
Layout By

January 7th, 2021



I'm not really sure how to go about making this post. So, I guess I'll just be honest and see if that helps.

We've got most of our band here. We're just missing Alex. We'd like to be able to stay together but we're teenagers. Reggie and I are probably old enough to stay alone but Julie is younger than us. We don't want to split up but we need an adult to live with us.

We're good kids. Julie keeps us in line.

Also, Julie and The Phantoms is now mostly back together so if you're in need of a band we're pretty good.



Survival Horror Group

So. Angels besides the Erikas (who I still find kind of creepy and completely unnerving) exist. There's a guy claiming to be one. Let's not get started on that vessel kid He says he's harmless and, yeah, he probably is. He seems nice and not creepy or nice in that creepy way people use when they try and get you to let your guard down.

Just, you know, consider this a public service announcement. Just in case I do something like start carrying a lead pipe with me wherever I go. Or hide one under the bed.

Anyway, how's everyone else holding up? New Year's was fun, right? Do I get to give Tommy Jarvis the shovel talk?



Right, well I don't know if any of you know this yet but that one Angel named Erika? He doesn't like it when you try and put clothes on him I might be in a spot of trouble. Leave it to me to get into it first thing. Just thought he'd like a hoodie.

Oh and hello, I'm Tom. Not sure where I am now but it is bright, wherever it is. Is there always so much sun here? I'm surprised the Angel doesn't have a bad sunburn. Really just worried about him walking about without clothes. Sand blowing everywhere. Bright sun. Heat. And he should be saving those views for his Angel wife or Angel husband.



» network | napoleon solo

I'm a tad out of touch with the state of medical affairs, and given this whole place, I'm more than a little hesitant about looking into the actual medical facility here so...

Are there any doctors in the house?