
Layout By

September 24th, 2020



Okay. Fine. This is a forum, isn't it? I can [...] share shit and stuff. It's not like we know each other, and we don't seem to be getting sent back any time soon thank fuck, so. Hi, I guess. I'm Eddie and I have questions. Feel free to take a stab at them if you think you know the answer. DO NOT reply if you're just going to be a smartass. (I'm kidding. It's not like I'm really strapped for time here.)

Anyway, it's mostly about death, so please skip for your mental health if you need to.  )



Well this isn’t Hell. Definitely not Heaven and it’s the wrong filter for Purgatory. Doesn’t feel like a pocket dimension so process of elimination means a less shitty alternate universe than the last one I was in? Probably.


Should I start going by Erika?

Saw the survey. We’ve got such a sunny bunch here! But when are we starting the Shoukd Be Dead Club? Name is up for debate, obviously. SBDC is kind of a lame acronym, right? I’m sure we can do much better.



ɴ ᴇ ᴛ ᴡ ᴏ ʀ ᴋ

This is like Fatesbook, right? Um, hi - I’m Kore!

I planted some things and they’ve overgrown quite fast. Weird!
No. That sounds silly and unconvincing
I’m so stressed out and alone my entire apartment is full of flowers and vegetables

I.. seem to have bought a little too much produce, if anyone is in need? I’ll be setting things out by the elevator on the eleventh floor. Please help yourselves! Also I.. hope this is ok?




✉️ You're right.
✉️ I haven't been good about letting you in and I've been unfair to you.
✉️ It wasn't right of me to bring you my problems and then push you away.
✉️ I might have thought it was for your own good, but it should have been your choice.
✉️ And I'm sorry.
✉️ I miss you.
✉️ And before you ask, I'm not just saying this so I can see the Admiral.



This is less than ideal. If anyone could put me on the next what do they call those things aieroplaner to England, I would greatly appreciate it. I have somewhere I'm supposed to be, and I'm pretty sure I'm not supposed to leave the country yet going to be missed.