
Layout By

November 18th, 2020



Another creepy weird town. Great. This is exactly what I wanted after all... that.

I'm really out of there, right? This isn't

Nancy? Steve? You guys are here, right?



Two | Violet Parr

Well, I've been here for over a week now. I suppose it's not all bad, but after looking around and talking to other people I seem to be the only one from my home here.

I had a feeling but it's hard all the same, not knowing when I'll see my family again.

I suppose now I should try to settle in more and figure out the school situation. It was summer back home, and I really don't want to be behind my senior year.



filtered to - horror/survival teens.

So...we need to figure out what we're going to do about rooms.

If this place does become dangerous, it'll be better for us to stick together.

The way I see it, we have a couple options. We can take two of the five bedrooms next to each other. Or we could replace the beds in one of the five bedrooms so there's two to a room and we can fit more people in one apartment. Honestly, depending on who else shows up, we might need a second apartment even if we double up, but it might be good to start.

What do you guys think?






» private message | clint barton

natalia romanova
s'w osdrob klyed dy rkfo k woxdkv lboku nygx yb rkfsxq k zkxsm kddkmu cy ew myevn iye mywo rsd wo sx dro pkmo zvokco?

content warning: mention of anxiety disorder, don't hover over text if sensitive to it.



private » [archives squad + georgie + morgan]

I know it's not a holiday any of us have celebrated (as far as I'm aware), but I decided I wanted to host a little Thanksgiving dinner next week. Since it's meant to be all about spending time with people you love, giving thanks and being grateful... which I am, you know? I'm not dead here.

I also love holidays that revolve around food, so I don't think this is a surprise to anyone!

Speaking of food, I opted for a duck instead of a turkey, though I can also sort out a vegetarian option if needed. Just please let me know! But if everyone brought a side or dessert, do you think that would be all right?