
Layout By

December 6th, 2020



Working for the newspaper here is weird, but it's better than back home. Nobody expects me to just get the coffee. Nobody belittles my ideas or talks down to me. It's nice.

Sure, my boss has a hatchet. But she hasn't tried to use it on me, so she's already better than my last boss.

Can we talk? Maybe it's selfish of me to talk about this with you but...you're the only one who really understands what it was like back in Hawkins.

If it's not okay, you can tell me.

We should go shopping. Our lives have been awful for so long...I miss doing normal things like going shopping with my best friend.

How are you settling in? I know it's been a little while, but I just wanted to check.

horror teens.
So there has been discussion of the holidays and I think we should definitely make plans for a holiday party. Nothing wild and crazy like Eros's part, but just something fun for the people our age.

What does everyone think?



I had my first deployment all worked out. This? Not really on the list.

What do people even say on these things? 'Hi, my name is Raelle Collar and I need a drink, except this is the civilian world where I'm barely legal so I'll have to settle for Tiger Tail ice cream'?

[...] Am I dead?



Oh no. If I'm here who'll run the company.

Wait. All sarcasm aside that's a valid question... and one that I never really stopped to consider before. If I'm not running the company and my dad's definitely not running the company ever again then who is?

Anyway. I'm Harry and this place seems really interesting and I have a lot of questions about how I even managed to get here but I'm a little worried that I'm kind of letting Pete down. He's not going to be too happy if I'm not at our usual place.



LOG: kore + hades



"I couldn't control my powers at all.."
Read more... )



» texts to Katie Bell

» Hey so uh I don't know how Christmas is for you guys but..
» Back home we kind of did a conglomerate of Chrismukkah.
» Christmas and Hanukkah.
» Partly because of Spengs and Janine.
» Partly because it would literally take us the whole month to decorate/prepare/celebrate with how busy we usually were.

» In addition to the whole.. open house thing Janine is spearheading, did you have any other plans for the holidays?




Okay so I understand your world or universe or plane or whatever is completely different from mine and between me and you the sample size is kinda null but I still wanna know how our combat styles would do against each other so do you think we can spar some time? Not that I have a Bat'leth or any other kind of melee weapon but I'll... figure something out.

Maybe a broom?