The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+rosmerta'

May. 28th, 2014



Who: Rosmerta and Marietta

What: Sassy bartending?

When: Tonight

Where: The Three Broomsticks

Rating: Low

Status: Ongoing

Business had been going well for Rosmerta since the project started, what with the influx of new residents and all of that. Most of them used to go to Hogwarts too, and made Rosmerta smile with the way they'd changed over the years- mostly, she thought, they turned out okay, coming in the pub in groups, always cheerful and rowdy, or flirty, or ready for gossip.

Most of them, anyway.

"Excuse me," she said, turning to one of the patrons who'd taken up a seat by the bar. "Can I get you another drink?"

Apr. 2nd, 2014


Log: Hydras Night (redux)

Who: Open!

What: Hydras Night at The Three Broomsticks

When: This evening

Where: The Three Broomsticks

Rating: Low?

Status: Ongoing

There may be no official partnership with the Hydras for the evening, nor with any other businesses in the area, but setting up the Three Broomsticks for the night wasn't difficult. The drinks were themed after Quidditch, if not the players themselves (Gin 'n' Weasley, Levski Drop, Bole on the Beach, Bloody Fera, Tequila Summerby, and Flint Julep were all on the menu, along with Quaffleracs, Sneaky Snitch, and Bludgeritos). The wireless was tuned in to the WWN broadcast of the match, there were Hydras banners on the walls of the pub and even the staff were wearing Hydras colors. Those who came in wearing Hydras kits were given discounts for their purchases, and there were many other specials. Rosmerta intended the night to be an evening of residents supporting the team and having fun besides.

Jan. 31st, 2014



Owl: Lavender/Madam Rosmerta

Madam Rosmerta,

I am contacting you on behalf of the Hogsmeade Hydras in hopes that you'd be interested in a partnership with the team. It was brought to my attention that other Quidditch teams in the league have 'home' pubs that locals frequent to listen to away matches and revel in the sport together. As you can imagine, sharing the sport with others who love it just as much can be invigorating!

Due to the relative youth of the Hydras, no such place has been established for the team. I'd be very interested in making The Three Broomsticks the place to be to listen to away games, or even for fans to gather if they weren't able to purchase tickets.

Let me know if you'd be interested in such a relationship with the Hydras and we can take any planning necessary from there.

Hope to hear from you.

Lavender Brown
Personal Assistant to Dan Bradley

Jan. 24th, 2014



Business Owls

James sent the following letter to: Lisa Turpin, Hannah Abbott, Hermione Granger, Rosmerta Derwent, Roger Davies, Theodore Nott, Lucy Spinks, Romilda Vane, Tracey Davis, and Isabel Moon. Each copy of the letter has been charmed to display the correct name of the recipient in the salutation.

Dear Shop/Establishment Owner... )

Dec. 17th, 2013



Owl: Alicia Spinnet to Rosmerta Derwent

Hi Rosie,

Dan and I were talking about having a get-together for the Muggle parents (and anybody else who would like to attend as well, of course), and wanted to give them the full Hogsmeade experience. That, of course, includes dinner at The Three Broomsticks and whatever else might be interesting (Pumpkin Juice, Firewhisky, Butterbeer, etc.).

At present, we are 4 adults and 1 child, however I hope there’ll be more once it goes out. Before doing so, I would like to know if you’d be up for this taking place at The Three Broomsticks, and if so: when do you need to know how many we will be? We will, of course, let you know as soon as possible.

Thank you, in advance



The owls were sent to the owners and shopkeepers of the following establishments: Hogsmeade Hydras, Dominic Maestro's, Apartment 23, Hogsmeade Reads, Foxglove Bakery, The Barkery and the Catfe, Willing Wands, Spintwitches, Qualitea, The Three Broomsticks, Eye of Newt, and Lisa's Photography Studio, along with a large box of printed out calendars and the following note


The calendars are here! We thought every shop who participated should have a few of them in stock, though the majority of these will likely be sold through this Friday's game against the Tutshill Tornados. Once again, thank you to everyone for participating!

To celebrate, Dan Bradley has invited us all to enjoy Friday's match in one of the Stadium suites. We hope to see you there.

All the best,
Tracey Davis

Nov. 26th, 2013


Many owls!

The owls are sent to the owners and managers of all of Hogsmeade's establishments, addressed to each though the content is the same.


I would like to apologize for the form letter; had I more time I would have visited and talked to you in person.

If you don't know me, and I wouldn't blame you for it, my name is Tracey Davis and I've taken over the running of Gladrags Wizardwear here in Hogsmeade. I'm fairly new to the village, though not as a visitor: I've always had fond memories of the various shops every time I came down here for a Hogsmeade weekend.

It is with that same fondness for this village that I write you today with a proposal. Yesterday, I met with Mr. Dan Bradley, the owner of the newly founded Hogsmeade Hydras team, and together we discussed the possibility of working together to do something charitable, in the spirit of the holidays, for the Hogsmeade fund. We both thought that a calendar sounded the easiest and simplest to pull off with little lead time, and he'd promised to ask his players for their permission to do it.

But the Hogsmeade Fund is more than just about the players, and we wanted to tie it in more closely with the community. That is why we are currently looking for eleven Hogsmeade establishments, outside of Gladrags, to participate in this endeavor. Each month would feature a Hydras player with a Hogsmeade shop as a backdrop, themed according to the month. We are hoping to get a healthy mix of shops who have received funding from the Ministry as well as shops that have not, run by alumna from all the houses of Hogwarts. After all, is that not what the project is about?

You would not need to feature in the shoot itself, although we would like to have one group photo with everyone- players and shop owners and managers- by the fountain to serve as a cover for the calendar. Mr. Bradley has graciously offered to cover all production costs. The proceeds raised will go back directly to the Hogsmeade fund, though I am sure it would also serve your shop well to be featured in the calendar.

There are only eleven spots to cover the remainder of the calendar year, so I do ask that you reply soon. We are hoping to schedule the shoot for this weekend, details pending.

Thank you for taking the time to read this, and I hope to hear from you soon.

All the best,
Tracey Davis

Nov. 11th, 2013


Log: The Three Broomsticks

Who: Open!

What: Dinner rush

When: Tonight

Where: The Three Broomsticks

Rating: Low

Status: Ongoing

The weather was terrible, but Rosmerta hoped that the residents of the small village would be lured out to the pub by the promise of hearty food and discounted drinks. She knew she would!

Sep. 28th, 2013



Log: Game 3: Kestrels @ Hydras

Who: Game 3: Wasps @ Hydras
What: Quidditch!
When: Tonight, 7pm
Where: Bertie Botts Stadium
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

Kestrels at Hydras )



Log: Dinner Time at The Three Broomsticks

Who: Alicia, Rosmerta and OPEN
What: Dinner and a bit of talk, perhaps
When: Saturday evening
Where: Three Broomsticks
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Pushing herself up onto one of the chairs by the bar, Alicia sent a small wave in Rosmerta’s direction, waiting patiently until the witch came over. )

Sep. 8th, 2013



Log: Skins vs Shirts, Game 11

Who: Open
What: Skins vs Shirts, Game 11
When: 10:30am, September 8
Where: Hogsmeade Park
Rating: Low-ish.
Status: Ongoing
Skins vs Shirts, Game 11 )

Sep. 5th, 2013


Log: Just another day at The Three Broomsticks

Who: Rosmerta and OPEN

What: A day in the village

When: Thursday

Where: The Three Broomsticks

Rating: Low

Status: Ongoing

Even though she'd been at this job for the last couple of decades of her life, Rosmerta loved working at The Three Broomsticks. It was always a mix of the familiar- same faces, same good food, same sense of community- and the new. Not a single day remained exactly the same, and there was always good conversation to be had. Some days she liked working in the kitchen, others she chose to bus tables. Mostly, though, she liked being in front of the Three Broomsticks patrons and chatting with them. She never felt more in the middle of the village than those.

Today was nearing the week's end, so many of the diners were eager for the weekend to start. There was always Quidditch to look forward to, a hike sometime Saturday morning that Rosmerta thinks she might want to try attending, and a new show at the Pensievery Friday evening. She grinned as a regular, Mr. Fillmore, tipped his hat to her and went on his way.

"You have a good day too!" she called out after him. The jangle of the door, so soon after Mr. Fillmore had gone, told her she had a new guest.

"Welcome, welcome, how may I help you?"

Jul. 29th, 2013



Log: Dan and Rosmerta

Who: Dan and Rosmerta
What: Dan arranges for food for the inauguration
When: Monday, July 29, 2005
Where: the Three Broomsticks
Rating: G

Dan finally gets to speak to Rosmerta )

Jul. 25th, 2013


Log: The Three Broomsticks

Who: Open

What: Free meal at The Three Broomsticks

When: Tonight, 6-10pm

Where: The Three Broomsticks

Rating: Low

Status: Ongoing

Hogsmeade was the same year in and year out. Even though students came by during some weekends, little changed in the village. It was a small town. It was purely magical. It wasn't everyone's cuppa, and that was fine.

Only in the last few years had Rosmerta noticed that people were moving in and staying. With the Hogsmeade project, there were now more faces and new people, and even though they were all familiar in that they all went to Hogwarts and had been to Hogsmeade before, it still felt like more was happening now. It was good, and Rosmerta thought it was only right that she showed her support. The new residents had done wonders for The Three Broomsticks, after all, and she was sure they would continue to do so. New residents meant more business. How could she dislike that?

Tonight The Three Broomsticks looked different. The fixtures and decor were the same, but she'd spent the afternoon rearranging the tables and chairs so that they were put together in long tables around the four walls of the pub. It looked like the Great Hall, or how she remembered it from her own school days. In the middle was a wide space meant for mingling and dancing. There was music from an unseen source, playing music from Celestina Warbeck and The Weird Sisters. A few people had already started to come in, and she greeted each and every one of them before they found their seats.

"Oh, what the hell," she murmured to herself before calling to the kitchens. "Keep the ales coming!"

Jul. 13th, 2013



Thread: Cormac & Open

Who: Cormac & Rosmerta
What: Dinner, talking
When: Sat. evening
Where: Three Broomsticks
Rating: Low
Status: On-going

Read More )