
Layout By

October 2nd, 2020



Network: Jace Herondale

Got a sudden need to burn off some restless energy.

Anybody fancy going a couple rounds? Friendly sparring of course.



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So this is... not exactly where I intended to end up.. Cool, cool cool. I'm going to be so late for class I guess I can hangout here for a while.

Based on the terrain this isn't Florida - thank God. Or... oh no. Is it??? Wait, no no, can't be. This is far too tame for ANY dimensional version of Florida.

Hello denizens of this universe! My name is Gwen Stacy aka Ghost-Spider and.. I would very much like to be pointed in the direction of the nearest corn-dog selling establishment. Thank you.

Also I like the strangely alluring angels named Erika. Nice Touch. Not weird at all.