
Layout By

October 3rd, 2021



Who: Arcturus Black and Anders
What: Arcturus wonders about the housemate he hasn't met
Where: The Hawke Estate
When: Not long after they move in

Is it that he doesn't much like young people? )



You know, it'd be great if this place could stop stealing my damn employees.

Anyone currently looking for a gig as an office manager in an auto repair shop? No auto experience necessary; bookkeeping skills required.



I can say this for Night Vale. It never ceases being interesting.

Now that things have calmed down a bit, might I request a bit of your time, my lady?

How goes it with your lot?

So I have an interesting tale for you, if you've time for a drink.

I've grown bored with being angry with you. Are you still about?



You know, if there's one nice thing I can say about this place, it's that it really made Broxton, Oklahoma seem appealing.

[Billy Kaplan]
You're buying me a new ringlight. This one's tainted now.



I like roller derby. Hitting people is fun. Hitting them on rollerskates is more fun.

Whoever invented this had a very good idea.

Working together will be fun, yes?

Just like old times, but with more alcohol and less death.


I will still help at the lab, even though I have another job.

I am used to keeping busy.



In organizing the manor's library, I have found a frankly impressive - and mildly concerning - amount of erotica. Honestly, we hardly have need of this many books about handsome sea captains and naïve maidens or whatever other trite nonsense, so if anyone would like to take some off our hands, it would be greatly appreciated.

Why do you have so many books of that nature anyway.

I much prefer your histories to your romances.