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Posts Tagged: 'the+magnus+archives:+tim+stoker'

Jul. 10th, 2021



[magnus archives crew + georgie + kate]

I don't know about the rest of you, but I feel a need to gorge myself on fair food and ride things until I puke. Who wants to come with?

Jun. 27th, 2021



I could use a distraction and an excuse to keep drinking so who wants to play Never Have I Ever? Rules are simple: grab a bottle of your favorite liquor and when you've done the thing, take a drink, then pitch a scenario. I'll start with...

Never have I ever gone to college.

Jun. 23rd, 2021



I am not a contest person. I am barely even a watch contest person. They make me anxious and I always end up thinking that the wrong person won.

So it's strange that I ended signing up for a baking contest. One that I only sort of remember signing up for.

I'm pretty sure I'll be laughed out of the competition. Maybe I'd be better off learning to fight and joining the fight club.

Jun. 6th, 2021



The mess that happened with the Jungle gave me an idea.

Obviously, we hope nothing like that ever happens again, but it's incredibly likely that there will be more emergencies that could require evacuations. So it might be nice if we had a place to congregate, take shelter or get organised or - you know - maybe create some kind if citizen council. Not a mayor though, I'm not going down that road again.

Night Vale used to have a Community Center, but it fell into disrepair after The Event. (We don't talk about the Event. Mostly because no one can remember what happened. Only that something certainly did. We think.) I've already put some feelers out to the Ghostbusters because I might be requiring their services, but I was wondering if there were some Mr. Fixits around that might be able to help get the place in tip top shape after I'm sure it's no longer full of unearthly demons and the undead?

May. 30th, 2021



» network | brooke maddox

Okay, I'm bored, traumatised and sore. My boyfriend is fetching ice cream and there's fuck all I want to watch, so I'm sitting here trying not to think about the plants trying to attack again.

So, Night Vale, it's time for some pre-college intrigue. Fuck, Marry, Kill. You say you're in, I'll give you three Night Vale transplants, you pick whom to fuck, marry or kill.

You are welcome to get in on it yourselves, this is officially distraction central.

May. 12th, 2021



Well, that was fun while it lasted. Jon officially has smitedsmote my icebat. It was pretty calm at first but then it got nasty. I don't know what happened to it. Luckily no one got too badly hurt. I just got a black eye when I tripped over a chair leg.

I am not an athlete.



Definitely not where I expected the metro card to take me.

I kind of thought the afterlife was going to be something different Something familiar maybe

But it could be worse, I guess.

I'm Quentin. Quentin Coldwater. Nice desert you've got here.



Where’s the best place to go for birthday drinks? This is a milestone for me and should be celebrated.

Apr. 30th, 2021



It's been a little bit since I put it out to the universe and I see we have some new faces (hi, welcome!), so I thought I'd pop up and toss out a reminder that if anyone is looking to sit down and chat with a therapist, I'm available. I'm Dr. Linda Martin, and I've quickly become a specialist in those 'weird' cases that you might think would have you committed. Believe me, I've seen some things, I won't think you're crazy.

So, yes. If you'd like to come in and chat, I have appointments available.

What are you doing tomorrow morning? Because mama needs mimosas.

Apr. 25th, 2021



I stopped by the bank and honestly...I've never identified so strongly with an ATM in my life.

public - cut for image )

Does anyone need help with their horrible egg abominations? Because I can probably smite them if anyone's in a spot.

archives squad + georgie + kate.
I can no longer thrive in this household.

a) Please...just please stop shouting my name across the flat, followed by the most inane question possible. No, Tim, I cannot tell you what opinion fish collectively have about ska music. I'm not an Alexa. Also an Alexa probably couldn't tell you that either. Sasha, please stop asking me how to make a meringue. Just use your smartphone. Or ask Martin. He's the one who can bake. I can cook. I cannot bake.

b) Why is this our fridge:
cut for image again )

That's not even true.

c) Martin, this does not apply to you, you've done nothing wrong.

d) Same to Georgie.

Apr. 11th, 2021



WHO: Sasha James, Tim Stoker, and Kate Pryde
WHEN: Sunday evening
WHERE: Kate's place
SUMMARY: Kate invites Sasha over to have dinner with her and Tim so certain things can be discussed, primarily how Tim and Sasha feel for one another.
WARNINGS: None at the moment.

X )

Apr. 10th, 2021



With more free time on my hands than I'm used to, even with working, I'm trying to figure out some new things to learn to keep myself busy. What's a hobby you've (the general you) always wanted to take up but never got the chance to or what's a hobby you already love? Just gauging ideas here.

[archives crew + georgie]

I like to think I'd know the answer to this already, but have any of you gone into the Institute yet?

[tim stoker]

Lunch with me soon?

Apr. 5th, 2021



Deep dish pizza is a hate crime.



ɴ ᴇ ᴛ ᴡ ᴏ ʀ ᴋ | shaggy rogers

Like man - it is one of my most favoritist days of the whole year! Deep Dish Pizza Day.

An extra sprinkle of parmesan plus some bacon bits and pickles is like... totally one of the greatest flavor combinations known to man. Like no toppings are the wrong toppings but definitely hold the anchovies!

— Daph I hope you've saved room for a big dinner cause I'm bringing home like four different pies!

Mar. 31st, 2021



I hate April Fool's Day.

One time, a fellow SHIELD Agent thought it would be really funny to hide my prosthetic leg. I think i'm going to call out sick tomorrow. I'm not sure dealing with high school students is going to be better than dealing with full grown adults. Though admittedly, probably not much worse. They could be remarkably immature for people working for a secret government agency.



» network | yennefer

Somebody explain the appeal of this 'April Fool's Day'.

Mar. 22nd, 2021



text » tim stoker

[Picture of the Institute from across a street.]

I hate this so much, Tim.



There are many things that I would like to say to you
But I don't know how



Oh dear.

That's unfortunate.

archives gang + georgie + morgan + dean + jesse.
It would appear that the Institute is here.

Which...could be a problem.

Mar. 18th, 2021



Right, so. I've realised I've been rubbish at meeting new people around here since I arrived and it might do me some good to broaden my horizons. In an attempt to get to know some more of you, I'm going to post a selection of silly ice breaker questions below, so please feel free to answer however many you'd like!

1. If you were a potato, what way would you like to be cooked?
2. What song describes your life right now?
3. What/where is your favourite place from home?
4. What's the worst pick up line you’ve ever heard?
5. Do you prefer books or films?
6. Describe yourself in one word?
7. Who would you want on your team in a zombie apocalypse?
8. Name one thing still on your bucket list?
9. What would your entrance theme song be?
10. Did you ever have an imaginary friend?