
Layout By

January 15th, 2021



What the actual shit is this?

Magnus? Merle? Is this some bullshit joke? Because if you don't think I'll burn a spell slot on you chucklefucks, you are sorely mistaken.

Also, I really don't think my boyfriend, the Grim Reaper, is going to be chill about me being kidnapped.

Right. Whatever.

I mean, this isn't the weirdest world I've ended up on, or even top ten weirdest, but definitely didn't plan on a solo adventure.

That said, if any of us was going to get our own adventure, it would definitely be me. Full offense to my dudes, but they're just not that cool.



All this snow is brilliant. It's not enough to make a proper snow house though, like you see in films and that, but I've been trying. I've got five snow bricks so far, but if you know where there's any good pile ups let me know. It's a little tricky with all the sand.

I figured I'd make a list of important things I've learned about Night Vale so far.

1) Leave the Erika's alone.
2) They're not very friendly in the record shop.
3) There's no dogs in the dog park and that counts wolves too.
4) Buy an umbrella.
5) You'll still miss your mates even if you've got new ones.



text » lucifer morningstar

Can't say I was prepared for this weather, but it's better than the usual.

When's the last time you saw snow?



Wanda || Billy


order comes out of chaos

"A Little Tea and Sympathy"
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Anyone else surprised the snow isn't purple or something?

Love the snow, but the past couple of days have sucked for ice cream.

Any way.

Sledding. Tomorrow. That hill right before the forest - which I'm pretty sure is the only hill in Night Vale? Be there or be square. Hot cocoa after.



Holy shenanigans, Batman.

This is definitely weirder than my normal weird.

You know, you'd think, leaving Jersey and ending up in some kind of desert...there wouldn't be snow. And yet.