The Last Station

July 2014


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May 2nd, 2014




[info]thelaststation looks like I owe some thank you's and some apologies today.

First of all, a big thank you to my bro-in-arms, Cormac McLaggen. I hate that I love you and I love how much I hate you. I'm pretty sure our duel ended in a tie this time...we'll have to arrange a draw-breaker somewhere down the road. At least we get to do our community service together! P.S. the Magpies still suck.

Second thank you goes out to Hogsmeade Precinct. Your cells are surprisingly roomy and I slept quite well, all things considering. Was that sandalwood I smelled? You run a classy establishment there.

The third and most heartfelt thank you goes out to my very beautiful and understanding girlfriend, Millicent. Thank you for taking pity on me and bailing me out, as well as taking care of most of my bumps and bruises. I'll make it up to you in whatever manner you deem suitable.

There is only one apology and I cannot overstate how sincere and passionate I am when I say it. I am so, incredibly sorry Serena. It was Cormac's spell that hit you I swear It was dumb and childish to duel right in front of the WWN and the fact that you got caught in the middle makes me want to throw up. I am so, so sorry.

Warded to Serena
...are you going to fire me? Please, please don't fire me, I love my job. I'll do anything. Accept any punishment, make it up in any way that I can, I swear it. And even if you have to fire me, please tell me we can still be friends? If we couldn't be friends I don't think that I could bear it.



Log: Moving In

Who: Andrew and Oliver
What: Dinner, celebrating, confessions
When: Friday evening (posting a little early because I'll be working through lunch and out all evening)
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Rating: SFW? To start with, at least.
Status: Ongoing

And if you knew how happy you are making me )




I'm genuinely curious and would like to take a poll for personal research in order to determine if this is a common event and whether it's sackable behaviour:

1) Who on these journals has ever been involved in a legitimate duel that was not related to any wars? Just, you know, dueling for honour's sake and everything.

2) If you have engaged in a duel for your honour, where did the duel take place? For example -- your home, their home, an open field, your place of employment, etc.

3) Have you ever accidentally hit another person (who was not involved in your duel) with one of your spells? In particular, did you hit the other person in the face?

Thank you in advance for participating in this research project.




Forward-dated to late tonight

I haven't ever won anything in my life before, and I'm sure a Quodpot fan out there would love to be in my place, but I'm not really sure what to do with a Quod signed by the entirety of the Brasilia Basilisks. Are they a good team? I don't know much of them outside of that match-- it was a very good match, I think. More explosions than I thought there would be.


I made the mistake of buying a ticket for the Quodpot match, when I knew I'd be working tonight. Turns out I won a Nifflers kit, though, which is cool. Anyone know whether they beat the Basilisks?

Always thought Nifflers were odd creatures, but maybe the kit will be lucky. I wouldn't mind finding a bit of treasure.



Owls to Angelina, Alicia, Caleb, Draco, Lavender, and Lucian

Enclosed with the owl is a small vial of light purple liquid and a piece of parchment with the Blishen's logo sealing it.

Dear Blishen's Customer:

We are once again extremely sorry for the mishap with our latest brew. Rest assured this is not a regular occurrence with Blishen's products, and we hope this has not soured you on our whiskey.

We have enclosed with this owl the antidote. Please drink it at the soonest. It should work once both parties have imbibed the concoction.

If you have any problems, please do not hesitate to let us know.

Very sincerely yours,

Ermengarde Blishwick
Director of Customer Happiness