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Posts Tagged: '%E2%82%B4inactive:+dean+winchester+%28endverse%29'

Jul. 24th, 2021



I'm bored and my life is way too fucking complicated right now. I could use a distraction in the worst way.

Which is a lot of words to say -- you busy?



[ TWIN ]
I think it's time we finally talked. Really talked.



» network | four

one of these days, something as actually going to make sense, but i don't think it's today and i'm weirdly okay with that given the circumstances.

i'm not sure how winning hurts more?

[ FIVE ]
i can't move my right arm higher than my chest. i genuinely think i'm having a heart attack in my 20s. is that even possible? who knows. not me.

Jul. 23rd, 2021



Benjamin Isaac Braeden, what have you gotten yourself into now? I do not appreciate being pulled away before my yoga class. This isn't funny.

[Edited to add later]
I can honestly say this is definitely a first for me, randomly arriving in some incredibly strange place. I'm Lisa, Ben's mother, and I have yet to accept that this is not some crazy fever dream.

Jul. 20th, 2021



I could use a distraction tonight. You busy?



This is [...] huh. Definitely new. Definitely not where I went to sleep. My mom's going to kill me

So I've read back a little, I think I get the lay of the land. Kind of. Am I understanding right that we're basically trapped, no way home, and this town is about as abnormal as it gets?

Are we supposed to introduce ourselves like we're on match.com?

Okay, here goes: Hi, I'm Ben Braeden. I'm a Leo, I enjoy long walks on the beach (apparently there's one of those?), apple pie, and hunting evil being elbow-deep in obscure mythological lore. Nice to meet everyone? There, that doesn't sound completely stupid, right?

Jul. 18th, 2021



I'm bored out of my fucking mind. There has to be something we can hunt around here. You interested?

Jul. 12th, 2021



[text to ev!dean]

Hiya. Want to go share a funnel cake at that fair with me?

Jul. 11th, 2021



[Dean Winchester #2]

I've been a little busy with work, but I wanted to check on you and see how you were doing.

Jul. 6th, 2021



network ➢ public

Right. Yeah. Time pockets. Shouldn't really be surprised to see things from my world turn up, since I'm one of those things, but having to pay for it seems a bit rude.

That is to say: has anyone else found something of theirs on display at the fair? Might want to check out the stalls if you haven't. I'd love hate for this to turn into an episode of Antiques Roadshow. You'd be surprised what people think their heirlooms are worth. At least Aziraphale's books aren't here Then he'd really materialise just to set fire to the place [...] Now I'm annoyed

Jul. 2nd, 2021



[ texts - dean² ]
» [ possibly NSFW ]
» It you?
» Also thanks for getting the angel on my ass.
» What'd I do to you, huh?



Dean Winchester #1, text message

>>Did you really tell the other Dean that you would shoot him?

Dean Winchester #2, text message

>>Are you unnecessarily being mean to the other Dean?

Jul. 1st, 2021




Never have I ever.

Castiel / EV Dean Winchester
"beautiful disaster"
Garage | PG
Read more... )

Jun. 27th, 2021



I could use a distraction and an excuse to keep drinking so who wants to play Never Have I Ever? Rules are simple: grab a bottle of your favorite liquor and when you've done the thing, take a drink, then pitch a scenario. I'll start with...

Never have I ever gone to college.

Jun. 6th, 2021



The mess that happened with the Jungle gave me an idea.

Obviously, we hope nothing like that ever happens again, but it's incredibly likely that there will be more emergencies that could require evacuations. So it might be nice if we had a place to congregate, take shelter or get organised or - you know - maybe create some kind if citizen council. Not a mayor though, I'm not going down that road again.

Night Vale used to have a Community Center, but it fell into disrepair after The Event. (We don't talk about the Event. Mostly because no one can remember what happened. Only that something certainly did. We think.) I've already put some feelers out to the Ghostbusters because I might be requiring their services, but I was wondering if there were some Mr. Fixits around that might be able to help get the place in tip top shape after I'm sure it's no longer full of unearthly demons and the undead?

Jun. 4th, 2021



that lasted longer than I expected.

Anyone want to get drunk and find a fight?



Anyone seen Cas lately?

May. 31st, 2021



Don't make any plans for this evening. It's been awhile since we had a sit-down dinner as a family, so I'm taking over the kitchen and we're having one.

No objections.

Yes, I know who's going to object and I'm not hearing it. Be there.

May. 29th, 2021



Maybe we should create a board of possible events and potential ways to solve them.

Alien Invasion?
Non sentient items becoming sentient?

...Shit, I probably shouldn't have given this place any idea. I need a drink.

May. 14th, 2021



The body's still a wreck, but I was finally able to get the engine in my car to turn over this evening. It ain't much, but it's something.

See, Cas? I'm able to appreciate things.

How close are we to launch, do you think? Because I'm losing my mind and damn near offered to bartend for the devil.