The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'journal:+neville'

Mar. 20th, 2014



[No Subject]

My sore throat from last weekend went from being just a little irritating to a full blown Just-kill-me-already cold. I have missed two days of work so far and it looks like I won't be going in in the next two.

I took a Pepper-Up potion in the hopes of being able to make it through a day of starting seedlings, but just fell asleep in the middle of getting dressed and didn't wake until the evening.

At least the rest has been helpful, but I feel groggy and my brain's all funked up.

Mar. 15th, 2014



Journal: Neville

Last night was so great!! Unfortunately I woke up to a sore throat. Now I hope it won't get too nasty.

[Warded to Gulliver's Dragons]
Guys!! You were definitely the best of last night! Congrats again!

Dec. 23rd, 2013



Journal: Neville.

Shelley is such an amazing dog. Very calm, very quiet. and very warm too. She has taken to sleep at the feet of my bed and I haven't discouraged her from doing it either.

Oct. 31st, 2013



[No Subject]

Warded to Hermione

Hermione. HERMIONE! By Merlin's beard.. what are we going to do about Harry? Am I the only one who knows Harry doesn't fall in love overnight??? Am I the only one who remembers?

Also, I'm so, so, so excited about that dinner.

Oct. 26th, 2013



Journal: Neville.

The outside gardens are all closed. I've been working nights for the past three weeks. I'll pass out visit my parents, then I'll be ready to be social again. Anyone up for drinks or something?

Oct. 4th, 2013



Journal: Neville.

I think I'll end up with a bed with my name on it at the clinic, it's getting ridiculous. Or maybe it's my own clumsiness that's really the most ridiculous. I have the attention span of a goldfish so of course I didn't see it bite me and the surprise of it had me backing away from the danger until I landed in the bushes.

Thankfully we have a very competent staff at Woodcroft.

Sep. 22nd, 2013



[No Subject]

What that I heard? There were Seekers this week? Damn, the one week I couldn't come.

[Warded to Parvati]
My parents are worse. Is it normal that the board is discussing ending all visitations for them?

Aug. 20th, 2013



Journal: Neville.

I went out for a run this morning and did something I shouldn't have. Don't ask me what it was, I still have no idea but I've got a pulled muscle and I've got to rest for a few days.

Distract me people? Please?

Aug. 4th, 2013



Journal: Neville.

Took me over an hour to find out what the nasty smell that had me gagging was. Someone left some food lying around and it wasn't me. Don't people know that food attracts insects that could potentially EAT the valuable plants in here?


Jul. 27th, 2013



[No Subject]

Ah man!! Maybe I shouldn't be learning by myself how to knit anymore. Somehow I managed to tangle myself in it and I can't seem to be able to undo the mess.

[Private to Andrew]
Mate, I was thinking about something for the choir. Maybe I should start taking lessons again. Would you mind me as your student? I'd like to give it my very best, you see.

Okay, since we can't seem to be able to find a way to be at the same place at the same time (My Mandrakes are going through puberty, they demand a lot of time lately), can I ask you something here between you and me?

Is there a way I can get my parents out of St.Mungo's? I don't want them to finish their lives in there.

Jul. 21st, 2013



Journal: Neville

Posted early Sunday

Before anyone asks, yes I do get up at 6 every single day. Some of my babies do need this kind of attention.

Great party last night. I seriously can't remember when was the last time I went to a party. Oh yeah, it was my retirement from the Auror department over a year ago.

I feel pretty stupid right now
I'm fucking blind aren't I
I'm almost not surprised
I'm an idiot

Jul. 18th, 2013



Journal: Parvati, Lavender, Neville

[Private to Parvati Patil]

I've got a favor to ask you. Do you think we could meet?


[Private to Lavender Brown]

Oh Lavender, my dear. I wondered if you'd like to come with me at the inauguration of the stadium. Please?


[Private to myself]

It doesn't easier. I can't keep doing this.. but I can't give up either.


Jul. 12th, 2013



[No Subject]

I've 'met again' so many of you and I dare say that we quickly got things back the way they used to be. How is it that the only one I cannot stand seeing again is my ex? Not you Lav, no. Thankfully she's not in Hogsmeade though, or things could get pretty messy.

[Private to myself]

I should have told Hermione that I was going to see my parents, but I don't think I am ready for that. Maybe an other time. Though it's not like she has never seen them, right? It's just that now.. now they are just growing older without anything changing for them except their appearance.

I can't believe I'll lose them without knowing-