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Posts Tagged: 'character:+luna'

Dec. 30th, 2013



Owl Delivery

Owls to Susan Bones, Dan Bradley, Millicent Bulstrode, Roger Davies, Tracey Davis, Julian Dorny, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Marcus Flint, Wayne Hopkins, Megan Jones, Luna Lovegood, Ernie Macmillan, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Orla Quirke, Lucy Spinks, Alicia Spinnet, Sebastien Summerby, Lisa Turpin, and Merrill Urquhart

Each owl delivers the below invitation, then patiently awaits a response:

Dec. 26th, 2013



Cards and Gifts (from Orla)

All delivered by owl on Christmas Day.

Cards for Alexei/Morag, Dan, Draco/Theodore, Luna, Marcus, Stewart and Susan.

Silent night, holy night )
Gifts for Isabel, Serena and Zacharias.

All is calm, all is bright )

Dec. 24th, 2013



christmas gifts from harry

Owls delivered Christmas morning.

For Hermione )

For Ginny )

For Luna )

For Neville )

For Romilda )

For Vicky )

For Alicia & Isla )



[No Subject]

Owls to Harry Potter, Neville Longbottom, Hermione Granger, Ginny Weasley and Kevin Entwhistle )

Owls: Hermione's gifts

A series of owls go out on Christmas Eve.

Lavender and Parvati )

Harry )

Ginny )

Luna )

Neville )

Pansy )



[No Subject]

Owl to Lisa Turpin
The owl carries a collection of six chocolate and liquor pairings from around the world.

Figure you'll receive plenty of photography gifts. Happy holidays.

Owl to Luna Lovegood
The owl carries a basket of food-stuffs known to attract rare magical creatures, as well as a leather notebook and quill to sketch the natural world.

From one animal-loving Ravenclaw to another. Happy holidays, Luna.

Owl to Michael Corner
The owl carries two tickets to a Hogsmeade Hydras match.

Not all that healthy to work too much. Happy holidays.

Owl to Alexei Levski and Morag MacDougal
The owl carries a painting, by Kevin's own hand, of a lively Quidditch scene.

Figure you can hang this in the nursery, start the little one early. Happy holidays.



Christmas Owls!!

Owl for Harry

Merry Christmas, Mate! I had no idea what to get you for Christmas. You are hard to shop for, I admit and my fall back was a tie.

Instead, how about we have dinner together? My treat?


Owl for Hermione

*Included with the Christmas card is a voucher for Loop.

Merry Christmas my dear Hermione,

I didn't know where you shop for your wool, so I went to Loop. It's at 15 Camden Passage, Islington,

Maybe we could even go together if you want.


Owl for Parvati

Included is a voucher for Foxglove

Merry Christmas Parvati!

I hope this will help sweeten your life. I know you are working a lot lately, so I wanted to treat you.

Much love,

Owl for Lavender

Hey there, lovey!

I owe you an outing to the spa, so book a date and I'll take you wherever you want for a weekend. Just you an me, unless you want to open the invitation and share. I think after the Holidays are over we'll all need the rest.

Love you,

Owl for Ginny

Included, a considerable voucher for Spinwitches

Merry Christmas Ginny!

I didn't think you'd need an other care kit and I know very little about Quidditch except that you are amazing, so I wanted to help out.

Much love

Owl for Lisa

The card is attached to a basket of Honeyduke's best candy.

Merry Christmas Lisa!

Don't eat them all in one sitting, it's a bad idea. Haha.


Owl for Andrew

Included is a voucher for Yamaha Music London and a Sugarquill.

Merry Christmas Andrew!

I didn't know where to get your gift, so I pulled some strings and I hope this will please you.


Owl for Luna

Included in the card is a voucher for Foxglove

Merry Christmas Luna,

I hope you are spending a nice holiday so far and that this will sweeten your life a little.

Much love,

Owl for Lucy

The card is attached to a basket of Honeyduke's best candy.

A very Merry Christmas to you Lucy. I hope you are having fun and I promise to go see at least two movies with you.


Dec. 23rd, 2013



Owls: Christmas presents!

Ginny sends out owls with her friend's Christmas presents.

Gifts for Harry )

Gifts for Hermione )

Gift for Luna )

Gift for Neville )

Gifts for Andrew )



Deliveries: Secret Santa!

Presents, underneath the Christmas tree )

(List arranged alphabetically by first name. If I've forgotten anything someone let me know.)

Dec. 3rd, 2013



[No Subject]

Who Luna Lovegood and Harry Potter
Where The Forbidden Forest
What Luna and Harry catch up
When December 2nd 4:30PM [backdated]
Rating Lowish.
Status Closed/Incomplete

Enter the Forbidden Forest )

Aug. 12th, 2013



Owl: To Luna

Note is accompanied by a small, impressionist-style landscape of the lake. Portions of the water are charmed to sparkle at intervals, as if reflecting sunlight.

Dear Luna,

Your wand gave me the idea for this charm, and you did say you liked the painting as I was making it. I hope you'll accept this as a gift. It was so nice to run into you again.

Yours sincerely,
Orla Quirke

Aug. 2nd, 2013



A Friendly Warning

Hello friends. As much as I would like to pass the time conversing with you all, I've actually written to warn you of the grave danger you are all in. I wanted to warn everyone that I have seen a grazing herd of Crumple-Horned Snorkacks about Hogsmeade this very day by the edge of the village. As an amateur naturalist, it is nice to watch them in early morning, as they are very peaceful: swinging their large trunks and picking flowers with their opposable thumbs. At night, however, they turn very dangerous indeed.

It is the Crumple-horn's mating season and they mate only at night and because of this, the majestic Snoracks make a dreadful racket during the wee hours. Even though I have only recently moved into Hogsmeade, I have heard the town's inhabitants complaining about the noise and blaming it on the drunken antics of their neighbors. This is incorrect. Can't they see it is the Snorkacks trying to mate with the dustbins, pumpkins, the lake squid, anything they can get their paws on? Snorkacks might be very magical and calm during the day, but they also have the tendency to act out their sexual aggressions towards both animate and inanimate objects when so inclined. I would hate for a witch or wizard to be walking at night only to be violated by a Snorkack that only wanted to love them.

Be safe, friends.