The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'character:+terry'

Apr. 26th, 2014



Log: An actual date??

Who: Serena Capper and Terry Boot
Where: Fromage
When: Saturday night
What: Somehow, a date actually happened!
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing


Serena wasn't exactly proud of the fact that she'd needed to get drunk in order to properly ask Terry out on a date, but he'd said yes so really, there was no harm done. It'd taken some time to schedule, since journalism didn't exactly give one much free time, and her schedule conflicted with most normal people's anyway.

However! That was just more things that didn't actually matter, since now she had an opportunity to see if what had happened between them was just a one-off or if there could actually be something there. And the fact that she was even open to considering that there could be was a big step, she knew.

She arrived at Fromage a few minutes after they'd agreed to meet, caught up in worrying whether her dress was right or not, and smiled at him. Her drunken owl had also done the job of breaking the ice, too -- at least, from her side. "It's good to see you again."

Apr. 24th, 2014



Who: Open!
What: Hockey Quidditch!
When: Tonight!
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

True to his word, Terry showed up at The Three Broomsticks early that evening. The plan, really, was to see if the Wanderers would survive one more night, but Terry wasn't about to say no to the Kestrels and Falcons match either. The Kestrels, by all accounts from the last match, was nearing an unraveling, something Terry wouldn't have wanted for his bracket, but that was Quidditch.

He found a seat by the bar, the game already on, and ordered himself a drink.




Who: Emma, Michael, and Terry
What: Meeting the girlfriend/meeting the best friend
When: Backdated to Wednesday night
Where: Michael's place
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Emma had already met Michael's family, and she hadn't been nervous then. Not as much, anyway. But now she was meeting one of Michael's best friends and something about it worried her, a little. Just a little.

"I think everything's ready?" she told Michael, looking over the food. She didn't cook too much but tonight she brought out her best (only) dishes. "What do you think? Oh, did he say what time he would arrive?"

Apr. 18th, 2014


Owls to Katie Bell and Terry Boot

sent in the early morning, just after the Daily Prophet's delivery


Rita Skeeter is such a harpy, and the Prophet useful for little more than fish wrap. I'm coming over early today so we can figure out how-- and if-- we want to address these ridiculous accusations. Feels like a day for cocktails at brunch, don't you think?




Rise and shine, cousin of mine. I need you to head over to Katie's so we can talk about the 'article' in today's edition of the Prophet.


Apr. 12th, 2014



Backdated Owl

Sent in the early morning hours of Saturday.

Dear Terry Boot,

Would you like to go out on a non professional date. Please indicate thoughts thank you!

Serena Capper

Apr. 7th, 2014



log: a customer gets more than he bargained for

Who: Theodore, Millicent, and Terry
What: a bit too much celebrating has unfortunate consequences
When: Monday morning
Where: Eye of Newt
Rating: low
Status: ongoing

Millicent glanced at Theodore out of the corner of her eye, and not for the first time that morning. From the moment of her arrival at the shop, it had been clear that Theodore wasn't at his best. Assuming he was just a bit peaked, she'd said nothing about it, but-- honest to Salazar-- he seemed worse now than before. Frowning, Millicent put aside the potion she'd just finished labeling and turned to Theo.

"You look like shite, mate," she said, crossing her arms. "I can watch the shop, if you want to skive off for the rest of the day."

Apr. 1st, 2014



Log: Town Hall Meeting

Who: Open to everyone
What: Town Hall Meeting
When: Tonight at 7pm
Where: The Hogsmeade Express Station
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

There was one Tuesday night every month that Julian rather dreaded, and it was the night that the villagers all gathered round to air out their concerns in the Town Hall meeting. Airing out their concerns, of course, was a polite way of saying they were there to complain, and whether or not it was something the Town Council could help with, Julian was the hapless focus of these complaints.

After almost a year of doing this, Julian liked to think he had more or less gotten a handle on how these things run, and he'd managed to develop skin thick enough to withstand the insults lobbied at him.

"Good evening, everyone," he said, sitting at the front of the hall. "Thank you for coming. We're opening up the floor for the residents. Please keep in mind to let everyone speak their turn. Direct your inquiries towards me and please, try not to jump in."

He cleared his throat and glanced at the residents seated in front of him. "Who would like to start?"

Mar. 16th, 2014



Who: Michael and Terry
What: Hydras @ Falcons game
When: Tonight at 7pm
Where: Falmouth Stadium
Rating: Low (unless Terry swears at Falcons fans...)
Status: Ongoing

After his meeting with Serena Terry headed over to the Floo to meet Michael, giving the bloke a friendly pat on the arm before they took the Floo over to Falmouth. The crowd there was beginning to thicken as they were closer to game time, but after getting a beer and finding their seats in no time.


Who: Serena and Terry
What: Dinner meeting
When: 5pm
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

Terry wasn't late-- he usually wasn't, but he made sure not to be, for this dinner with Serena. It wasn't quite a job interview, but Terry was determined to do what was needed so that the agency could get some coverage on the air, whether it meant having Terry on as a guest or referencing his research on the show. He'd even brought along with him the work that he'd done, even though he wasn't certain that it would come up. From what Serena had told him, she just wanted to talk. Terry thought this ran closer to the pitching part of the process, and he was ready to do that too.

He settled in a quiet booth by the back, ordering only fizzy pumpkin juice-- it wouldn't be good to be drinking, probably-- and waited.

Mar. 13th, 2014


Log: lunchtime at the Quidditch agency

Who: Katie Bell, Terry Boot, and Angelina Johnson
What: a business lunch
When: Thursday, noon ish
Where: Katie's loft
Rating: low?
Status: onging

The Quidditch agency didn't have a business office, as such. For now, they were using Katie's flat above the Magic Neep as a base of operations, but that suited them just fine, as a start-up. Having the greengrocer's downstairs was handy for grabbing a quick snack, and Fromage was just a few doors down, which worked nicely when they needed to work through dinner. Lunch, though, meant someone had to run to the Three Broomsticks and today Angelina had drawn that lot, hurrying through the village and back again with their meals.

Balancing the food with one arm, Angelina pushed open the door to Katie's flat, slipping inside before it could shut on her again. "I've got lunch!" she called, carrying everything over to the table. "Who's hungry?"



Owl to Terry Boot

Mr. Boot,

Hey Terry, it's Ritchie Coote over at the WWN. My boss, Serena Capper (you probably know her...she was in Ravenclaw as well) thinks you're just the best at Quidditch analysis. She was hoping you'd pop by the office with some insight on this week's upcoming matches. We'd gladly pay you for your time so if you're down, she would be free to receive you during her dinner break at any point this week. Let me know if you're interested!

Thanks and sincerely,
Ritchie Coote

Mar. 12th, 2014




A discarded owl to Terry Boot:


Would you like to get dinner and listen to a Quidditch match together some time?

- Serena


An interoffice memo to Ritchie Coote:

Two things:

1) Are you okay?

2) If you've time this afternoon, I'd like you to owl Terry Boot and ask him to provide a quick analysis of some of the upcoming Quidditch matches for one of the broadcasts later this week. I hear he's got a keen eye for that stuff. We'll pay him for his time, if he wants. If he's free, have him meet with me during my dinner break on any of the rest of the days these week to discuss.

Appreciate it,


Feb. 8th, 2014



Who: Terry and Mandy
What: Catching up over drinks
When: Friday evening (backdated)
Where: The Three Broomsticks
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

In a way, Terry was glad not to have started work as soon as he moved into the village, the way it seemed other people did. He'd done a majority of his unpacking on Sunday, but the rest of the week had been spent getting a feel for Hogsmeade-- going to the Hydras game with Michael and Terry on Tuesday, helping Hannah out at Fromage in the meantime, reading up on the news and seeing what else was open in the village. There were many new shops that surprised him to see, and further solidified the move for him.

By the time Friday evening arrived and found him at The Three Broomsticks, he was wondering what else his other friends and housemates have been up to. There was Kevin's impending wedding, and Michael's dinner party, and even Serena at the party, but there was still Lisa to catch up with and Mandy, now, to say hello to. He was glad, in a way, that he wouldn't be the only new Ravenclaw in the village.

Feb. 1st, 2014


Log: Birthday Party

Who: Dan and OPEN!

What: Birthday Party

When: Tonight at 7

Where: Dan's flat

Rating: ?

Status: Ongoing

It wasn't billed as a birthday party because Dan really hated calling attention to the fact, but it was what people knew it to be anyway. He had set up tons of food in a corner (not just finger food either, real food, to help people keep drinking for good times), and drinks in the other. The master bedroom was warded from intruders although the guest bedroom was not- at this point, Dan figured he'd just do his mates a solid- and there was music playing from an unseen source.