The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'journal:+roger'

Jun. 26th, 2014



Uh oh, Violet's discovered chocolate fudge sundaes. Doesn't matter that she can't ever eat all of it, any time we're by Florean Fortescue's, and even when we're not, she's just gotta have it. I'm having a hard time explaining to her why she can't have it every day, otherwise we'll be making the trip to Diagon thrice a day after every meal.

In all seriousness, how do you explain to a young girl why she can't have something that makes her happy anytime she wants it?

May. 31st, 2014



I think that went well.

Private to Julian, Asher, Cho, Katie, and Mandy

Met with Vi's future baby brother's birth mother today. Think she likes us!

Apr. 20th, 2014



Things one learns as a parent: how to anticipate the unexpected. We got Violet a stuffed polar bear for Easter, but as soon as we gave it to her she wanted to know whether there was a bunny one too.

There was, of course. Merrill's a genius.

Warded to Foxglove Flitterbies

I hate to be the bearer of bad news, but I'm not sure Merrill's well enough to continue playing for Foxglove while Draco recovers. I'm sorry. He just isn't healthy enough yet.

Apr. 9th, 2014



Turns out my daughter's got a wicked sweet tooth. She snuck into the cupcakes I'd brought back for Merrill and had a bite of every single one. Somehow. I still haven't figured out how.

(Sorry, Mer.)

Mar. 16th, 2014



Cormac, you better watch out. My daughter seems intent on taking your job. As soon as we returned this afternoon she asked if we could go boom ('broom', or 'Spintwitches'). On a Sunday. I had to talk her down from going but she's eager to accompany me to work tomorrow. Merlin only knows why.

She probably just wants to go on the brooms again.

Private to Cormac

Er. Merrill doesn't know I let Violet fly on the toy brooms when she's in the shop. Don't tell him that, yeah?

Feb. 23rd, 2014



It appears my sisters have an extremely difficult time understanding what eloping means. Not for the first time today, and I'm sure not for the last time either, they asked me why I didn't invite them to my wedding.

I'll tell you why: it's because we eloped.

At least Mum just seems to be glad she's now got another granddaughter.

Meanwhile, Violet's completely charmed all the women in this family. She's asked her Nana to tea, which she never does to anyone when it's just her and her two das. Where is she learning this?

Feb. 1st, 2014



Before anyone asks, no, it wasn't just the Venetian air. But I can't say it didn't help.

Time is short, though, and there was no reason not to, and the timing was right, so Merry and I got married.

Jan. 31st, 2014



This weekend couldn't have come soon enough. Merrill, Violet and I are rewarding ourselves with a trip to Venice, which is cold but not as bad as Scotland at this time, thank Merlin.

I don't think Merrill's spoken a word of English since we arrived, but I'm not about to complain.

Private to Ravenclaw friends and Oliver

Apologies for the radio silence lately. It's been a busy past couple of weeks.

Private to Cormac

If you need anything at the shop tomorrow, you can contact me through the journals. No owls, in case we wander close to the Muggle parts of Italy. If it's a minor thing, feel free to make executive decisions. I trust your judgment to do the right thing.

Jan. 10th, 2014


Warded Private to Asher

Posted early this morning

I know it's late notice, but would you mind checking in on Duke tonight? Wards should let you in, just make sure he gets to go for a walk, his food bowl's filled up and he's using the area we've charmed when he wants to go. I'll be by in the afternoon but they'd not let me back into the hospital if I get back after visiting hours.

Thanks, mate.

Jan. 8th, 2014



Violet wants to keep the three-headed beast. She just called it a puppy.

Girl's gonna be Hagrid when she grows up sweet Merlin.

And Asher, fucking hell, where the hell are you.

Jan. 2nd, 2014


Journal: Polls and Things

Someone who shall remain unnamed has been crowing smug about some kind of survey he sent around. According to this faceless, nameless, completely anonymous person, half of Hogsmeade wants to shag him. OR HER. It could be a her.

But as a scholarly Ravenclaw, I will agree to nothing without proper research.

So! Informal poll:

Who would you shag: Roger or Merrill bugger it Merrill?

Dec. 31st, 2013


Journal: Party!

Everyone's invited to a Ravenclaw bash this Friday, anytime in the evening. Come on by 24 High Street, Apartment 501. See ya!

Dec. 17th, 2013



Remind me never to install the floo in my flat. Just returned after an hour on the public firecall with my sister, whose oldest is holding out for nothing less than a puppy this year. According to her my idea of a stuffed puppy is possibly the worst I could do. And that I shouldn't even consider of getting an actual puppy so help her Merlin.

I could always get a pygmy puff, I guess.

Nov. 10th, 2013



What a night, and a souvenir to boot.

Private to Merrill: If anything, I'm impressed we managed not to muck up the charms on these things.

Private to Asher: Missed your owl. Let's catch up at drinks tonight.

Private to Ravenclaws: Three Broomsticks at 7, hope you lot are still showing up.

Nov. 7th, 2013



The first week of November is obviously the best week of November.

Private to Merrill: How are you spoiling me tomorrow?

Private to Ravenclaws: I heard the Gryffindors had some kind of party last weekend. I think our house's turn is long overdue. Drinks this weekend? I hear there are new Hogsmeade residents to welcome and all of that jazz.

Nov. 2nd, 2013



Looks like Merrill's got himself a future Quidditch superstar. Violet insisted on going higher than the toy broom would let her until I finally let her fly with me. She didn't seem to mind the height. Or the speed.

Oct. 18th, 2013



Ten-point-fives. Thrice in a row.

Oct. 13th, 2013



Proof's gone downhill. Where is everyone lately?

Private to Merrill: Mind if I come back?

Oct. 7th, 2013



I think I'm cursed.

PRivate to Sebastien: Still alive?

Oct. 5th, 2013



Log: Zacharias and the Slytherins

Who: a badger surrounded by snakes

What: drinks and general hazing

When: Saturday night

Where: a seedy pub on Knockturn Alley

Rating: ?

Status: Ongoing

The pub had no name, and no other sign than those doors. )