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Posts Tagged: 'oxventure:+coraz%C3%B3n+de+ballena'

Aug. 10th, 2021



The plants I've been cultivating have done well, all things considered. And it's fascinating to learn about the plants from other worlds and their various uses. I've been working on adapting some recipes and creating others to incorporate plants that aren't native to my own world.

Aneth ara, Lethallan. I made some tea if you'd like to come by. I had some ideas I wanted to discuss.

I've been thinking of setting up a group to discuss herbalism and potioncraft. There is so much beneficial knowledge that could be shared between people.

The community garden seems to be thriving. I'm thinking of using a section to dedicate to herbalism supplies if that would be amenable to you.

How are you holding up?

I can watch Alice this weekend if you need a break.

keyleth - added later.
I spoke with Corazón.

He's cleaning out a section to expand the community garden and give us space for growing herbs and other plants for tinctures and salves.

Jul. 31st, 2021



So I've noticed that we've gotten a few new arrivals, so I figured I'd just let everyone know that I've managed to clear out more plots in the community garden space around Necropolis Non Sea for people to utilize if they're interested.

In an entirely unrelated comment, I may have a few freshly cleaned skeletons just in time for spooky season that I need someone to take off of my hands. Utterly and completely unrelated. Yep. Nothing suspicious here.

I'm also potentially interested in hiring someone to come and tend the stables behind the Pour Judgment. Maybe someone who actually knows what they're doing with animals and isn't just guessing their way through it ninety percent of the time? If only Meril We're quite happy to provide room and board along with a paycheck. And I promise the house will probably not eat you.

Jul. 21st, 2021



Everytime I think I've gotten a handle on the single mom thing, something comes up. Like the fact that I cannot, for the life of me, put together some furniture for Mia's nursery. I will feed (and be feed I mean order pizza) anyone willing to save me from this nightmare. I don't think my thumbnail will survive another mishap with a hammer.

Jul. 16th, 2021



The ocean makes me miss the Marauder.

What good's a pirate without her ship.

If it magically shows up while this is going on, do you want to test the waters as it were?

Jul. 2nd, 2021



I really should have seen this coming.

Now I feel really bad about giving the last oracle such a hard time over not expecting the shipwreck Still, she could have prepared Water Breathing. She knew she was going to be on a ship.

This is a very nice town you all have here other than all the ways it's absolutely awful and it's not the worst place I've ever been. Granted, I've been to some terrible places

Breathe, Adaine. Just breathe.

It's like Jawbone always says...sometimes you just have to take a bunch of extra anxiety meds and cure the poison damage later.

Does anyone know which plane this is?

Jul. 1st, 2021



ɴ ᴇ ᴛ ᴡ ᴏ ʀ ᴋ | tom evans


I think this town is overdue for a good old fashioned backyard barbecue.

Gonna get the Webers going out back of the station and some Grade A quality NV beef this weekend. Come on by and if you're feelin' generous, pitch a loonie in a bucket to go toward repairs and equipment for us EMS folk - but in no way is it mandatory.

Ribs, steaks, burgers (not of the bison variety, unfortunately) chicken, and of course.. hot dogs for the kiddos. Maybe some games although that's not exactly my forte. Fireworks, weather-permitting.

All are welcome but ya gotta bring somethin' to contribute to the outdoor cookery. Plates, utensils, side dishes, desserts, alcohol.. Get creative but don't show up empty-handed.

May. 20th, 2021



message to Corazón & Dob | Prudence

It appears The Last Resort is being overtaken by voracious plants. Should we... help?

Should we do something? Anything? Eldritch blast the plants, thunder wave them...grease? Them?

May. 12th, 2021



Where’s the best place to go for birthday drinks? This is a milestone for me and should be celebrated.

May. 2nd, 2021



So, just to let you guys know, if anyone is going to end up needing a boarding space for their new birds or dinosaurs, we've been working on revitalizing the stables behind The Pour Judgment. As of right now, we should have room for four boardings at a time. But if there's more interest, we can work on expanding the area.

If anyone's interested, even just for a night or two in order to get some peace, let me know.

Apr. 24th, 2021



Oh! Oh! The egg hatched.

Tom! Our egg child has hatched.

It's a little bird. And it's gold. Which makes this officially the only gold I value.

Still feel like all money belongs in lakes, but that's not important right now.

What's important is the power of love. And also birds.

This is the best day of my life.

Apr. 8th, 2021



Right, if anybody has an egg they don't want to take care of, I'd love to. I didn't find one for myself and I always thought it was fun on shows and that when the kids had to take care of eggs like they were babies.

I'd be a good egg mum, I promise.

Mar. 28th, 2021



The Emporium seems to be doing well, which has me thinking of new projects.

Namely something in the spirit of arcane collaboration and the sharing of knowledge. There seem to be quite a few magically gifted individuals here, from a variety of schools of thought and arcane backgrounds and it seems a shame not to use this opportunity to explore how we might learn from one another and expand our own understanding of the arcane.

I'm more than happy to discuss my own work and projects and I would hope that other people are as well.

Mar. 26th, 2021



I'm thinking of reading people's cards again. Seems like the season for it. New beginnings and all. Not sure if that's anything anyone here would be interested in, but I used to do it frequently enough.

Plus I'm getting a bit bored without the constant adventure. Might as well find a way to pass the time.

unpleasant one.
So, you've been quiet lately, which isn't your thing.

Something on your mind?

st. john.
Just thought I'd check in with you. How are you settling in?

pink + purple.
Your friend does good work. At least, I assume all the color is your friend.

Mar. 24th, 2021



So. Dumb question, but does all of this spring stuff mean that I could actually plant stuff here and have it grow normally? Because I wasn't even really going to try. Desert and all. But if that's fundamentally changed, I wouldn't be against having a decent vegetable garden.

Or hell. We've got the space at Necropolis Non Sea. Community garden anyone?

Mar. 4th, 2021



So, we've gotten pretty much everything set up and cleaned up all the blood seriously, there was so much blood WHY was there so much blood and the Pour Judgment Tavern is ready for its grand opening. We'll be kicking things off this weekend. So if you want to come and check it out, that would be great! We'd love to see you there.

Also, hypothetically - HYPOTHETICALLY - if someone were to have found one of the escaped animals from the petting zoo...say, for example, a two-headed ox...would they have to return it to the petting zoo? Or, hear me out, could they - again, completely hypothetically - have a new friend. Who is a two-headed ox. I am, of course, asking all of this hypothetically. For a friend. Who also did not find a two-headed ox they very much want to keep as a friend.

So...how does everyone feel about a new resident. Maybe. We're the Oxventurers Guild. They're an ox. It's really perfect. In fact, I might go so far as to say it's...oxcellent?

Feb. 26th, 2021



Does anyone have any horrific experiences of a supernatural nature that they would be willing to discuss at length?

I'm legally obligated in that my boyfriend said I really should to tell you that if you do, there is a not-insignificant chance you will have strange recurring dreams about the incident in question.

If you're interested, please do let me know.

archive squad + georgie.
Well, that was certainly a choice that I made.

Does this technically count as self-care?

Would you like to sit in if people give statements?

You can be a mug if you'd prefer.

Feb. 25th, 2021



I need a job.

Since SHIELD agent isn't exactly an option here either. So, does anyone need a bodyguard? Or...I don't know...an angry bartender?

Feb. 22nd, 2021



network | Prudence

Well. Didn't find any animals but I did find a pile of thick yellow glass out behind the Bloodstone Factory and I assure you folks, it is not amber. It's much brighter a yellow than that. Don't think I've ever seen this kind of glass before, actually, here or in G'Eth. It would make some interesting jewellery, I think.

[attachment: glass.jpg]*

Is this another thing from this world I don't know about?

*The yellow glass looks like this, pretend the attachment is a pic of a pile of it on the ground in a place that's like a hidden dumping site or something.

Jan. 25th, 2021




How do you go about outing the fact that you're not dead to your friends who came after you showed up here? I mean, I didn't know Daisy was here when I first posted so I had no way to prepare for that.

I can't keep avoiding them but I'm a little afraid Bobbi is going to hit me.

I should also get a job, I guess. This is the longest I've sat around and done nothing since before the Academy. It was nice at first but I think I'm finally getting bored with it.

Jan. 20th, 2021



[ filtered to magic users ]

This week has certainly taken a wild turn. I know some of you are quite altruistic with your abilities and willing to help those who've been llamafied but... Perhaps messing with Night Vale's magic right away isn't particularly smart?