The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+megan'

Jun. 30th, 2014



Log: Hannah and Megan

Who: Hannah and Megan
What: Food tour
When: Monday afternoon
Where: London
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Though Megan usually left Foxglove at 2pm, she tended to stray a little bit longer just to make sure that everything was fine before finally leaving. As it was, she didn't actually leave Foxglove until closer to quarter to 3, which left her with just enough time to dash to the apartment she shared with Lavender, chuck her apron, pull on something less cupcake-smelling, and hurry over to the Floo station to meet Hannah.

Thank goodness Hogsmeade was such a small town. She managed the feat in, like, nine minutes.

Jun. 24th, 2014



Log: Swimming in the lake

Who: Megan, Susan, open to others!
What: Swimming!
When: This evening
Where: Lake
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

It was hot and sticky, two things Megan hated associating with the weather, but tonight she was willing to let it pass. Dressed in a swimsuit and a wraparound dress, picnic basket in one hand and blanket slung over her shoulder, she headed to the lake to meet up with Susan, who should be off her shift at the owlery about now. She'd left a note for Lavender and Asher and invited everyone at Foxglove, but if it just turned out to be her and Susan that was fine with Megan too. She was just eager to see how cold the water might be, and if it would help with the heat of the summer.

Susan hadn't arrived yet by the time Megan did, so she set about laying out the blanket, allowing it to be held down in strategic corners by bottled drinks and the picnic basket while she hiked her dress up and padded into the water to test its temperature.

May. 26th, 2014




Sent to: Stewart Ackerly, Katie Bell, Lucian Bole, Dan Bradley, Lavender Brown, James Cadwallader, Serena Capper, Asher Chambers, Merrill Davies-Urquhart, Roger Davies-Urquhart, Maxwell Derrick, Julian Dorny, Fera Dunstan, Marietta Edgecombe, Marcus Flint, Victoria Frobisher, Hermione Granger, Astoria Greengrass, Angelina Johnson, Megan Jones, Viktor Krum, Alexei Levski, Aidan Lynch, Morag MacDougal-Levski, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Malfoy, Cormac McLaggen, Eloise Midgen, Graham Montague, Gwendolyn Montgomery, Isabel Moon, Pansy Parkinson, Jimmy Peakes, Harry Potter, Adrian Pucey, Orla Quirke, Jack Sloper, Zacharias Smith, Alicia Spinnet, Sebastien Summerby, Lisa Turpin, Jacob Vaisey, Romilda Vane, Myron Wagtail, Ginny Weasley, Blaise Zabini

When the envelope is opened, a burst of magic fireworks and all-too-real glitter explodes from within. The illustrated flames on the invitation itself are charmed to flicker with light, hissing and popping like a real campfire.

Apr. 24th, 2014



log: drinks with meg and lav

Who: Megan and Lavender
What: Drinking and some news??
When: Thursday evening
Where: Meg and Lav's flat
Rating: SFW, maybe swearing?
Status: ongoing

Lavender uncorked another bottle of wine with a loud pop and giggled at the noise. "Shhh," she hissed at the bottle, worried about disturbing their neighbors. But then it dawned on her that their only neighbor was Qualitea downstairs, and she was (hopefully) long gone for the night. The realization sent her into another fit of giggles.

Finally pouring them more to drink, she settled back to Megan and grinned happily at her roommate. "Now where were we? I think I was grilling you about the bearded man," she teased.

Apr. 13th, 2014



Log: Pick-up Quidditch, Week 4

Who: Open
What: Gladrags vs Qualitea @ 10am; Fromage vs Foxglove @ 2pm
When: Sunday
Where: Hogsmeade Park
Rating: Low-ish.
Status: Ongoing
Pick-up Quidditch, Week 4 )

Apr. 12th, 2014




Who: Megan and Asher
What: A misunderstanding-slash-argument
When: Earlier tonight (before the Hydras party)
Where: Asher's flat
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Megan took out the tray of penis-shaped cookies from the oven and left them on the table to cool, cheating a little and taking a piece off one cookie-ball to taste-test them.

"They're good and hot," she declared, breaking off a section from the tip and handing it over to Asher. "Wanna try some?"



Hydras' End of Season Celebrations

Who: Hydras team, management, and staff and their plus-ones // OPEN to all
Where: Executive suite, Bertie Botts Stadium // The Three Broomsticks
When: Saturday, 7pm // Saturday, 10pm
What: Celebrations!
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing


Over the last few months, James had started to have very fond feelings about his newly-adopted team. Though he was sure no other team could compare to his beloved Catapults, his new rapport with staff and players had convinced him that pushing for a successful Hydras team was something James genuinely wanted.

After making sure that preparations were in place for both the private party and the village celebration, James double-checked his pocket square, making sure it wasn't crooked, and waited for the first guests to arrive at the suite.



note to megan jones

Are we still doing something tonight, roomie? I need more of you in my life. When left to my own devices I make poor life decisions.


Mar. 31st, 2014




Who: Justin and Megan
What: A friend in need
When: Tonight
Where: Justin and Wayne's flat
Rating: Low, but with mature themes. Sensitive content.
Status: Ongoing

Read more... )

Mar. 25th, 2014



Cormac and James' Birthday Extravaganza!

Who: Everyone who received an invitation and their plus-ones, plus anyone who might be in the Three Broomsticks or around in the village.
Where: Fromage, the Three Broomsticks, & Hogsmeade Village
When: Forward-dated to Friday, March 28, evening
What: Birthday shenanigans!
Rating: TBD
Status: Ongoing


Cormac's birthday was Thursday and James' birthday was Saturday, so it was a given that their birthday party would be held on the day in the middle, After choosing a three piece suit, it was time to make his way over to the restaurant and get ready for the big night!

Mar. 24th, 2014




Owls to Caleb, Megan, and Jimmy

Hey, I'm sorry this is late notice, but can one of you do Izzy's morning shifts with Megan? We're in hospital; Pea tried to arrive a little earlier. Izzy's fine, but she's on bedrest for now.


Owls to Tracey, Millicent, Lucian, Marcus and Theodore

Just so you know, Pea almost arrived tonight. Izzy's fine-- the Healer is putting her on bed rest and we're going back tomorrow-- but if you have time to drop by the next few days I think she'd really appreciate that.


Mar. 11th, 2014



Birthday party invitations

From: James Cadwallader & Cormac McLaggen
To: Hannah Abbott, Katie Bell, Susan Bones, Dan Bradley, Lavender Brown, Cho Chang, Ritchie Coote, Roger Davies, Emma Dobbs, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Victoria Frobisher, Hermione Granger, Wayne Hopkins, Angelina Johnson, Megan Jones, Aidan Lynch, Andrew Kirke, Viktor Krum, Ernie Macmillan, Jimmy Peakes, Zacharias Smith, Jack Sloper, Lucy Spinks, Alicia Spinnet, Sebastien Summerby, Lisa Turpin, Romilda Vane, Myron Wagtail, Oliver Wood

RSVP to either James or Cormac by March 26.
Plus-ones welcome.

Mar. 2nd, 2014



[No Subject]

WHO | The Davies-Urquhart family and their close friends.
WHEN | The afternoon hours of Sunday, March 2.
WHERE | The Davies-Urquhart home.
WHAT | A birthday celebration for Violet.
STATUS | Ongoing.

Today, Violet was three. She was also a very spoiled child, with a veritable polar bear habitat inside her home. Snow fell from the charmed ceilings, and icebergs floated on the charmed floors. Presents towered on a table in the sitting room. There were cupcakes and ice cream, as well as miniature Cornish pasties-- Violet's favourites-- ideal for snacking. And somewhere, Asher roamed as a life-size polar bear.

Feb. 27th, 2014



[No Subject]

WHO | Megan Jones, Isabel Moon, Jimmy Peakes, and Caleb Warrington.
WHEN | Tuesday, February 25.
WHERE | The Moon-Smith home.
WHAT | A welcome-to-the-Foxglove-staff dinner.
STATUS | Ongoing.

With a pleased smile, Isabel cast a mild warming charm on the meal she'd prepared. Baking was her specialty, not cooking, but Zacharias had ensured that the dishes were edible, assisting as necessary. She thought Jimmy would like the result, though she hadn't a clue what he would have chosen himself, in truth. When the ward on the front door chimed, she bustled to meet it.

Feb. 13th, 2014



Log: Valentine's Extravaganza, Part 2 - Dating Game

Who: Open
What: Dating Game (Bachelor and Bachelorette)
When: Late afternoon to early evening
Where: Qualitea
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

The Dating Game started around 7pm, with the bachelor (Neville) and bachelorette (Vicky), asked to arrive at 5pm. The contestants competing for the chance to win a date with them were scheduled to arrive at 5:30pm.

The game was, once more, at Qualitea, where the shop was rearranged much like it was the night prior. And like the previous night, the evening's entertainment was divided into two parts, although unlike the previous night, the first half consisted of the Bachelor's game, while the latter half was for the Bachelorette.

Each segment was fairly similar: Neville or Vicky were seated right in front of the audience, backs turned toward the other contestants. They asked the contestants questions, and selected the contestants whose answers they liked-- those contestants then took a step forward. This went on until there were only two or three contestants within a step away from the bachelor or bachelorette, and in that final question, only one answer would be chosen. Contestants were cast with voice-altering charms so that they couldn't be identified in case they were known by the contestant.

Neville's game came down to Lucy and Lavender, but in the last question, it was Lucy who won Neville's date.

Vicky's came down to Jack, James, and Parvati. She chose James's answer for her last question and, as agreed with the Village Police, her date with James will be done under the watchful eye of Astoria Greengrass.

Both couples won a dinner out in a London restaurant on Valentine's Day, with a view of the London Eye. An evening of dancing is to follow.

Afterward, there were drinks (provided for by the Town Council) for everyone.

Feb. 8th, 2014


Log: Moon-Smith Baby Shower

Who: Isabel, Zacharias, and all their friends!

What: Pea's baby shower

When: Today at 1pm

Where: 3C Main Street (Tracey's apartment)

Rating: Low

Status: Ongoing

Tracey and Megan have been hard at work all week to get the baby shower put together. )

Jan. 29th, 2014



Owl to Merrill


Hey, this is a little out of the blue, but are you still doing that match-making thing?

I'm asking for a friend.


PS. I really do mean a friend. Not me.

Jan. 28th, 2014



Owls sent to Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Millicent Bulstrode, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Daphne Greengrass, Wayne Hopkins, Megan Jones, Ernie Macmillan, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Adrian Pucey, Orla Quirke, Lucy Spinks, Sebastien Summerby, Merrill Urquhart, Caleb Warrington, Blaise Zabini

Jan. 27th, 2014



Log: Hufflepuffs Unite

Who: Hufflepuffs + Anyone who wants to help out!
What: Getting Hannah all set up
When: Tonight, and really every night until Fromage opens
Where: Fromage
Rating: Low!
Status: Ongoing

Megan had been pleased to find the contingent of Hufflepuffs gathered when she got to Fromage, just a few minutes past six. Carrying her box of cupcakes with her, she waved at the group and then knocked on Fromage's still-closed-for-business door.

"Hannah, the reinforcements are here!" she said.

Jan. 25th, 2014



Log: Cats game!

Who: Open to all
What: Cats game listen-in
When: Tonight at 7p
Where: The Drunken Druid (in Caerphilly)
Rating: Low?
Status: Ongoing

Megan had been meaning to introduce Hogsmeade to the wonders of The Drunken Druid. Every time there was a Catapults game on, the wizarding pub put the match on Sonorus on the wireless, did great deals on drinks, and played drinking games for the entire pub to participate in. Megan was particularly fond of Quidditch bingo, where everyone was given a large bingo card filled with the Cats commentators' favourite catchphrases-- any time a catchphrase was heard, bingo card holders drank a shot and placed the empty glass on the bingo spot and the first one to complete a row won a free pint.

There were other drinking games too-- a half-off pint for every goal the Cats scored, boards of magical Battlebroom where players set up their Chasers (1 shot), Beaters (2 shots), Seeker (3 shots) and guessed at the placement of their opponents'.

But all in all The Drunken Druid was set up for just having a good time, where the bartenders gave you nicknames and knew your favorite drinks by heart, and the pub was warm and welcoming win or lose.