The Last Station

July 2014


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May. 31st, 2014



We are almost to the end of the term! It's a bit odd to realize that I'm already done with my first year of teaching. So much has changed in the past year, but I also feel like there has been so much stability at the same time. I'm still trying to figure out what to do with the summer holidays. I plan to stay around Hogsmeade mostly, but I can't let them go by without getting away at least once - and I'm certainly open to suggestions...

Apr. 29th, 2014



Students are definitely beginning to see the end of the term on the horizon. If I can get my seventh years to just focus many of them would do very well on their NEWTs, but that is turning into quite the chore.

Also, I know it's last minute, but if anyone wants to come around to The Three Broomsticks tomorrow around seven for a drink of celebration, do feel free.

Mar. 17th, 2014



How many months in and I still sometimes forget to stagger when I have essays due. Four years at once is just too much and probably explains why I've been a bit scarce. So...sorry? But I should be caught up by Friday.

Warded to Ilia
I enjoyed showing you around the village. Maybe sometime soon you can show me around your farm?

Warded to Merrill
Haven't heard from you in a while. Roger's keeping you busy, I assume? Should catch up sometime. I have things to report and discuss.

Warded to Hufflepuffs
I feel like I haven't seen any of you in too long. And I know I haven't because none of you are scrolls of parchment, right? I hope to see many of you at James's party, but wouldn't mind a lunch/tea/drinks/anything with anyone this weekend if you're free.

Feb. 17th, 2014



The number of potions and other objects I've had to confiscate since the weekend ended has been higher than any other week this year - and it's barely even started. While my immediate thought is to suggest that we don't have a Hogsmeade Weekend so close to Valentine's Day next year, I shudder to think what such a weekend would be like if we kept all of the students shuttered up here in the castle.

In other news, the anticipation the Hufflepuffs are showing for the match against Gryffindor on Saturday is a bit infectious. It's good to see the way they're rallying together.

Warded to Merrill
Are you done traveling long enough to get together for dinner or a beverage of some sort?

Warded to Theodore
I believe I've pinpointed what we need to do to remove the last and strongest ward from the perimeter of your property. Maybe we should get together sometime this week to discuss. It's not fun, to say the least.

Warded to Ilia
Still willing to take me up on my offer to show you around the village? When would you like to do that?

Jan. 15th, 2014



Had a lengthy visit this afternoon with a seventh year who is considering spending a year volunteering abroad after finishing school. Actually made me miss it just a bit, but not enough to go back on the road. She'd be great for it, though, and I hope she does it if it seems like the right fit. Felt like I was honest about the challenges that go along with the rewards.

[Warded to Merrill]
How are you feeling? Up for a visitor sometime?

[Warded to Roger]
Need anything? Let me know.

[Warded to Andrew]
Heard what you have now might be the real deal. Bravo.

Jan. 9th, 2014



Almost through the first week of classes, round two, and surprised at how much they can forget in just a few weeks. Nothing a little review essay can't fix, though reading them all is not how I was hoping to spend my Saturday.

[Warded to Merrill]
Planning to go out on Saturday evening to either celebrate finishing the stack of essays or to try to forget how abysmal I expect some of them to be. You (and Roger, if he's inclined) interested in heading out for a drink or two?

Jan. 5th, 2014



I've decided to work on becoming an Animagus. I never really had a strong desire before, as I'm not sure what I would use such a form for, but I've been talking with Minerva still seems so strange to call her that about it and it sounds like a fun challenge. It would be a great refresher on Transfiguration, I'm sure, and probably help strengthen my knowledge of magical theory.

Anyone else ever thought about it? If I were to start some sort of study circle or were able to convince someone to provide lessons or instruction if anyone would like to help me convince a certain Headmistress, I would be much obliged, would anyone be interested?

Dec. 30th, 2013



Where did the holidays go? Seems like just a few days ago classes ended at Hogwarts and now we're already on the verge of them starting up again. I let my mother convince me to spend way too much time at home, though I venture the upside is that I can get away with putting off another visit for some time, at least.

[Warded to Merrill]
Free anytime soon? It's been too long and I definitely need to do something not so family friendly in the near future...

[Warded to Zacharias]
Any plans for your birthday?

Nov. 13th, 2013



The only thing worse than writing an essay is having to read and mark stacks of them. Especially when some are so abysmally written...

[Warded to Hogwarts faculty and staff]
So, I was thinking of hosting a brunch of sorts on Saturday if anyone is interested. My parents are going on a holiday so the house is open. I was thinking 11ish and then everyone is welcome to stay after and lounge by/in the swimming pool. Do let me know if you're interested.

OOC: As IJ has been a bit wonky for me lately I just now noticed that this went up in the wrong place here. Oops.

Sep. 25th, 2013



I find myself wondering if the professors disliked taking house points as much as I do. I try to avoid it as much as I can, but sometimes it seems the only option (short of silencing charms which are not permitted to be used as punishment).

Mysteriously I don't have essays to mark this weekend so I'm free if anyone wants to make plans.

Sep. 5th, 2013



Almost a week in. Hasn't been that awful, actually. The first-years have had their share of accidents, but Madam Pomfrey tells me that the numbers are within the normal range.

Looking forward to the weekend, though, I must admit.

Aug. 19th, 2013



I believe I've settled on a Corgi. Anyone know of an affordable pet shop? The idea of shelling out galleons for a living being seems odd to me, so I'd like to keep any such transaction as small as possible.

Aug. 13th, 2013


[No Subject]

The one advantage to spending hours on these lesson notes is that I've discovered three new Charms that have made life around the flat much, much easier - and that's just in the past two days. No, I won't share what they are, but you're welcome to venture a guess, I suppose.

Also, for those that may be curious, Madam Pince is far more accommodating and helpful when you're not a student. Though I guess it didn't help that we never really observed her 'No talking in the library' rule.

Hard to believe it's just a matter of weeks before the students arrive!

[Warded to Justin & Wayne]
We should get together again sometime soon. I told Justin on Saturday that I'll cook dinner. Just let me know when.

[Warded to Susan]
I hope everything is okay after...well. I meant to stop by this weekend but then I was up late on Saturday and have been poring over books with such a tenacity I'm worried I may be turning Ravenclaw. Fancy coffee or tea sometime this week?

Aug. 8th, 2013


[No Subject]

I've spent the past 48 hours being incredibly productive on lesson notes so I feel I've earned a Friday evening off. Anyone have suggestions? Better yet, anyone have suggestions and wish to join me?

Aug. 1st, 2013



Considering getting a pet. Good idea? Bad idea? Recommendations?

Also, I went for a run along the lake this morning and couldn't help feeling like I was being watched. If it was you, you're welcome to join me next time?

Jul. 23rd, 2013



Just finished unpacking. Have to admit it feels a bit strange to be back here. First meeting at Hogwarts in the morning...