
Layout By

September 26th, 2021



The bunker is like a never ending maze. It seems like the Men of Letters never threw anything away. Old books, personal effects, cars. I really like looking around. Honestly, if I wasn't careful, I'd never leave. This isn't the point of the post though. I found an old camera and I've been teaching myself to use it.

some pictures i've taken )

I'm pretty sure that's not what they intended it for but whatever, they're all gone now. I'd like to branch off and try my hand at taking more pictures of people though. I was wondering if anyone would be willing to volunteer to let me take pictures of them?



Show of hands, how many others here are single parents who spend most of their time socializing with the pre-preschool crowd? For those that can say 'yes' -- any interest in, perhaps, a weekly play group where the kids can entertain each other and we can have real, adult conversation?



Since it seems like I am going to be stuck here I should probably be a little more social. Anyone for up to do something to pass the time?



I really am not used to sitting still like this. I think I might be going stir crazy.