The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+justin'

May. 26th, 2014



Log: Justin and Susan

WHO: Justin and Susan
WHEN: Tuesday May 27th afternoon for lunch
WHERE: Qualitea
WHAT: Justin and Susan catch up.
RATING: Probably G
STATUS: ongoing

Justin hoped he wasn't late )

Apr. 19th, 2014



Log: Alicia and Justin

Who: Alicia and Justin and Open
What: 2 x double-shifts = coffee, sweets and 'let's stay awake' dancing
When: Saturday, 19. April – very early morning
Where: The Woodcroft Clinic
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

With a swing )

Mar. 31st, 2014




Who: Justin and Megan
What: A friend in need
When: Tonight
Where: Justin and Wayne's flat
Rating: Low, but with mature themes. Sensitive content.
Status: Ongoing

Read more... )

Mar. 16th, 2014


Owl to Justin


I know it's not much, but I hope this at least brings a smile to your face.


(the owl carries a care package including a dozen mint-chocolate brownies and a six-pack of pumpkin juice)

Mar. 11th, 2014



Birthday party invitations

From: James Cadwallader & Cormac McLaggen
To: Hannah Abbott, Katie Bell, Susan Bones, Dan Bradley, Lavender Brown, Cho Chang, Ritchie Coote, Roger Davies, Emma Dobbs, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Victoria Frobisher, Hermione Granger, Wayne Hopkins, Angelina Johnson, Megan Jones, Aidan Lynch, Andrew Kirke, Viktor Krum, Ernie Macmillan, Jimmy Peakes, Zacharias Smith, Jack Sloper, Lucy Spinks, Alicia Spinnet, Sebastien Summerby, Lisa Turpin, Romilda Vane, Myron Wagtail, Oliver Wood

RSVP to either James or Cormac by March 26.
Plus-ones welcome.

Feb. 10th, 2014



Valentine's Day Extravaganza Owls

Sent to: Neville Longbottom and Vicky Frobisher

Dear Neville/Vicky:

Congratulations! On behalf of the Hogsmeade Town Council I'm pleased to inform you that you have been chosen to take part in the Hogsmeade Dating Game as our bachelor/bachelorette! A select group of witches/and wizards will be vying for a chance to go out on a date with you, and you will get to choose who they are.

Please be at Qualitea no later than 5pm on Thursday, February the 13th, to get ready. If you could wear something red with you that day we'd appreciate it.

Thank you,

Julian Dorny, Programme Head
Hogsmeade Town Council

Sent to: Mandy Brocklehurst, Lucy Spinks, Serena Capper, Lavender Brown, Jack Sloper, James Cadwallader, Harry Potter, Saunderson Fawcett, Parvati Patil, Fera Dunstan


Congratulations! On behalf of the Hogsmeade Town Council I'm pleased to inform you that you will be joining the Hogsmeade Dating Game as one of the contestants vying for the chance to take our mystery bachelor/bachelorette out on a date.

Please be at Qualitea no later than 5:30pm on Thursday, February the 13th, to get ready. If you could wear something red with you that day we'd appreciate it.

Thank you,

Julian Dorny, Programme Head
Hogsmeade Town Council

Sent to: Justin Finch-Fletchley and Wayne Hopkins, Alexei Levski and Morag MacDougal-Levski, Roger Davies-Urquhart and Merrill Davies-Urquhart, Caleb Warrington and Tracey Davis.


Congratulations! On behalf of the Hogsmeade Town Council I'm pleased to inform you that you will be joining the Hogsmeade Couples Game vying for the prize of a weekend away with your significant other.

Please arrive at Qualitea no later than 5pm on Wednesday, February the 12th, to get ready for the games. If you could wear something in coordination with your significant other we'd much appreciate it.

Thank you,

Julian Dorny, Programme Head
Hogsmeade Town Council

Jan. 28th, 2014



Owls sent to Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Millicent Bulstrode, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Daphne Greengrass, Wayne Hopkins, Megan Jones, Ernie Macmillan, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Pansy Parkinson, Adrian Pucey, Orla Quirke, Lucy Spinks, Sebastien Summerby, Merrill Urquhart, Caleb Warrington, Blaise Zabini



Log: Justin and Wayne

WHO: Justin and Wayne
WHEN: Tuesday
WHERE: Their flat
WHAT: A night off, just the two of them.
STATUS: almost finished

Heaven was probably just like that )

Jan. 23rd, 2014



Owl: Justin and Wayne

WHO: Justin and Wayne
WHEN: Thursday evening
WHERE: Justin: His flat, Wayne: Work
WHAT: Justin sends an owl to his boyfriend.




[No Subject]

WHO: Justin and Parvati
WHEN: Wednesday at lunch (backdated slightly)
WHERE: Justin and Wayne’s flat.
WHAT: Coworkers having lunch on Justin’s day off.
STATUS: done!

He got off at 8, then napped. )



Log: Justin and Susan having dinner

WHO: Justin and Susan
WHEN: Tuesday January 21st (Backdated)
WHERE: Justin’s flat
WHAT: Seafood lasagna!!!
RATING: probably general

Hmmmm seafood! )

Jan. 10th, 2014



Owl Post

Owls to Ms. H. Abbott, Ms. M. Bulstrode, Mr. J. Cadwallader, Mr. J. Finch-Fletchley, Mr. W. Hopkins, Ms. M. Jones, Mr. E. Macmillan, Ms. I. Moon, Mr. Z. Smith, Ms. L. Spinks, and Mr. S. Summerby.

Jan. 8th, 2014



Log: Justin and Wayne...

WHO: Justin and Wayne
WHEN: Wednesday, DATE NIGHT.
WHERE: Their flat.
WHAT: It's date night and Justin's talk with Michael weights on his mind.
STATUS: Ongoing

He was determined not to spoil Date Night )



Log: Justin and Michael

WHO: Justin and Michael
WHEN: Wednesday January 8th
WHERE: Michael's office
WHAT: Michael's work sometimes brings his own friends into his office. (ooc: I don't like playing with myself, but Justin needed a professional :P)
RATING: General

So that's why you're here, right? )

Jan. 6th, 2014



Owl to Susan

Hey there Hun!

Are you free tomorrow morning? Hannah and I are meeting at Qualitea for a catch up breakfast. Please come along?




Badger Owls (+ a Raven)

The below owl is sent to Hannah Abbott, Susan Bones, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Wayne Hopkins, Megan Jones, Ernie Macmillan, Zacharias Smith, Lucy Spinks, Sebastien Summerby.

Hi badgers and kits,

Now that we've amassed quite the congregation in this sleepy, snowy village, I've decided to throw a joint housewarming/Hufflepuff gathering at my flat. I eagerly await your presence at 23 High Street, #303, at 11AM Sunday 12 January for a potluck brunch.

I'll supply my famous eggs a la James (they're delicious!), bacon rashers, and heaps of buttered toast. You bring the rest. I don't care if you make it, buy it at the Magic Neep ready-made, etc. as long as you bring something tasty!

I'd love to host your favourite plus-one as well. Just let me know once you RSVP.



The below owl, pinned to a duplicate James made of the above letter, is sent to Cho Chang.


Would you like to join me and my housemates for a brunch housewarming at my flat on Sunday?


Jan. 5th, 2014



Log: Justin and Wayne...

WHO: Justin and Wayne
WHEN: Sunday night
WHERE: Their flat
WHAT: Wayne gets home. Justin HAS worried.
STATUS: ongoing

Ah crap.. )

Dec. 31st, 2013



OWL: The Boyfriend Survey

The following survey has been heavily charmed to Owl any wizard who kissed somebody at the stroke of midnight, and includes the following note (OOC: Feel free to tag your character if they kiss anyone <3):

Dear Prospective/Current Boyfriend/Girlfriend,

Congratulations! You have been selected by the charm on this document because you kissed somebody on midnight. My name is Emma Dobbs and I would like to conduct research on relationships -- if you could, please fill out the form and return it to me within the week. I guarantee the utmost in confidentiality with regard to your answers, though of course if you would rather fill out the form anonymously that would be more than welcome as well. The results will not be published anywhere.

You are under no obligation to fill it out, but we have developed an advanced rubric and system for determining compatibility based on the answers of this survey, and I would be more than happy to let you know the results in exchange, and what it means for the future of your budding relationship!

Thank you, and happy new year!

Emma Dobbs
Advice Columnist
The Hogsmeade Herald

The Boyfriend/Girlfriend Survey )

To fill it out:

Dec. 30th, 2013



Owl Delivery

Owls to Susan Bones, Dan Bradley, Millicent Bulstrode, Roger Davies, Tracey Davis, Julian Dorny, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Marcus Flint, Wayne Hopkins, Megan Jones, Luna Lovegood, Ernie Macmillan, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Orla Quirke, Lucy Spinks, Alicia Spinnet, Sebastien Summerby, Lisa Turpin, and Merrill Urquhart

Each owl delivers the below invitation, then patiently awaits a response:

Dec. 27th, 2013



RP: Bring Your Muggle to The Three Broomsticks

Who: Open to everybody
What: Dan and Alicia thought it’d be fun to bring together the Muggle relatives to The Three Broomsticks
When: December 27th, 2005 – 6 pm
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Rating: TBD, but there are both parents and children present
Status: Ongoing

Madam Rosmerta had really come through. Not only had the tables reserved for the evening’s get-together been festively decorated, but there were also Fairy lights hovering above them and the Wireless was playing some of the greatest hits by Wizarding bands and artists. On the tables were small bowls of Honeyduke’s best treats and Bertie Botts’ All Flavour Beans.