
Layout By

March 20th, 2022



Netpost; Derek Hale

I’ve been here for a couple of days and my car hasn’t followed me through this time. So I guess I need to start saving for another. Are people hiring out of towners? Most recently I’ve been a bounty hunter, but I have experience in mechanics and construction, and I’ll try my hand at anything. Within reason.

Last time I was in the desert I was attacked by berserkers, so this visit is much better, so far.



I love the start of spring. It just feels so good. Everything coming into bloom and all that life.

It's been so nice just getting to create things.

I've been growing a lot of new plants, so if anyone needs any for anything, just let me know. There's a lot of flowers obviously, in addition to the desert plants, and also some medicinal plants. Just all kind of things. My creative juices have been flowing. Maybe I should set up a florist shop or maybe a bakery

I have a whole section I thought you might like, if you wanted to see them.



[Marked Important, Read Receipts Requested]

I need someone who has experience dealing with zombies, and someone who has experience running patent searches.

Doesn't necessarily have to be the same person.



I have no time for petty introductions. Does anyone know where I can find Nyx? or perhaps Charon? At this juncture, I'd even take my chances with Keres. Just - someone who is tied to the underworld.

I need your help.



Hades & Zagreus Texts

HADES Hello.

Someone told me they thought I might be able to help you?
ZAGREUS Yes! Hello!
I'm so glad we were able to get in touch with you.
Who is this?
ZAGREUS King of the Underworld? God of the Dead? That Hades?
HADES Is there another Hades?
ZAGREUS Probably. There are a lot of people in the world.
HADES okay sure.
Yes. That Hades.
ZAGREUS Then yes, I probably do need your help.
Conditionless would be ideal. I'm not feeling up to much at the moment.
HADES I'm not in the business of signing contracts I can't read

what do you need help with?
ZAGREUS I know. And I've heard the song Orpheus wrote about it.
He won't sign a contract that he didn't read / and he won't cut you slack if you beg and plead / tough negotiations are part of his culture / so be careful or your spleen might be eaten by a vulture

Admittedly not his best work
HADES not his worst, either
ZAGREUS Also true.
So I keep dying.
At home obviously not a problem.
HADES ....What?
ZAGREUS I die, I get dumped out into the River Styx, I land in your office. Grand old time. Oh how we laugh. Well, mostly everyone else, and mostly at me.
HADES I haven't had an office close to the river in years...
ZAGREUS Are you the god of technicalities now? All right. What's the end of a river, then. The... basin? The unbasin?

Anyway. If I die here, I don't know what's going to happen. So I would prefer to avoid it.

And you seemed to know what was going to happen to me if I went to the surface.

So maybe you know how this works.
HADES I don't even know who you are.
ZAGREUS Are you trying a new variation on the silent treatment?
HADES I texted you
ZAGREUS One where you pretend you don't know who I am?
That was incredibly specific dad
I am the only person this could possibly apply to
HADES what did you just call me?

Bowels? Is that right?
HADES I don’t have a son

Seriously, dad. You can't run back to that well every time I forget to file an expense report.

HADES I'm not -
I'm not playing games here,

I don't have a son. I don't know who you are.
ZAGREUS If this is your way of telling me that you lied to me about BOTH of my parents then it's honestly only marginally better than your original plan, which was of course to try to get Cerberus to eat me.

HADES Cerebus has very strict dietary requirements. I would never.
ZAGREUS You know he gets a little bit of souls of the damned as a treat.

HADES The poor nymph who walks him hates when I do that. But yes.
ZAGREUS If I knew how to get back in the house without dying I'd take him myself.
I understand why the gate code would be a closely guarded secret but you could at least tell the security guard to let me in.
But it's fine. It's fine.
We don't need to rehash who lied to who about whose parentage.
HADES Do you mean the lobby of my building? I don't have a gate code. It's a high rise.
ZAGREUS The house can float?
HADES what?
ZAGREUS Is that not what a high rise means
HADES its a tall building
You could still have a gate
A tall gate

HADES true
but I don’t
ZAGREUS How do you keep the shades from breaking in if you don't have a gate?
HADES I just
like I don’t really live near them
ZAGREUS Then who watches them to make sure they're not doing anything shady
HADES I have people for that
ZAGREUS Don't you feel like hiding away in your tower is leaving you disconnected from the experiences of the people you govern and leaving you more vulnerable to escape attempts, or worse?

Or nah
HADES why would they want to escape?
ZAGREUS Would you like an alphabetical list, or a chronology of specific examples
HADES I’ve made the Underworld into a wonder place. We have thriving industry, luxury apartment building, better restaurants than Olympus... I don’t understand.
ZAGREUS Charon's vastly overcharging for centaur hearts and we both know it.
But that's not really the point.
I'm sure some of the shades are happy enough, but eternal torment and/or servitude while you slowly lose any semblance of who you used to be unless you happened to die in combat just doesn't sit right. You know? Seems a little draconian.

HADES no one is being tormented.
no one who doesn’t deserve it
ZAGREUS Have you actually spoken to Sisyphus? Or Prometheus? Or Eurydice? They're very nice! Very nice people who were trying to do nice things.
Did you know that the Minotaur was wandering aimlessly on the outskirts of the underworld until Theseus found him? And now he's FRIENDS with THESEUS?
No one has done something so terrible that they should have to be friends with Theseus

HADES . . .
Didn’t you say you were dying?
ZAGREUS Slowly this time, it would seem.
But yes.

HADES why don’t we just focus on fixing that problem.
ZAGREUS Fine. Pin in Sisyphus.

When I was on the surface, I found that being on the River Styx kept me from dying. My mother said it was because I was no longer fully in the surface world.

I had hoped that perhaps you might be able to help me find some of its waters.
HADES I could... probably help with that, yes.
That would be fantastic

HADES We should meet somewhere
ZAGREUS All right. I can meet you... wherever it is that I am.
I don't know where anywhere else is
HADES how about the lobby?
ZAGREUS That works.
code by tessisamess