
Layout By

March 30th, 2021



ɴ ᴇ ᴛ ᴡ ᴏ ʀ ᴋ | ted kord

Anyone else shitting their pants at the idea of April Fool's in this place?

I mean, anyone who knows me knows that I love pranks but... Jesus this place might actually do some damage?


Like do we need to worry about the possibility of zombie Jesus?? I grew up in a mixed household and I definitely missed the first night of Pesach so that's one strike - also we've been eating meat on Fridays and fucking. I'm 100% going to be murdered by his bunny henchmen.



Say what you want about how weird this place is. But I never got the good night sleep like I've been getting, back in Gotham City.

[Bruce Wayne]
So you mentioned that part the reason you bought the bank was so you could help us all out with starting out own businesses and that shit. That's still an offer that's on the table, right? Cause I could use a loan.

[Future UtH Crew: Miles Morales, Panam Palmer, Dean Winchester(s) - plural ]
Cut for Image )



[Both Dean Winchester's, Adam Milligan and Castiel - separate filters]

Just checking to see how you're doing.


So. My rugrat's down for the night.
What are you up to?