
Layout By

August 26th, 2021



» network: pietro maximoff

My own private explosions sound like a fucking nightmare fun, but I prefer my world burning to be metaphorical.



I have no fucking idea what is going on, but if this place could just not do this to me right now, that would be really great.

El, I swear to god, if you're not yourself right now, I'm going to burn this place down.

Please tell me you're okay. I need you to be okay.



Did the local raven population just explode? Is that normal for Night Vale? I swear there weren't half this many yesterday.

[Vox Machina]
Is everyone okay?

People seem super tense right now; I'm thinking we should stock up on lavender and chamomile and all that kind of thing? And also maybe buy a scarecrow for the community plot?

What do you think?



Right. We I have a list of people and things we I am keeping an eye out for. If there is anyone/anything else that needs to be added, let me know.

[Clinic Staff not including Zelda]
We're going to have to hold the fort until Zelda feels safe returning; are we all good to do so? Anything people need?

Did you feel it too?

I'm hungry. Really hungry. That in itself is strange enough but last night I dreamt about the Deep Roads and right now I'm trying to stay busy and not think about what that means and you're the only other person here who'd understand why so

How are you?



I am really starting to dislike this place. I think I would much rather be seeing hockey mask Gary around every corner instead of my dead son. Even though I know it's not real, it's still very unsettling.



ʟᴏɢ » nate & lara



"how is this not a date?"
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» network | peter quill

Is there like some kind of downside medically speaking to constantly having an adrenaline spike?

Like, y'know those old movies where people die of fright or something, are those legit?

I am not asking for a friend.



» network | lucifer morningstar

Sod this shite.

You lot just attract disasters, don't you?

I can't find Chloe. I don't know if it's related to this shit that's going on now.

Can one of you look for her?