
Layout By

December 8th, 2020



texts to emma frost.

✉️ So, are we going to talk about the other night?
✉️ Or are we continuing to pretend it didn't happen?
✉️ I'm good either way. Just want to clarify.



It's really beginning to feel like the holidays around here. I can practically smell that mix of gingerbread, mulled wine and existential despair that calls to mind the season.

The town of Night Vale, of course, is getting into the spirit. A winter festive market has appeared on the outskirts of town. Nobody knows who's running it or where it came from, but we have chosen to believe it is mostly harmless. Signs indicate that it will be around for the rest of the month, whether we like it or not. The market has a number of shops catering to different religious and secular holiday celebrations, and there are other attractions as well, including rides for children, a live bear clearly meant to represent Santa Claus, and a smooth, featureless white obelisk that nobody dares to look at. Also, hot chocolate and roasted chestnuts. Be sure to check it out. I know I'll be bringing my family.

Also, some exciting news. Khoshekh's kittens have now vanished from the station. This can only mean that they have gone to new homes. This is good, both because everyone deserves to have a wonderful cat in their life and also because Carlos really is very allergic and having that many cats around was making things difficult when he came to visit me at work. Even all the Benedryl really wasn't helping much. If there is a small cat now residing in your apartment, good news. You have been chosen by one of the kittens, or perhaps ancient prophecy, and are now the owner of your very own pet. Congratulations on the new addition to your home.

Would you like to come check out the market with me and Carlos this weekend?



» network | lucifer morningstar

Well, well, well. Isn't this quaint.

I've never had my own Hell Loop, but I'm fairly certain, if I did, this would be top three.

Why is it always sand?