The Last Station

July 2014


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May. 30th, 2014


Journal: Saunders

So… it’s lovely to be back! My trip to the Maldives was much needed. There’s something about the sun, white sand, and an endless blue sea that really brings a person to life and settles their soul.

Of course, that’s only a personal observation.

It wasn’t purely a vacation as I did some research while I was there and invested in some rather rare items for the shop. I stumbled upon some fascinating ink at an elite convention. Ink that glitters, ink that changes color constantly after dried, ink that changes color based on mood. I picked up some dream quills, quite a nifty invention. Give it some parchment while you sleep and it keeps an accurate and very articulate dream journal. Oh I could rave on and on!

Needless to say, I do feel like I missed quite a bit during my absence. I heard rumors of a body swap incident? I look forward to catching up with you all!

[Warded to Michael]

Oh! My dear, Michael! I feel as though I’ve been changed somehow… I ran into Adelaide, my ex if you recall. We had a very extended conversation about life and I feel lighter somehow. Like I understand who I am now and I’m comfortable with it. A sense of calm that I’m not sure I ever recall feeling… though my thoughts have been filled with a certain beauty that lives in Hogsmeade.

Enough about me. How have you been!? I’m so sorry for my sudden departure but really, you must tell me everything. How are you and the misses?

Feb. 9th, 2014


journal: saunderson

I must say… I’ve missed Hogsmeade. Not the weather, mind you. The snow was nice to see and experience my first few days, but I would much prefer something more tropical. Perhaps we should try throwing a party… a few heating charms and some transfiguration and we could have a beach right here in Hogsmeade for a night. Thoughts?

I enjoyed the Quidditch match on Tuesday, I haven’t seen a match since I was at Hogwarts and I had forgotten how thrilling it is. Ginny and the Hydras did some fine flying… not that I know much about flying. Is it strange that I never truly learned while in school? It was probably my worst subject my first year. I think I would like to give it a go again. Anyways… Nice catch Sebastien!

The games for Valentine’s Day should be rather interesting and I’m looking forward to the festivities… Although, I’m not terribly sure what to expect.

Oh! If anyone is looking for some part-time work I would love a hand at Scrivenshaft’s.

On a side note... My flat is done. The books are all put away and it's really starting to look like home. Things are finally coming together!

{Warded to Morag}
Morag dear, would you be opposed to meeting for lunch or dinner sometime? It’s been a long time and it would be lovely to catch up. Whenever works for you, love. Running your own business has its advantages… such as closing up for an hour or two.

{Warded to Michael}
Love, we really must get together soon! I have so much to talk to you about and I would love to catch up on your life. I could use my dearest friend and confidant… and perhaps a tad bit of your therapy as well. Think you could help, Doctor?

Jan. 27th, 2014


journal: saunderson

After a strenuous day of unpacking, working in the shop, and a little magical exertion I finally have both set up to my liking. Scrivenshaft's will be a little more spacious and a little less chaotic. I needed the room to begin hosting my weekly language and writing classes and for a few shipments of new specialty items. The red Flash quill tends to write faster than one can speak and is quite trendy at the moment. I am beyond excited to open the store up to the public in the next few days, I simply have some more organizing to get done in the respect.

The town seems to be buzzing with the opening of Ms. Abbott's new fondue restaurant. I will surely be making an appearance that night, though maybe in a less social aspect. this is about the food, is it not?