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October 13th, 2020



Network: Jiang Wanyin

There is far too much time available on my hands.

I miss the daily duties of being a Sect leader because as monotonous as they were at times at least I was always kept busy.

Too busy to think, reflect, and regret.

How is everybody finding ways to pass the time?



Who: Stiles + Tonks
Where: White Sand
When: about half an hour after this post
Rating: TBD
Status: Incomplete

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The more I learn about illusions, the more I realise the worst ones are the ones you desperately wish were real.

Mr. Stark,
Are you busy? I uh, I saw something.



What is the one thing - not person, thing - that you wish you could find here?



Two | Katie Bell

Can someone explain American football to me, please? I keep hearing about it and the last person I asked just stared at me then walked away.

Also is there a rule on turning someone into a toad because I really think that bloke deserved it.



Network: James Rogers

So pizza places do not exist where I come from. Obviously. The whole world is totally devastated because of Ultron, but now that I've experienced what it's like to work for a pizza place I'm going to say it and that is I had no idea what I was missing.

Not only do I get paid for this shit but I also get free pizza.

Hell, even Francis gets free pizza.