanks and being grateful... which I am, you know? I'm not dead here.

I also love holidays that revolve around food, so I don't think this is a surprise to anyone!

Speaking of food, I opted for a duck instead of a turkey, though I can also sort out a vegetarian option if needed. Just please let me know! But if everyone brought a side or dessert, do you think that would be all right?

Nov. 12th, 2020



I've gotten a job and it's pleasant enough, if somewhat uneventful.

For all the horror stories I've heard about the library, it really isn't so bad.

I've been playing Animal Crossing at Georgie's insistence. It's very soothing. I'm working on filling my island with cats.

archives crew + georgie + morgan.
Everyone please be careful not to drink from the mug on the counter with the cat on it where the tail is the handle.

That's Morgan. She's harmless. She just gets a bit overwhelmed sometimes.