The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'journal:+emma'

Jun. 23rd, 2014




Goodness, where's the time gone? I feel like spring was just starting and now we're in the middle of summer already? It's all that editing and promo planning for the book! Pretty soon it'll be Christmas!

I have to say, I missed being able to wear my sundresses, though, and open-toed sandals, and my big giant glasses and floppy hats. Which reminds me-- Michael, A, Romy: beach day soon? Bring your Significant Others, A and Romy. It'll be great!

Apr. 30th, 2014




Yikes! And to think I almost went to that tasting!

Private to Susan

Do you know if a package for me has arrived at the owlery? I was meant to check, but today got away from me. It's a small package from Witch Weekly and I think they said to expect it early this week, but I haven't received anything yet.

Apr. 24th, 2014




Papers finalized, dates are set, so it's official official. April 30 is the last night Andrew and I will have at #202, Apartment 24. We had some really great memories there and plenty of good times, so OBVIOUSLY we're going to celebrate all of that!

Come to our flat this Friday! We're going to be in the middle of packing everything up but there will be food and drinks and music and one last hurrah for #202! We loved you so, may your next tenants treat you well, and here's to new adventures! ♥


Apr. 14th, 2014




Another Hogsmeade weekend gone and is it just me or do shops look a little more like a tornado just swept through them afterward? If you run a shop or work in one, I don't know how you do it but I hope all is well.

In other news, there will be a Dobbs-Kirke party to end all parties. Stay tuned for details!

Mar. 16th, 2014




Myron Wagtail is still super dreamy, and my best friend is going places, and my boyfriend is awesome, and spring is coming, and everything is beautiful!

Except the last couple of issues of Dear Emma have been so dull. Now I know for a fact this town is just crawling with real heartache and pain, so won't you share them with me anonymously?

Private to Andrew, Romy, and Michael

I FINISHED MY BOOK!!!! It's actually-- actually-- off to the editor now for review!

Jan. 3rd, 2014



Private to Romilda

What is going on with you and Cormac???

Dec. 31st, 2013




I would have gotten ready for the party ages ago if not for the fact that I got sidetracked because I brought home a box of old school things from when I was at my parents' this Christmas. Merlin, Romy and A, were we really that little??

Anyway, what should I find but a thing, borne of necessity after the Catastrophe that we will not be named, during seventh year. Romy, do you remember? The survey?

Long story short, I was examining the document-- a survey meant to assess the compatibility of one person with another-- and I thought it actually made a lot of sense. I think for research purposes, I'd quite like to have people fill it out if you're able?

Oh, I could Charm it to--

Dec. 2nd, 2013




I would show you all what I just got, propped up on my dresser, but it's so so so very not safe for general viewing.







Nov. 4th, 2013




Just made seven-- yep, counted 'em all, seven!-- snow angels. And snow men and snow women and snow puppies and snow quaffles, because then I got tired.

I love winter.

Private to Oliver: Hey, you're going to be at Andrew's birthday on Wednesday, right? Looking forward to having you over at our humble abode!

Private to Isabel: Hello, Isabel! Could I place an order for a birthday cake on Wednesday please? I'll drop by tomorrow to give you all the information but I hope that isn't too late notice?

Private to Romy: Are you making anything for Andrew's thing or do you need me to help with anything? I know you're busy with the shop opening so I don't want you to worry about anything but let me know if you're doing something so we don't double up. I took care of the cake and I was gonna do dips for chips.

Private to Michael: Andrew's having a small party on Wednesday for his birthday. Do you want to come?

Oct. 15th, 2013




Both of my best mates are now in Hogsmeade. This is officially now the best town ever!

(Romilda, seriously, come by anytime-- we need to get caught up. Too bad you missed Andrew playing last weekend at the Fall Festival though.)

Private to Stewart:

I gotta say, thank you for the recommendation! The quill's really working well. Let me know when you get anything else in stock that I might find interesting.

Private to Michael:

I will be Isla-ful this weekend; Alicia's heading out of town for a wedding. If you're free Saturday I was thinking of taking her to Blackisle Wildlife Park.

Sep. 9th, 2013




Urgh, I think I'm coming down with something. On my fifth cup of ginger tea and still nothing.

Warded to Alicia: So far it's only a sore throat, but I don't feel completely comfortable coming over tomorrow in case I pass it on to Isla. I'm so sorry for the late notice-- I have a friend or two I can ask to look after her, if you don't have anyone? I can vouch for them.

Sep. 4th, 2013




Charmed onto the journal page

Look at mine and Isla's project for the afternoon!

Aug. 12th, 2013



Journal: For the ladies

Private to all the ladies of Hogsmeade

I don't think I know everyone here yet, BUT that is exactly why I think we should have a ladies' night out! So this invitation is open to all the witches of Hogsmeade. Saturday, 7pm, a mix of Diagon Alley and Muggle London for dinner, pubs, and clubs?

Let me know here if you're up for it, s'il vous plait. And we should make a habit of it. I was torn between a night out and a night in, and they're both very equally valid options, but maybe next time we can do the night in. If, uh, anyone has a place to offer up. I would mine, but I do have a roommate, and he loves me, but I think a dozen girls in our flat for a weekend might be where he draws the line.

Aug. 9th, 2013




My awesome, amazing, fantastically gorgeous roommie already made the announcement, but in case you're waffling, TOMORROW YOU MUST COME TO 24F Andrew that IS our address, right? HIGH STREET AT 7PM.

I already know some of you are coming but yes, open invite, come one, come all.

Private to Alicia, Susan, Princess, Madam Rosmerta, Isabel and Michael:

I hope to see you there! Totally fine if you can't make it, but it'd be fun so I hope you do!

Aug. 8th, 2013




Draco-poo, my little ward wants to know when she can visit the princess in the apothecary again. She's made you a new crown to wear. We must take a picture!

Thanks for getting my birth control ready, by the by. You're a doll! Can you tell me which of the EoN potions are what you use on your hair? I've been dying to go blonde for a while now and you have the best shade of platinum blond I've seen outside Malibu.

Jul. 30th, 2013




Nothing's good on the wireless and with this much magic in the air, no way I can get a telly to work here. None of the books I'm reading are holding my interest I am totally writer's blocked and Andrew's practicing with his band.

I might paint my nails, and then see if I can do fried green tomatoes after all. (Thanks for the green zebras, Iz!)

What's everyone up to tonight?

Jul. 14th, 2013



Journal: On Quidditch

Wow. So that happens every week around here?

Jul. 7th, 2013




One of the barkeeps downstairs said getting one of these things would be more helpful than posting bulletins around town, so here goes nothing, I guess.

Good morning, citizens of Hogsmeade! I'm Emma and I come bearing cheap labour and a potential source of income. Is anybody looking for part time work and/or a roommate? Preferably not both; things tend to get awkward the more tangled, but I've got experience waiting, selling, baby-sitting, etc. Should be free most weekdays. My schedule's very flexible. I'm sure we can talk about it.

I'm also looking for a place to stay. I'd prefer not to live alone, but I'll manage if no one's looking for roommates. The Three Broomsticks is a good, temporary solution for the time being, but I probably shouldn't stay here more than a week. I come light! Hardly any baggage, emotionally or otherwise. I'm neat, will respect your privacy, and can cook a mean paella. I'm hoping to pay about ~50g a month for my own room.

Finally, it's a beautiful Sunday morning in a lovely town. Where should a girl go to get entertained around here?