The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'journal:+james'

May. 21st, 2014




Anyone want to do another trip out to Wales for the next Caerphilly match on Saturday? Might be fun! And by 'might be,' I mean it definitely will be. Just let me know as I'll absolutely be there myself.

Warded to Hannah:
You ought to come, since you don't get out much at all. Make the new kid work on Saturday.

Warded to Cho:

Let's solidify our holiday plans, shall we? I know we'd narrowed it down to a few different places, but we ought to make reservations and the like soon if we're meaning to go within the next few weeks!

Apr. 15th, 2014




Just heard back today that I've got tickets for Thursday's Catapults match! Excuse me while I go paint my entire body yellow in preparation for it. Should be a good kick-off to this season's play-offs!

Anyone who's lived in Hogsmeade for longer than us Project-ers -- what's there to do in the summer? I know I'm looking forward to the season properly arriving and expect many more of you to join me in more lake swims now that it won't be so polar.

Apr. 12th, 2014



Warded to Cho Chang, Megan Jones, and Viktor Krum

I think I just cried a bit filling out that bloke's bracket competition and not putting the Cats as the ones to win it all.

Mar. 25th, 2014



Cormac and James' Birthday Extravaganza!

Who: Everyone who received an invitation and their plus-ones, plus anyone who might be in the Three Broomsticks or around in the village.
Where: Fromage, the Three Broomsticks, & Hogsmeade Village
When: Forward-dated to Friday, March 28, evening
What: Birthday shenanigans!
Rating: TBD
Status: Ongoing


Cormac's birthday was Thursday and James' birthday was Saturday, so it was a given that their birthday party would be held on the day in the middle, After choosing a three piece suit, it was time to make his way over to the restaurant and get ready for the big night!

Mar. 23rd, 2014




That was fun! After yesterday's invigorating polar plunge (thanks to all who plunged with me!) and this morning's Quidditch, I can safely say it's been one of the best weekends I've had here.

Warded to Fromage Fwoopers & Hannah Abbott:
Wonderful job today, lads and ladies! Brilliant synergy in the air today. I hope you all had loads of fun.

Please mark your calendars as next Saturday's team meal (highly recommended but not required) will take place at noon at Fromage, before it officially opens, for brunch! I'll be sending owls as well tomorrow afternoon with our training schedule for the week.

Mar. 18th, 2014




The promotional photos from last Friday are selling really well! We've still got copies available I think so if you'd like to purchase a photo of your favourite Hydras player and Myron Wagtail, let me or Lavender Brown know. We'll get to it in between training for the best pick-up Quidditch team to ever exist, the Fromage Fwoopers.

In other news, I've completely dropped the Quaffle on the polar plunge idea. So, let's do it before the lake gets above freezing temperatures! This Saturday, 3pm - who's with me?

Warded to the newly-minted Fromage Fwoopers and Hannah Abbott:
(Lavender Brown, Megan Jones, Dan Bradley, Maxwell Derrick, Victoria Frobisher, and Aidan Lynch)

Thanks, everyone, for trying out for pick-up Quidditch! I'm really looking forward to playing with you lot. I'm still working out people's schedules and when's good for training, so if you could leave a warded comment to either just me or the whole team with your availability I'll make sure we get in at least one or two good flies before Sunday's match. I've spoken to Hannah already and we're going to be doing a team dinner this weekend as well; more information will be forthcoming in her journal!

By the way, if you'd like to join me in my polar plunge on Saturday, I'd love to have you. Consider it team bonding! But you really don't need to do it if you don't want to. That would be peer pressure, or hazing, even, and that is just not on.

Warded to Ritchie, Cormac, and Jimmy:

Confession time -- which one of you really did spell the water green? Come on, you can tell me.

Warded to Cho:

You'll be supporting the Fwoopers, I hope?

Feb. 17th, 2014




Good news: There's only eleven days left in February! And with March comes, hopefully, a bit of spring.

Anyone else fancy a dip in the lake as soon as it's not absolutely bone-chillingly cold? Just for the fun of it, of course.

Warded to Angelina and Katie:

I was promised an office visit. When will that be happening? I'll need to properly schedule it, you know, as I am extremely busy and important.

Warded to Hannah:

That restaurant keeps you far too busy. How's business been?

Warded to Sebastien:

Miss you, mate. How's it down under?

Warded to Victoria:

Thanks for the evening out last Friday.

Warded to Cho:

Think I might've seen her working in the Magic Neep. Er, so you don't go in there unprepared.

Feb. 2nd, 2014



Warded Private to Megan Jones

James is spending a few minutes writing in the loo of a Tutshill pub, shocked and dismayed at the direction the Catapults-Tornados match is taking.

meg meg meg are you listening? to this absolute shite

Jan. 30th, 2014



Warded Private to Sebastien Summerby

How's your Thursday going?

Jan. 29th, 2014







Two days until our inaugural Hydras weekend and on behalf of the Hogsmeade Hydras, we're looking forward to seeing you at tonight's match! Tickets are still on sale at the gates!

Remember to keep your ticket stub as this weekend, loads of businesses around everyone's favourite Scottish village will be offering brilliant deals! This is a great opportunity to support your local Quidditch team as well as support small businesses.

Participating establishments include:

  • Hogsmeade Reads: 50% off all Quidditch-related materials, including stationery and official calendars.
  • Foxglove Cupcakery: Two offers: 1) A Snitch cupcake charmed to fly about the stadium. The individual who catches it will receive a three-hour cupcake-baking lesson with Isabel Moon and Sebastien Summerby; 2) 1% off a cupcake purchase for each save the Hydras Keeper makes. (40 saves = 40% off, etc.)
  • Fromage: 50% off bottles of select wines and beers.
  • Gladrags: Personalised accessories in Hydras team colours.
  • Lisa Turpin Photography: A free photo from tonight’s match - pick your favourite from an array.
  • Qualitea: A free coffee/tea tumbler that can be brought in to the shop for discounted drinks and free refills.
  • Scrivenshafts: 50% off all Quidditch related products, such as special Quidditch team colored quills, stationary, parchment, and journals.
  • Spintwitches: 50% off of Hydras team kits.
  • Three Broomsticks: Three pints of beer if Summerby catches the snitch or if Weasley scores three goals.
  • Willing Wands: TBD

Looking forward to seeing you out and about the town!

(If your character hasn't specified what their deal offer is, please leave a comment in James' dropbox and I'll edit this post accordingly.)

Jan. 17th, 2014




Two weeks so far since I've been in Hogsmeade and I've finally done all the unpacking. Good timing, too, because I'm meant to go out tonight in London. No slight against you lovely denizens of Hogsmeade, but I think it'll be nice to be back in a proper city for a wee while. Don't get me wrong, living here's come with its benefits (both the anticipated and unanticipated sort). I'm just saying a change of pace every once in a while helps you appreciate what you've got.

Warded Private to Hannah Abbott:

I'm sorry about what happened after brunch. Can we talk?

Jan. 3rd, 2014



Journal (written after Asher and Roger's party and warded against Dan Bradley)

hi im James and im going to be working at the Hydras!

for those of you who d
ont know me yet my names james and Im a hufflepuff. I used to play for Caerphilly Catapults best team in the league now I work for the Hydras.

Whos going to the match tomorrow?
I'll be there!

OOC: All comments written by James were done the morning after (which is also when he struck out the word 'best' above).