
Layout By

September 22nd, 2021



Someone sent me my school trunk. I never thought I would be so delighted to see it. Ordinarily I'd find it slightly objectionable to wear my uniform robes away from school; they're rather plain. Plain robes, however, are very much preferable to most of what is on offer here, and I've yet to find a decent tailor. There were the usual books and supplies, which may please my tutors, and a few other items from home, which I daresay I shall treasure here more than I did at school.

There is also a cake. My Aunt Alexia usually sends me a cake to share with the fellows in my dormitory, except that I am not in a dormitory here, and it is rather a large cake. If you are nearby and you would like a slice, do stop by room 211. I don't want it to go to waste.

P.S. None of it is cursed. I made sure of that. I do not know how my family managed to send it all here, but I am very pleased they did.



» network | america chavez

Okay, I'm calling it.

One of these snakes is most definitely a boy, and now I have absolutely got an egg situation. Curse you, St Patrick. On the flip side, tiny little baby snakes? My inner child is squeeing.

As impending grandmother-hood looms on my 20-something ass, I'm looking for a sparring partner. My condition is that you must be invulnerable, and I'm not talking 'oh, I can take a hit', I mean in-fucking-vulnerable. I can throw a tank to the god-damned moon, I don't need the guilt of punching your face through your skull and the healers not being able to fix it.

Hit me up; 1-800-AMERICA-KICKED-MY-ASS (don't dial that, i have no idea what weird kinky line you'll end up on here).



This place always surprises you.

Sometimes in good ways.

[Varric, Neria, Dorian]
Right. My estate's here, shockingly bandit (and giant spider) free. Rooms are open and plenty of them. Neria, if you want to invite Alistair (seeing you seem closer, as I don't know him well), not going to argue much against that. Offer's open. Amenities are being implemented, might take a bit though.

[Daylen Amell]
The Hawke Estate, previously Amell, showed up. I know Anders offered to show it to you, so if you want to see it, offer's open.



Early September | Sanctum Sanctorum | PG-13

Discussions of Godliness, infidelity & the Worship of the Sun (in Progress) HERE.
Sexual Themes, Suggestions
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