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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4inactive+player:+cia'

May. 16th, 2021



It's wonderful to see so many young people going out and meeting, flirting, dating. I wish you all the best of luck. It's a beautiful thing to see everyone doing, enjoying and taking new chances. Take as many chances as you can, all of you. Enjoy every moment.

I will wait for him forever, no matter the loneliness.

I eagerly await our next fighting night! Perhaps next time I will take that first place rather than the third.



Does anyone have experience with making ghosts fuck off?

May. 14th, 2021



You know, I've definitely had sloppier kidnappings. Granted, they also made sense which this doesn't seem to. Kudos on that! I'm more disoriented than I normally would be. Now who's going to explain what exactly is going on? Because I'm getting the feeling that I'm not going to be just shown the way out.



The body's still a wreck, but I was finally able to get the engine in my car to turn over this evening. It ain't much, but it's something.

See, Cas? I'm able to appreciate things.

How close are we to launch, do you think? Because I'm losing my mind and damn near offered to bartend for the devil.

May. 13th, 2021



I reckon I might give this speed dating a try.

How fast are you supposed to go? I think I could do a date in twenty minutes. You've got to pick them up, give them a flower, tell them they look nice, bring them to dinner, eat, and get them home safe. Might be a bit of a squeeze but twenty minutes, I should be able to fit it all in.

May. 12th, 2021



Well, that was fun while it lasted. Jon officially has smitedsmote my icebat. It was pretty calm at first but then it got nasty. I don't know what happened to it. Luckily no one got too badly hurt. I just got a black eye when I tripped over a chair leg.

I am not an athlete.



What’s up with the library.

Try the everything burrito? Why does everyone say not to.

[Scott & Hope]
Give me the rundown on dating. You’re the only two people that I know. That date. But also at all. What is it. Why is it.



Definitely not where I expected the metro card to take me.

I kind of thought the afterlife was going to be something different Something familiar maybe

But it could be worse, I guess.

I'm Quentin. Quentin Coldwater. Nice desert you've got here.

May. 11th, 2021




Trading Blows for Fun

Leto / Beau
The desert, at night | A couple of days after fight night
Read more... )

May. 8th, 2021


network | Beckett Mariner

I might have a concussion from the fight club yesterday but I can't stop thinking that one day we're all gonna wake up overridden by tribbles and it's going to be horrifying and hilarious.

Anyway I wanna buy drinks to all the losers. Maybe icy drinks. For all the busted lips. Maybe just ice cause I'm not made of money



[8th May 2021, The morning after Fight Club]

... fuck, I think my bruises' bruises have bruises.

Same time next month, yeah?

May. 6th, 2021



I didn't even realize the date had passed. Birthday officially in two weeks and five days, just in case anyone wanted to keep track!

Is 28 all that different? Asking for a friend.

Filtered to Leanne, Angelina, and Hermione
Right, so am I the only horrible person that let the 2nd slip by? I mean back home the reminder was everywhere, but I don't know, do we want to get dinner? I feel like we should do something. Or maybe not? This is the part where I start overthinking.

Filtered to Pete
I feel terrible. The anniversary of a really terrible day in my world was a few days ago, and it completely slipped my mind.

The better news is that I think me becoming an Animagus is a real possibility.

May. 4th, 2021



Porgs and Ewoks on May the 4th. Night Vale, you get me. Kinda makes up for the smelly egg incident.

Pretty sure this porg is trying to make a nest in my flower box.



So... this is the afterlife, huh? I was expecting something a little less desert-y.

May. 3rd, 2021



Well, good to know things back home are still a mess.

Don't panic.

So I ran into Sasha again.

steel and miller investigations.
Won't be in today. Got shot.

Could we possibly reschedule our session?

May. 2nd, 2021



Maybe it's because I'm still a bit of a new mom or maybe it's because I'm alone in an alternate universe with a baby but I'm worried about my daughter. She feels a bit feverish and she's had a runny nose all day.

Is there anyone who could take a look at her? I haven't had a chance to find a pediatrician.



So, just to let you guys know, if anyone is going to end up needing a boarding space for their new birds or dinosaurs, we've been working on revitalizing the stables behind The Pour Judgment. As of right now, we should have room for four boardings at a time. But if there's more interest, we can work on expanding the area.

If anyone's interested, even just for a night or two in order to get some peace, let me know.



Network | Mantis

hello terra

i am mantis

i have come for your peace

May. 1st, 2021



ɴ ᴇ ᴛ ᴡ ᴏ ʀ ᴋ | arthur curry

It's quite unsettling to randomly appear in a desert, be told "welcome back, you look different" and be gifted a cellphone.

This feels a little like a bad action/spy movie plot.

I'm Arthur - but apparently, some of you already know that?

Mera is going to kill me..

May. 2nd, 2021



network | Revan

Night Vale. A good name. If ominous.