The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+emma'

May. 25th, 2014


Quidditch: Gryffindor v Ravenclaw

Who: Anyone
What: Gryffindor v Ravenclaw
When: Saturday (backdated)
Where: Hogwarts
Rating: Low
Status: On-going

It was a beautiful day for the final match of the year. Oliver tried not to think about how much his own life had changed during the past few months, but it was difficult to do so when he found himself already thinking about next year's Quidditch program at the school. Shaking himself out of it, he headed for the center of the pitch to get things started.

Match result )

May. 1st, 2014



Log: End of an Era

Who: Andrew and Emma
What: The last night in their flat
When: Wednesday evening (after 8.30)
Where: Their flat
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

Well my bags are packed, I'm ready to go )

Apr. 25th, 2014



Log: Goodbye Flat 24

Who: Andrew, Emma, OPEN
What: PARTY!
When: Friday evening and into the night
Where: Flat 24
Rating: SFW? Not necessarily? Depends what you want to get up to!
Status: OPEN

Our house, it's our castle and our keep, our house, in the middle of our street )

Apr. 24th, 2014




Who: Emma, Michael, and Terry
What: Meeting the girlfriend/meeting the best friend
When: Backdated to Wednesday night
Where: Michael's place
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Emma had already met Michael's family, and she hadn't been nervous then. Not as much, anyway. But now she was meeting one of Michael's best friends and something about it worried her, a little. Just a little.

"I think everything's ready?" she told Michael, looking over the food. She didn't cook too much but tonight she brought out her best (only) dishes. "What do you think? Oh, did he say what time he would arrive?"

Apr. 9th, 2014



Log: A lunch meeting

Who: Emma and Stewart
What: Lunch!
When: Backdated to Tuesday, April 8
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Emma's schedule was pretty open and flexible during the day, so she'd agreed to meet Stewart for lunch when he asked. As long as Isla got her play time (which she did, that morning) and lunch (which they would have soon) and naptime afterward (which Emma planned to do, Emma could run errands for herself or for Alicia, visit the town shops, even go on field trips elsewhere if Isla wanted. On top of that, the weather was improving and that meant more outdoor activities for the two of them. Just that morning they'd gone to The Barkery and the Catfe to look at the dogs and take one of them out for a walk, a habit the pair of them had fallen into doing.

Today's pet was an exuberant little beagle, and by lunch, the two of them were famished. So they headed to The Three Broomsticks and picked out a booth, with Emma telling Isla they had to wait to order because she was waiting for a friend.

Apr. 6th, 2014



Log: Pick-up Quidditch, Week 3

Who: Open
What: Foxglve vs Qualitea @ 10am; Fromage vs Gladrags @ 2pm
When: Sunday
Where: Hogsmeade Park
Rating: Low-ish.
Status: Ongoing
Pick-up Quidditch, Week 3 )

Apr. 3rd, 2014




Who: Len and Jack, but also open to anyone Len might run into
What: Preparing to move
When: Thursday
Where: All around Hogsmeade
Rating: Low
Status: Complete

Len had never been the kind of person to just up and move someplace-- it usually took her such a long time to get comfortable with the idea of change that anytime she did, there was a plan in place and that she could be as comfortable about it as possible.

She had been willing to stick it out with St. Mungo's for longer than she did once Healer Pye had left, but she did begin applying to other hospitals. She'd been lucky enough to have been accepted at Woodcroft, as well as at the hospital in Brighton, but Woodcroft felt more familiar, smaller and more personal in a way that St. Mungo's never did, and which Brighton only hinted at being.

Now here she was, the week before she was scheduled to start, spending almost every day in Hogsmeade just to get acclimated. The first few days had been spent looking at apartments, but there were few that looked right and she was holding out hope that she could find something soon, or she'll have to commute by Floo temporarily. There were a few new stores around that got her attention, too, and she hoped she'd be able to drop by and see what they offered.

Mar. 22nd, 2014



Log: The Future?

Who: Andrew and Emma
What: Talking about their respective futures
When: Friday (backdated)
Where: Their living room
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

You can take the future )

Mar. 16th, 2014



Log: Celebrate!

Who: Andrew, anyone he invited over the journals, their plus ones and anyone who just happens to be at the Three Broomsticks
What: Celebrating!
When: Saturday evening (backdated, this is Kaylie Catching Up 2.0)
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Rating: Low?
Status: Ongoing.

Celebrate good times, come on! )

Mar. 14th, 2014




Who: Open to anybody who bought a ticket, duh
What: CONCERT!!!
When: Tonight at 7pm
Where: Bertie Botts Stadium
Rating: NSFW (Myron assumes)
Status: Ongoing

If Myron Wagtail was aware of the doubt among Hogsmeade's residents regarding his ability to play, he did not show it. He had always been a musician and performer first and foremost, and tended to go off the rails when he was doing neither-- now that there was a show to prepare for, he was, as Muggles might say, completely in the zone. So what if his 'band' have to be rented musicians and not the rest of the Weird Sisters? So what if he was fronted by a local group that only did covers and had a shitty singer?

The facts were this: he was sold out of tickets in less than a week since he announced the show, and his hand was cramped up and still achey to show for all of that autographing. The Daily Prophet was covering the comeback and WROCK had sat him down for an exclusive. Whoever he'd hired as his new publicist-- she was a pretty blonde thing, he thought her name was Guinevere or something-- had seen to it that Bertie Botts was presentable, they had the sound crew, and everything else was ready to go. Rehearsals in the days leading up to the performance had gone without a hitch.

That evening as Guns and Dragons took the stage he sat in his dressing room, going through the same routines that he'd gone in many previous shows before. He went over the set list, practiced his pitch, meditated. In a slow but sure haze he felt himself becoming himself again. He was going to start with a bang, with the fastest songs and the biggest hits. He'll keep his ballads after a good portion of the night was done, ease the tempo faster and close out with the biggest chart topper the Weird Sisters ever had.

Tonight will mark Myron Wagtail's return to the music circuit, band or no band.

Mar. 11th, 2014



Birthday party invitations

From: James Cadwallader & Cormac McLaggen
To: Hannah Abbott, Katie Bell, Susan Bones, Dan Bradley, Lavender Brown, Cho Chang, Ritchie Coote, Roger Davies, Emma Dobbs, Justin Finch-Fletchley, Victoria Frobisher, Hermione Granger, Wayne Hopkins, Angelina Johnson, Megan Jones, Aidan Lynch, Andrew Kirke, Viktor Krum, Ernie Macmillan, Jimmy Peakes, Zacharias Smith, Jack Sloper, Lucy Spinks, Alicia Spinnet, Sebastien Summerby, Lisa Turpin, Romilda Vane, Myron Wagtail, Oliver Wood

RSVP to either James or Cormac by March 26.
Plus-ones welcome.

Mar. 5th, 2014



Log: Nightmares..

WHO: Michael and Emma
WHEN: Wednesday 5th of March
WHERE: Michael's place.
WHAT: Things are unraveling for Michael
RATING: Um.. I'll update if it goes up PG

Michael had always been good at keeping secrets and his conscience had never suffered from it, but recently he had found that hiding things from Emma was possibly the last thing he should do. Even if he wanted to protect her.

He didn't want pity, never had. Michael didn't look like a fighter, but he was and he was proud of this too. But ever since he had met with.. damn why couldn't he bring himself to even think his name? Ah well, ever since he had seen him, things had been complicated. Unwanted thoughts and memories, spacing out once in a while, nightmares.. Unfortunately, even around Emma.

Feb. 21st, 2014



Log: Michael and Emma

WHO: Michael and Emma
WHEN: Friday evening.
WHERE: Michael's place.
WHAT: Michael made dinner.
RATING: Um PG to start with? We'll see.
STATUS: Ongoing

Grilled fish with a side of barley )

Feb. 12th, 2014



Log: Valentine's Extravaganza, Part 1 - Couples Game

Who: Open
What: Couples Game
When: Late afternoon to early evening
Where: Qualitea
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

The Couples Game started around 7pm, although the couples competing were asked to arrive much earlier to get prepped and ready at 5pm. During the prep period, each half of the couple was pulled aside and asked a series of short questions, their answers written down.

The game took place in Qualitea, with the shop rearranged to have the competing couples in view of the audience. For the first half of the games one-half of the pair was asked the questions, and after a short break where there were small prizes given out to audience members who answered Valentine's and Hogsmeade-related trivia correctly, the game resumed with the other half of the pair answering the questions.

At the end of it, Caleb and Tracey came in first place, with both getting the most right answers when asked, Alexei and Morag came in second, Roger and Merrill third, and Justin and Wayne came in last place, though it had been by a matter of a few points.

Afterward, there were drinks (provided for by the Town Council) for everyone.

Feb. 4th, 2014


Owls to Andrew, Alicia, and Emma

To Andrew Kirke )

To Alicia Spinnet )

To Emma Dobbs )

Jan. 26th, 2014



[No Subject]

WHO: Michael and Emma
WHEN: Sunday night
WHERE: Woodcroft Clinic
WHAT: Michael had.. an unfortunate accident.

The pain was actually terrible )

Jan. 24th, 2014



Log: Michael brings home the girlfriend

Who: Michael and Emma
What: After meeting the family
When: Thursday night (backdated)
Where: Michael's mum's, and then Hogsmeade
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

Michael's family was not the first that Emma had been introduced to by someone she was dating, but that hadn't made her any less nervous. She knew there was some tension between Michael and his mother with regard to the decisions Michael had made during and after the war, and that, while his mother was once a witch, she no longer lived as such, and neither did his younger brother. Emma had only a basic knowledge of Muggle living herself, and her biggest concern going into the evening was that she would bring up something undoubtedly magical in nature and remind everyone of the divide that existed in the family, so she spent a good part of the afternoon writing down things that were not based on magical or Muggle living.

But in the end, it turned out she needn't have worried so much. Michael's mum was warm and kind and understanding. William, Emma suspected, was there mostly to be amused at his brother. And all four of them had a very good dinner, never running out of things to talk about-- the food, cooking, the things Michael had liked when he was growing up, what Michael was like when he was a boy, what William was like when he was boy, even when William might bring someone home next. Mrs. Corner had many questions for Emma, and Emma was equally curious about her. It was late when Michael and Emma left, Emma's arm hooked around Michael's as Michael carried some leftovers with him.

"She was so lovely," Emma told Michael, smiling at him. "I'm glad that hadn't gone disastrously. I hope. You don't think it did, do you?"

Jan. 7th, 2014



Log: Champagne!

Who: Emma and Andrew
What: Champagne & details
When: Monday, 7.15pmish [Backdated a little]
Where: Their flat
Rating: Potentially NSFW, depending on just what level of detail Emma is after
Status: Ongoing

It starts in my toes and I crinkle my nose )

Jan. 6th, 2014


An Owl

An Owl delivers the following to Lavender, James, Ritchie, Roger, Emma, Vicky, Hermione, Andrew, Neville, Cormac, Parvati, Harry, Alicia, Romilda, Myron, & Ginny

Read more... )



Note: Emma

On a piece of parchment, charmed to stick to the bathroom mirror at roughly Emma's head-height: