
Layout By

January 11th, 2021



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So what does one do when their idols have no idea who they are because of crappy timelines and Night Vale's inconsistencies? Eat your feelings.

It's fine. This is fine. It's just raining on my face and everything hurts.

What's your favorite junk food vices?

I'm gonna do a thing.

A work thing.



Four | Katie Bell

We seem to be getting more new people every day! I just wanted to say hi and welcome to Night Vale. My name is Katie Bell, I am one of your Housing Assistants here at The Last Resort. If you have questions please feel free to reach out to me or one of the others; Wanda Maximoff, Kara Danvers, or Zelda. Any of us would be happy to answer your questions to the best of our ability.

Housing Assistants
I want to take this time to also apologise to you, Zelda! I hadn't realised that you had joined us! I'm so happy you did and I think this certainly calls for another get together so we can all get to know each other a little better as well as bounce some ideas any of us might have for the residents. I think a tour would be good and we could always find volunteers for that, people how have also been here a while. Though I'm not sure how often we should do one since we never know when we'll get new people.

Pete Venkman
More people from my world showed up. Still no sign of




Two Strangers Meet

Violet Parr / Reggie Peters
"I'll have the chocolate with peanut butter"
Pinkberry | G
Read more... )



I guess this might as well happen.

How pointless would it be to tell you all I don't belong here? I did have a few important issues to attend to back home.



Has anyone successfully managed to talk to the Angels?

How are you settling in?



I meant to ask this sooner, but are the churches safe here, unlike the dog park and the hospitals and the library?

Déjame comprarte un vestido nuevo para reemplazar el que arruiné.

OOC: Backdated by a few days, sorry!</b>



This might be an incredibly weird question (though really, considering where we are maybe it's not)... but is anyone missing what I can only assume is a pirate ship? It's just sitting out there in the middle of nothing to the north of town.

[archive squad + georgie]

Some of my things from home seem to have appeared. Have any of you had this happen?



So there seems to be an influx of people from back home which is cool. I know some of them but not all that well. A part from my cousin. I'm glad he's here. Still I'm excited to have more people from home.

Erika came by the bowling alley earlier today and sang for two hours straight. That was interesting.

Violet & Hope
How are the two of you doing? We should get lunch.

Harry Potter 'verse people
Anyone got a broom here?



[Marvel Filter]

Well folks, it looks like the Avengers Mansion is now... on main street?

I'm going to do the sensible thing and move in immediately. Y'all are welcome to do the same if you want to. No pressure.

But keep in mind that tomorrow is Taco Tuesday.