The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'journal:+justin'

Apr. 18th, 2014



Journal: Justin

I should really stop reading the Daily Prophet. Even though I don't have a subscription, there is always a copy laying around in the staff room. It's upsetting to find out that Rita Skeeter is probably even worse than she was all those years ago.

I happen to like living in this village the way it is.

[Warded to Susan]
How are you doing, love?

[Warded to Alicia]
I'm pulling a double shift tonight. Will you be around tomorrow for some 'let's stay awake' dancing?

Mar. 31st, 2014



Journal: Justin

I appreciate that my supervisor understands that being the medic for the pick up Quidditch games is important and has agreed to shift my working schedule around a little. Sundays and Mondays are my days off now with the possibility of asking for Tuesdays considering that Sundays are almost work. With four teams and two games, it almost is a shift in itself.

I'm forever impressed by the skill of the players though. You guys are fantastic.

[Warded between Justin, Megan and Susan]
It happened and I don't think we've ever fought like that before.

He's leaving for a close rehab this week. He had told me he'd try to cut back but it hasn't worked. It's not because he doesn't love me, it's just too hard.

[/End ward]

Mar. 28th, 2014



Journal: Justin

I was so glad to find that the garden was starting to look good enough to sow that I got a little excited and thought I could work a little on my plot.

Something made it it's home and is viciously protective of that plot. Oh joy..

It didn't bite me or anything, but I can't get anywhere near it. I suppose I'll go back over there tomorrow and see what I can do. Unfortunately I'm working tonight so I can't do much.

Mar. 16th, 2014



Journal: Justin

I have decided that I wanted to try a new restaurant next weekend and I'd like your suggestions people! Whether it's in the city or anywhere, really.

Rose has spent the weekend here with me and she's completely enchanted by the village. I think Honeyduke's did it for her when she was here for that special where we invited Muggle relatives. Okay, she was a little miffed at me for not spending enough time with her, but I have, since then, corrected the situation.

That being said, she met someone about her age in the village and sh's looking forward to seeing him again. They apparently get along famously.

Feb. 21st, 2014



Journal: Justin

Coming back to the reality of responsibilities after such a wonderful vacation is harsh. Five days doing nothing but being lazy and I've been asked to cover a double shift this weekend. Someone's looking for revenge I think.

Ah well, we've got to do what we've got to do, huh?

Speaking of which, where should a bloke go if he needed to look into investments?

[Warded to Parvati, Megan, Susan]
I'm a bloody wimp.

Feb. 10th, 2014



Sensitive Content inside.

[Warded to Megan, Susan and Parvati]

I was going to surprise Wayne with a real vacation next week but I'm having doubts. Things are tense around here and Wayne is a little on edge but not because of work. I think it's because of me.


Feb. 2nd, 2014



[No Subject]

[Private to Madam Rosemerta]
Hey Rosie!

I want to surprise Wayne and I'm planning a getaway for Valentine's Day and I wanted to clear this with you. I wouldn't dream of taking him away from you for the weekend, I know how busy it gets. Instead, I'd like to leave on Sunday 16th and I'd bring him back the next Friday.

Please don't mention this to him, I'd really like it to remain a secret until we leave.


Jan. 31st, 2014



Journal: Justin

Why has no one told me that knitting was fun before? Challenging, yes, but fun!

I went ahead and got bamboo needles though, because the metal ones are too slippery and I'd like to finish a row before they just slip away.

Now I have a really crooked and misshaped dishcloth but I feel incredibly proud of it.

Jan. 26th, 2014



Journal: Justin

[Warded to Susan]

I need your help. It kills me to do this, but I really, really need it.

[End ward]

Jan. 18th, 2014



[No Subject]

[Private to Susan]
I've been working entirely too much lately and no one's stopped me yet.

I tried to give you some time with Kevin since your birthday and I'm afraid it's come of weird and/or rude. I hope you are not offended by my distance, Hun.

Can I make you dinner this week? I have learned to make a seafood lasagna this week!


Dec. 23rd, 2013



Journal: Justin

Oh.. OH!!!!!

Sorry about the spam but.. COOKING MATERIAL!!!! Looks like I'm never burning the flat again. But since everyone knew how debutant I am in cooking, I wonder who my Secret Santa was.. I'm curious!

The hat and the apron adds to the charm.



Journal: Justin

Wayne and I have been back in town since last weekend and I have worked every shift I could since then. What was supposed to be a week long vacation turned into a family matter that I could not get away from. I suppose vacations will be happening later then.

I've got my babies back and they grew like weed while I was gone.. damn. Mulan is sure glad to be climbing my own shelves instead of Michael's now.

[Warded to Susan and Serena]

Either of you have an evening off after Christmas?

Dec. 12th, 2013



Journal: Justin

[Warded to Michael]
Would you mind keeping the kittens for a little while longer? I'm afraid our presence here is required for a little longer.

[Warded to Susan, Wayne, Serena]
It might be a little while longer before I get back.

Dec. 5th, 2013



Journal: Justin

My father has arrived to be supportive. So far so good.

Dec. 2nd, 2013



Journal: Justin

First day back 'home', in Paris. It strange and it's wonderful all at once. I just wished the circumstances that brought me here were a bit more joyful.

[Warded to Susan]
I might be a mess when you get here. Wayne is fantastic with the cuddles, but I have a feeling that he needs comforting just as much as I do right now.

They really hit it off on the first talk and it worries me. Grandpère is very sick and I'm afraid of losing him.

Nov. 10th, 2013



Journal: Justin

[Warded to Serena]

SERENA!!! I've completely missed you arrival!!

Oct. 31st, 2013



Journal: Justin

If anyone is wondering what that alarm was about in my flat (yes it's that loud), everything is fine. I accidentally set fire to the stove trying to make dinner for Wayne when he gets back, but hey! I had my fantastic best friend with me and together we tamed the flames and everything. Is. Fine.

It's fine, really.

Oct. 26th, 2013



Journal: Justin

I wish I had a good reason why I haven't updated my journal. Or haven't bee around much in the first place. Hum... work happened?

Oct. 6th, 2013



Journal: Justin

[Warded to Susan and Wayne]
My supervisor let me go home early. I wish cookies and tea-

Sep. 29th, 2013



[No Subject]

Warded to Wayne
Okay, Theodore didn't even bother warding his entry.. or his replies. Now I'm at work and I can't do anything about it.

I might be pouting.