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Posts Tagged: 'character:+eddie'

Dec. 25th, 2013



Tis the season

Christmas presents were delivered in-person or through owl, with the following notes:

Gift for Serena )

Gift for Eddie )

Gift for Asher )

Gift for Cho )

Gift for Roger )

Gift for Alicia and Isla )

Gift for Merrill and Violet )



Christmas Deliveries

Left attached to the door of Eddie's flat )

Left attached to the door of Daphne's flat )

Left attached to the door of Eloise's flat )

Left attached to the door of Harry's flat )

Left attached to the door of Romilda's flat )

Left attached to the door of Caleb's flat )



Christmas Owls and Presents

Owl to Eddie Carmichael )

Owl to Michael Corner )

Owl to Emma Dobbs )

Owl to Justin Finch-Fletchley and Wayne Hopkins )

Owl to Andrew Kirke )

Owl to Harry Potter )

Owl for Lisa Turpin )

Owl to Violet and Merrill Urquhart )

Owl to Caleb Warrington )

Owl to Oliver Wood )

Present for Asher left on the kitchen counter in Julian and Asher's flat )

Presents given in person on Christmas morning:
For Julian )

For Cormac )

Dec. 24th, 2013



Christmas Deliveries! (From Lucy)

Christmas Presents for: Dan, Eddie, Eloise, Emma, Ernie, Isabel, Justin, Kevin, Lisa, Marcus, Megan, Neville, Ritchie, Susan, Wayne and Zacharias.

What I can I give, give my heart )

Christmas Owls

Owl to Asher
Inside the package is a sparkly princess crown, charmed to flash different colours. Underneath this is a leather-bound journal, with dragons embossed on the cover.

Happy Christmas, Asher!

Owl to Eddie
Inside the package is a men's scarf.

Happy Christmas, Eddie!

Owl to Julian
Inside the package is a gift basket of wine.

Happy Christmas, Julian!

Owl to Merrill
Inside the package is a bottle of French Merlot.

Happy Christmas, Merrill!

Owl to Penelope
Inside the package is a book-shaped locket.

Happy Christmas, Penny!

Owl to Roger
Inside the package is a pink plush pygmy puff, charmed to coo and squeak when squeezed. Alongside this is a bottle of Belgian beer.

Happy Christmas, Roger!

Owl to Serena
Inside the package is a necklace with an "S" pendant.

Happy Christmas, Serena!

Dec. 17th, 2013



Log: Bondman and Robin

Who: Eddie and Lucy
What: A date!
When: 7.30pm, Saturday 14th December [Backdated]
Where: Wherever Eddie decides to take her ;-)
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

I wish I was James Bond, just for the day, kissing all the girls... )

Dec. 10th, 2013


Owl to Lucy Spinks

Owl to Lucy Spinks )

Dec. 8th, 2013



Log: Vicky and Eddie

Who: Eddie Carmichael and Vicky Frobisher
What: A bit of a talk
When: November 27 [Backdated]
Where: Eddie’s flat
Rating: SFW
Status: Ongoing

Time for a break, I think )

Nov. 14th, 2013



log: eddie/cormac get wasted

Who: Cormac & Eddie
What: Being drunken bros
When: Thursday, Nov. 14, evening
Where: Cormac's flat
Rating: SFW (though probably lots of swearing)
Status: In progress

Drinking with Eddie wasn't a new phenomenon, so Cormac always had a few bottles of liquor on stand-by for times such as these. Tonight they'd be enjoying a 20 year old bottle of Blishen's Firewhiskey. He had better stuff around the house, but tonight was about getting drunk, plain and simple. No point in wasting the good stuff. Especially if Eddie might cry.

Hearing a knock on the door, Cormac went and opened it for Eddie, grinning. "Glad you've made it in one piece. Ready to drink?"

Nov. 10th, 2013


Log: It's the Ravenclaws' turn to party

Who: Ravenclaws!

What: Drinks

When: Tonight

Where: The Three Broomsticks

Rating: Low?

Status: Ongoing

There had been Julian, of course, and a few younger Ravenclaws whom Roger did not really know fully well just yet, but it wasn't until Eddie and Asher and Cho and Serena all moved in that it was obvious the time had come for the Ravenclaws to have a gathering all their own. It wasn't going to be the kind of gathering Roger had gone to with the Slytherins, exactly, but with the new residents to Hogsmeade he figured a reacquaintance with the village itself was in order.

Nov. 9th, 2013



Log: Vicky and Eddie

Who: Vicky Frobisher and Eddie Carmichael
What: It’s beach night at Casa Carmichael
When: Saturday, 9. November, 2005 - evening
Where: Eddie’s flat
Rating: Should be low
Status: Ongoing

All we need now, is the view )

Nov. 8th, 2013


Log: Eddie & Serena

Who: Eddie & Serena
What: Eddie and Serena talk in person for the first time since their break-up
When: Friday night, after Roger's birthday party
Where: Starting outside and ending in the apartment building?
Rating: G
Status: Completed

Avoiding Serena all throughout Roger's party had been agony. Eddie wanted, very badly, to approach her and apologize for his attitude during their journal conversation; however it didn't seem like the appropriate place or time given the purpose of the gathering. Everyone else was having a good time reminiscing and laughing over wine and Eddie had to move his gaze from his former girlfriend. Serena didn't look much different from his last recollection of her. After her time in Azkaban, she'd returned to him a different person. Many years later, Serena looked as if she was still that person he'd last seen. She appeared to be having a good time talking to the other guests and catching up, but Eddie couldn't help but notice there was something else about her that he couldn't quite put his finger on.

As Eddie was saying his goodbyes to the birthday boy and the rest of his Ravenclaw family, he noticed Serena moving toward the front door from the corner of his eye. Eddie wished Roger a Happy birthday one final time before grabbing his coat and heading off after Serena.

As he followed several paces behind her while trying to decide whether or not to call out to her, Eddie noticed Serena was headed in the same direction as he would be if he was returning home.

Log: Roger's Birthday

Who: Eddie Carmichael, Serena Capper, Robert Chambers, Cho Chang, Penelope Clearwater, Roger Davies, Julian Dorny, and Merrill Urquhart
What: Roger's birthday!
When: starting at 7 PM, Friday
Where: 22E High Street (Cho's flat)
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Cho had never needed to pull together a last minute birthday party less than a week after moving to a new town and starting a new job. What sounded like a recipe for disaster, or at the very least stress, turned out to be neither. Merrill knew a witch who baked the cake, and Cho organised the menu and sent out invitations. All the cooking was done ahead, leaving Cho with plenty of time on the day of the dinner to make sure her flat was in top shape for having company. As 7PM approached, she finished arranging the wine-and-spirits table, and looked around her flat with an air of satisfaction.

Nov. 6th, 2013


Owls to Eddie Carmichael, Robert Chambers, Penelope Clearwater, and Julian Dorny

Please join us for dinner in celebration of Roger's birthday.
Seven o'clock this Friday, at 22E High Street. RSVP to Cho or Merrill.

Nov. 1st, 2013



RP: Halloween Party #2

Who: Anyone and Everyone!
What: Drinks and dancing with the devil
When: Friday til late
Where: Andrew & Emma's flat
Rating: TBD?
Status: Open

The coffin-bangers were about to arrive with their vocal group The Crypt-Kicker Five )

Oct. 31st, 2013



Log: Choir / After choir

Who: Anyone who might reasonably be at choir or at the Three Broomsticks after choir
What: Magical mayhem
When: Thursday evening
Where: Town hall / Three Broomsticks
Rating: Goodness knows
Status: OPEN

Double, double, toil and trouble )

Oct. 28th, 2013


Log: Eddie & Vicky

Who: Eddie & Vicky
What: Vicky moves in with Eddie temporarily
When: Monday evening
Where: Eddie's flat - 23B High St
Rating: G
Status: Completed.

Although Eddie had a full night ahead of him after his first complete day as the Defense Against the Dark Arts professor, he couldn't help but offer up a place for Vicky to stay while she figured things out. He didn't know the woman, but didn't think there was any harm in being friendly. After all, he could more than protect himself. Nearly six years as a Hit-Wizard had prepared him for nearly anything.

Vicky had said ten minutes and while Eddie wasn't worried about straightening up, given that he was a very minimalistic person to begin with, he did want to make sure that the guestroom was completely ready for her when she arrived. He went to work in the ten minutes that she said it would take to arrive but it only took only two or three of those minutes to get the bed made and the boxes put away into his own bedroom.

Oct. 26th, 2013



[No Subject]

WHO | Kevin Entwhistle and OPEN.
WHEN | The evening of Saturday, October 26, from 8:00 p.m. on.
WHERE | Kevin Entwhistle's flat.
WHAT | The first of Hogsmeade's two Halloween celebrations.
RATING | TBD-- perhaps moderate to high?
STATUS | In progress.

By half past seven, Kevin-- now transformed into the Muggle superhero he'd liked best as a child-- was ready to receive his first guests of the evening. The small attic flat was cloaked in cobweb and shadow, its only pinpoints of light the gleaming eyes of bats that fluttered in the eaves and the flickering candles in carved pumpkins. Both alcoholic beverages and drinks free of liquor were available, as were seasonal sweets of all sorts.