
Layout By

September 27th, 2020



text post: sam larusso

Wow...how drugged am I?



Did I cross over? I finally get to hug her the hang of this ghost thing and here I am. This sucks.

Julie? Alex? Reggie? Please tell me one of you are here at least.



Network: Lan Wangji

In ordinary circumstances I would assume that somebody had cursed me however I do not believe that there is any such curse powerful enough to transport me to a different world entirely.

In any case it is only right I introduce myself.

I am Lan Wangji of the Gusu Lan Sect and I seem to be in the same situation as many of you.



One | Katie Bell

I would ask how much I had to drink last night, but I didn't even drink. I'm also certain this isn't a figment of my imagination because I don't think it's ever been this detailed. And now that I'm done pani

Please tell me this place has good take-away, I do not have enough recipes prepared for whatever this is.



Well, this is certainly a change.

But life's taught me that change isn't always bad.

Has anyone seen a girl named Abra around? I don't think she's here because I can't sense but it never hurts to check.



Nearest bar, please. I'd like to start ignoring the big fucking eye up there.

I'm sure Mig my students would say it's Big Brother or - Illuminati, but I don't care about that stuff, okay?