The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'journal:+fleur'

May. 14th, 2014




I have had to expand my closet again. It is a mystery why anyone would design a building of flats to have such minuscule closets. I do not have even half my wardrobe here and there is still not enough space.

Warded to Hermione and Viktor
Are both Harry and Ginny gone from the village this week?

May. 3rd, 2014




It has been many years since Bill and I were apart for the beginning of May, but I have had an Owl from him to say all is well. And that is a very good thing. I am glad he did not forget.

I hear everyone is back to themselves, yes? This is also a very good thing.

Warded to Harry, Hermione, Ginny, and Viktor
I forgot to say that I will be away this weekend, mes amis. I spent yesterday at the Burrow, of course, and this morning I am on my way to France to visit Maman. And Gabrielle, if she is there. I will miss the Quidditch, I am afraid, for which I am very sorry.

Warded to Draco
Do you still favour that little pâtisserie in Paris? I see you have had a harrowing week-- you would enjoy a treat, perhaps? Something chocolate?

Apr. 18th, 2014




Putain de merde, but I will strangle that Rita Skeeter. I will write a letter to Minister Shacklebolt himself and have her charged with libel! That anyone should put it in the newspaper that I am having affairs with married men! I am only interested in one married man, and that is my husband! C’est vraiment des conneries! And if I find out who is the person who has being saying this about me to Rita Skeeter? They will learn why the anger of the Veela is to be feared!

Mar. 31st, 2014




I think it is very telling that on your Mothering Day the only person who spent the day at the Burrow, out of all those many children, was me! And I am only a Weasley by marriage! Oh, I saw Owls come in while I was there, no doubt full of excuses, but I spent the day doing Molly's chores, cleaning the whole house from top to bottom, and cooking dinner so that she did not have to lift one finger-- or her wand-- all day.

Today, as a reward, I am treating myself to a trip to a French-style spa that I know in London.

It is just as well that I did not go to the Quidditch yesterday, since I hear that the weather was most terrible. Harry, did you catch the Snitch this time? I might not have been in the stands, but I cheered for you with my spirit.

Mar. 26th, 2014




I have just had a very odd thing happen to me and so I want to be sure that I have not misunderstood what I experienced. It is about Foxglove, you see, and I have not been there before today. Is it common in this country to have cupcakes that taste like pickles? I was told that what type of cupcake I had selected would be a surprise, but I did not imagine that it would ever be something so at odds with what one expects a cupcake to be!

If this is merely something I do not understand because I am French, then I will attempt to restructure my perspective. Pickles in a dessert! It is the most unusual thing. And what is more-- I enjoyed it!

Mar. 23rd, 2014




I attended the matches today, which I am told were most exciting, but I cannot believe this is a weekly happening. The passion for Quidditch is very strong in this village!

I saw some familiar faces participating, to my surprise, so that is most pleasing to me. I thought Harry flew very well, even if he did not manage to catch the Snitch. They should make it larger and easier to see. The games would end much more quickly too if they did this. And it was most interesting to see Roger as the referee. He has a good physique to show off on a broom, and it made me very sorry the Quidditch games were canceled during the Triwizard Tournament. I would have enjoyed to see that.

[Warded to Ginny]
Thank you again for keeping me company during the Quidditch matches. How bored I would've been without you to entertain me!

Mar. 12th, 2014




Quelle malchance! I seem to have moved to the village in the middle of some kind of little drama. Tell me, is it always like this around here? I hope not. I do not think I would like it very much if this were the case.

Warded to Viktor
I thought you said the village was quiet? No, I'm sure you did. If I could just find the letter... But never mind. I am here and it's too late to be changed. Tell me what I have missed.