The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'journal:+millicent'

Apr. 27th, 2014




Fucking fantastic. Don't get me wrong-- Chasing is the bloody best, but I get the appeal of Seeking.

Warded to the Flitterbies
Is Draco back next week? I don't mind doing this again, if it's needed.

Apr. 20th, 2014




What the fuck is with this round of Quidditch? Foxglove's played five games and three of them have been draws. I'd almost rather lose.

Warded to Merry
Did Draco anyone give you shite about not catching the Snitch? Because I'd say you flew pretty bloody well.

Warded to Isabel
Any last minute advice on how not to offend Ritchie's grandmother? We're going round to hers this afternoon.

Apr. 6th, 2014




Well, I couldn't be more pleased. It's about bloody time we won a match, considering Foxglove's the best team out there.

Nice playing, Quirke. Knew you weren't hopeless.

Apr. 3rd, 2014




I believe this morning's practice of the Foxglove Flitterbies was my favourite yet, since I had the pleasure of laughing watching from the sidelines with Draco while the rest did extra drills. In the future, I reckon all of them will remember to acknowledge his journal entries about the team. All the better to kick the arses of Qualitea's team.

Mar. 30th, 2014




Fucking hell. How many hours later and I'm still freezing. Hurrah Quidditch.

Warded to Draco
What're we going to do about Quirke? Obviously the Chasers have to step our game up as well, but it's bloody impossible to keep up with how many goals she's letting past.

Mar. 23rd, 2014



journal: quidditch

So glad I've been breaking my back getting up at the arse-crack of dawn just to have the fucking Fwoopers score twenty-two goals on us.

Warded to the Foxglove Flitterbies
So what's the plan to make sure this never happens again?

Mar. 12th, 2014




Warded to Draco
How would you take it if someone else in our House was shagging a Gryffindor?

Mar. 9th, 2014




Having younger siblings is often an exercise in patience. And I have practically none to begin with.

Warded to Draco
I don't care what story Althea cooks up or if she has a note that looks like it bears my signature on it, she does not have permission to leave school for either the bloody Warbeck concert or whatever that gobshite Wagtail has thrown together.

Warded to Isabel
Are you making Cheer cupcakes for tomorrow? Althea's bloke has apparently broken her heart again. I've lost count how many times this makes.

Feb. 20th, 2014




Thank fuck the boring bits of the IQCs are over. Who the hell cares about those bloody teams anyway? At least we've finally reached the matches worth listening to, and the final game is only a few days away.

Warded to Ritchie
Slytherin party at Draco and Theodore's Saturday night. You're coming with me.

Feb. 3rd, 2014




Bloody ghost dog showed up this morning and startled one of the cats while she was on the counter in the kitchen. Two glasses and a bottle of firewhiskey later and even with magic it took for-fucking-ever to clean up.

Warded to Ritchie
I've got a thing tonight for a mate of mine who eloped over the weekend. Want to come along?

Jan. 27th, 2014




Warded to Theodore and Draco

What the FUCK is wrong with you two?

Jan. 15th, 2014




New addition seems to be fitting in nicely. Of course, I caught Eris showing Nem how to open the cupboard where the treats are kept, so I may regret this in the end.

Warded to Isabel
So I guess you could call the sober thing a success. Sort of.

Warded to Merrill

Jan. 2nd, 2014




[Warded to Isabel]
Up for giving out some advice?

[Warded to Entwhistle]
You still doing the adoption thing? My cat is particular about people, but handles other cats surprisingly well, as long as they let her be in charge. My sister's cat visits sometimes, but he gets along with everything and everyone. I don't know how the fuck this works.

Dec. 30th, 2013




Christmas is behind us (thank Merlin), New Year's is only a day away, Althea's off to Brighton until the weekend, and I've got a week off work to spend however I choose. Pretty fucking fantastic holidays, in my opinion.

Warded to Draco and Theodore
Life with two cats -- I'm barking mad to be considering this, yeah? Eris seems to actually enjoy the company of another cat (or at least enjoys having one to antagonise), but Jorah's only around some of the time. I'm not sure my flat needs another tyrant.

Dec. 1st, 2013




Go ahead, then. What a fucking mess.

Private to Merrill, Theodore, and Zacharias
For what it's worth, I am sorry.

Nov. 24th, 2013




What the fuck, Spinnet? Next time you can't be arsed to play properly, do the rest of us a favour and sit out the match. We'd have been better off with bloody Quirke out there today.

Nov. 22nd, 2013




I can't believe I'm actually writing this, but I am so fucking glad it's Hogsmeade Weekend. If Althea weren't taking her bloody cat back to the castle tomorrow, I would've given the sodding thing to the ghost that lives in Ritchie's flat. Or set it free it in the Forbidden Forest. Jorah is the single most annoyingly needy cat I've ever known. Tomorrow can't come soon enough.

Nov. 17th, 2013




Bloody Potter. Some days I really hate Quidditch, but what else is there to do in this sodding village?

Warded to Shirts
This is just to say that the Skins are catching up when it comes to total wins. For the fucking record.

Nov. 10th, 2013




Apparently we're letting anyone who wants to play Quidditch now, regardless of whether they have experience or, in fact, any fucking skills whatsoever. Why we needed a full bloody team I don't know, when we played with less before. Stick sodding Potter in the Chaser position and we would've been fine. My cat could fly better than the witch who filled in on the Shirts today

Nov. 6th, 2013




Warded to Slytherins
You reorganised the stock according to colour? Are you fucking kidding me, Draco?