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July 26th, 2022



001 || Public Post

Captain's Log Possible Stardate: 2265.819

As the result of some strange personal and temporal rift, the origins of which remain unknown, I have been transported to a strange planet and unfamiliar place. The technology here is both perplexing and new, while also eerily familiar. As of 0800 hours, I am yet to locate any of my ship's crew, but if they or anyone familiar with the USS Enterprise sees this message, I hope that I will be able to make contact.

The air here is heavy here, thick with a dry heat and if my tricorder readings are correct, low levels of radiation, and the shadows seem to fall at different angles than the position of the sun suggests they should. The night sky is also peculiar, filled with both recognisable constellations and those that I've never seen before.

I don't know if it's the atmosphere, the density of the clouds here, or something else - but too many of those distant, previously uncharted reddish stars seem to blink and...follow you.

Like eyes.

I've never seen anything like it.



Jesse Faden | Public Post

Oh, Night Vale. Hello again.