The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+penelope'

Dec. 24th, 2013


Christmas Owls

Owl to Asher
Inside the package is a sparkly princess crown, charmed to flash different colours. Underneath this is a leather-bound journal, with dragons embossed on the cover.

Happy Christmas, Asher!

Owl to Eddie
Inside the package is a men's scarf.

Happy Christmas, Eddie!

Owl to Julian
Inside the package is a gift basket of wine.

Happy Christmas, Julian!

Owl to Merrill
Inside the package is a bottle of French Merlot.

Happy Christmas, Merrill!

Owl to Penelope
Inside the package is a book-shaped locket.

Happy Christmas, Penny!

Owl to Roger
Inside the package is a pink plush pygmy puff, charmed to coo and squeak when squeezed. Alongside this is a bottle of Belgian beer.

Happy Christmas, Roger!

Owl to Serena
Inside the package is a necklace with an "S" pendant.

Happy Christmas, Serena!



Christmas Owls

A series of owls go out on Christmas Eve.

Cho )

Penelope )

Ritchie )

Roger & Merrill )

Julian & Alicia )

Asher )

Justin & Wayne )

Orla )

Nov. 8th, 2013


Log: Roger's Birthday

Who: Eddie Carmichael, Serena Capper, Robert Chambers, Cho Chang, Penelope Clearwater, Roger Davies, Julian Dorny, and Merrill Urquhart
What: Roger's birthday!
When: starting at 7 PM, Friday
Where: 22E High Street (Cho's flat)
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Cho had never needed to pull together a last minute birthday party less than a week after moving to a new town and starting a new job. What sounded like a recipe for disaster, or at the very least stress, turned out to be neither. Merrill knew a witch who baked the cake, and Cho organised the menu and sent out invitations. All the cooking was done ahead, leaving Cho with plenty of time on the day of the dinner to make sure her flat was in top shape for having company. As 7PM approached, she finished arranging the wine-and-spirits table, and looked around her flat with an air of satisfaction.

Nov. 6th, 2013


Owls to Eddie Carmichael, Robert Chambers, Penelope Clearwater, and Julian Dorny

Please join us for dinner in celebration of Roger's birthday.
Seven o'clock this Friday, at 22E High Street. RSVP to Cho or Merrill.