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July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'journal:+oliver'

Jun. 23rd, 2014



It's amazing what a little extra time on your hands can do. With no real responsibilities up at the school right now, I've managed to rearrange the flat so everything fits together a bit more seamlessly when it did when we first threw everything together. And now we probably have time for a proper party to celebrate and whatever...

Apr. 7th, 2014



It's two words...a week. But at least the teams are getting into their "a match is coming up" practice modes, so there's plenty of ways to distract myself in the evenings.

For you lot that have been asking, the final two matches of the season are:

May 3 - Hufflepuff v. Slytherin
May 24 - Gryffindor v. Ravenclaw

Both should be exciting match ups, if I do say so myself.

Warded to Alicia
Did Andrew tell you what's going on? I think I messed up this time.

Warded to Roger, James, Neville
Anyone interested in a night of drinking and whatever else goes along with it these days?

Mar. 23rd, 2014



It's a bit interesting how much some of the teams are putting into preparing for their final matches of the year even though they're still roughly two months away. Dedication, I must say.

Warded to Alicia
Could we meet sometime to assess the treatment plan for me knee? Things seem to be going better, but I just want to make sure it's all sound, medically speaking and such.

Warded to Terry
I saw your note about the Hogwarts matches and sorry I didn't get back to you. I got busy and it slipped my mind for a while. Would you like to meet sometime and we can discuss the matter?

Warded to Andrew
Miss you, even though I know you're just upstairs. If you're not busy, you should come down.

Jan. 21st, 2014



Quidditch on Saturday - Ravenclaw v. Slytherin. Both teams are looking ready, so it should be an interesting match up.

And then the Gryffindor v. Hufflepuff match is on February 22. I originally thought it could be on the 15th, but it turns out that's a Hogsmeade weekend and the two definitely shouldn't conflict. (And I'm thinking I probably want to be far from Hogsmeade that weekend anyway. Raging teenage hormones and the weekend of Valentine's Day? Don't need to be stuck in the middle of that.)

[Warded to Andrew]
My parents are back and my mother wants me to come by for brunch on Sunday. She asked if you'd be joining me. I gave a non-committal answer because I don't want you to feel pressured, but would you be interested?

Jan. 6th, 2014



Apparently my mother thinks she's hilarious. Note to self: never tell her what I'm planning for my birthday.

[Warded to those invited to the party]

Fear not, friends, she will not be attending herself.

[Warded to Andrew]

Maybe you don't want to meet my parents after all...

Dec. 1st, 2013



Refereeing the Hufflepuff v. Ravenclaw match yesterday was a bit easier than the last one. It wasn't quite as eventful, but I must say the Hufflepuff team is a bit feisty this year. Will be interesting to see how it all plays out.

Now that there aren't any matches until after the new year, my schedule's a bit freer and I was considering planning some sort of holiday soirée if anyone's interested. More details in the coming week.

Nov. 12th, 2013



A student told me today that I shouldn't be allowed to award or take house points since I'm apparently not real faculty. It would have been rude if it wasn't so funny.

[Warded to Roger & Alicia]
What does one get for a bloke one fancies to let him know one really fancies him?

[Warded to Andrew]
Hope you had a good day today.

Jul. 29th, 2013



Finished arranging the flat. Figure it's time to get out and see the village, but not really sure where to start. I suppose I could always go for some more cupcakes - those were great.

I probably should go take an inventory of supplies up at the school at some point, but there's plenty of time to get that done.

Jul. 25th, 2013


[No Subject]

Not really sure how this thing works. I'll be honest, I wasn't paying the closest attention when they were explaining it. And I'm not sure why they even gave me one since I don't expect I'll be here too long.