
Layout By

October 4th, 2020



Network: Lan Wangji

These handheld devices that we have been provided with are exceptionally fragile.

I broke the first, cracked the second, and now I am on my third.

I do not know if this one will fair any better.



Auuuugh. Is it possible to die fom eating too much chocolate?



I have determined I really don't like living alone. I thought I would, because I mean. Doesn't everybody dream about when they can get out of their parent's house and live on their own? Only now that it's happened, I don't like it. I don't want to be here alone. I miss my dad and my friends, even if they don't know who I am anymore. I miss Scott and Lydia and Malia and even Liam and Derek and everyone else. I miss my room and my jeep and my life. This isn't mine. it's like, it feels like I'm trying to live someone else's life and I hate it.