The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'journal:+kevin'

Apr. 9th, 2014



Journal (April 9) | Kevin

Guess Jasper isn't as brave as he thinks he is. Would think he wasn't about five times bigger than the gnomes, the way he hid. Thought he'd chase them out of the lot, save everyone the work. Little scary, though, 'specially when loads are all in one place. Managed to escape without bites, but could've been because they liked the taste of the dog treats in my pocket.

Mar. 14th, 2014



[No Subject]

Could do with an additional foster family or three, if anyone new in the village wants. Usually look after a kitten or pup, sometimes more than one if there are siblings, for a few weeks. Shop provides bed, food, toys, all that. Animal Healer's care too.

Think Jasper likes his temporary siblings. Pup sister and kitten brothers. Brothers seem a little confused, though...

Jan. 29th, 2014



[No Subject]

Know it isn't Thursday, but figure this can be a special edition of the foster digest. Or guess it could be a normal edition if you read your journal after midnight... Important bit is Batman. (Not the Muggle superhero. Mean the little buddy whose picture is just below.)

French Bulldog, real sweet. Not real fond of cats. Or owls. Or Susie or Isabel. Um. Little skittish around women. Little socialisation wouldn't hurt. Fosters need prior experience with dogs.

Dec. 3rd, 2013



[No Subject]


Little late with the announcement, but The Barkery and the Catfe's Twenty-Five Days of Christmas started few days ago. Bit like an advent calendar for animals-- mean. Sort of. Shop discounts (different each day) are for people, but sure the pets appreciate the special holiday merchandise and treats. Know Jasper has so far...

Nov. 18th, 2013



[No Subject]

Stadium event went real well. Appreciate everyone who offered help or homes.

Warded to Isabel Moon and Zacharias Smith
Shelter in Inverness approved your foster application! Particular pet you were interested in? Think it was the Siberians... Can stop by The Barkery and The Catfe for supplies and all. Pups too.

Warded to Justin Finch-Fletchley and Wayne Hopkins
Shelter in Inverness approved your adoption application! Can stop by The Barkery and The Catfe to finalise the papers and take 'em home.

Warded to Neville Longbottom
Shelter in Inverness approved your adoption application! Can stop by The Barkery and The Catfe to finalise the papers and take her home.

Nov. 14th, 2013



[No Subject]

Figure this'll become a weekly thing-- Thursday Digest. ('s how clever Ravenclaws are, see.) Can respond through the journals if one fits.

Available Fosters - November 14. )

Nov. 13th, 2013



[No Subject]

Officially the host of Hogsmeade's first foster program. Mean-- The Barkery and the Catfe, not me and my flat. Partnering with a magical animal shelter in Inverness, so will have Crups, Kneazles, Muggle cats and dogs all in need of temporary homes. Will provide supplies to foster parents through The Barkery and the Catfe.

Having official first event at the stadium this Saturday. Will have animals available for adoption and foster before the match, but need a volunteer or two to help out. Includes free tickets to the Hydras game. Appreciation from me and plenty of homeless pets too.

Oct. 20th, 2013



[No Subject]

Figure a loss in a close match is easier to stomach than one by loads of goals. Figure too that if the team keeps at it, bound to win a game eventually. Closer every Sunday, seems like. Dunno if that counts as inside information?


Halloween do's next Saturday? 26th, 8:00 p.m. All welcome to attend. Don't need a costume, but can wear one if you want. Think I might.

Oct. 2nd, 2013



[No Subject]

Don't want to give too much away too soon, but Theatre on the Lake will officially 'open' on Halloween. Say 'open' because the theatre doesn't have a specific schedule, exactly. Or a stage in the traditional 'stays put' sense. Promise it isn't as odd as it probably sounds, though...

Problem is can't have a Halloween party same evening as the show. Or the night before. Think maybe the 25th or the 26th will have to do? Mean. If anyone wants to come. To the party, not-- yeah. Know how to make a martini with Muggle candy corn that's pretty good.

Warded to Susan Bones.

Sep. 14th, 2013



[No Subject]

Swore it wasn't true, old witches' tale about illness and playing in the rain. Wasn't playing in the rain, exactly-- wanted to test two prototypes of enchanted set pieces and needed poor weather. Wouldn't have made sense to ask the stage crew to create them with the new charms if the rain or snow in Hogsmeade ruined them.

Dunno, though. Chest hurts now.

Warded to Skins, Susan Bones, and Zacharias Smith.
Think maybe I'll sit tomorrow out. Mean. If that's okay.

Aug. 15th, 2013



[No Subject]

Never had a package of Every Flavour Beans be all vomit before... Little unfortunate.

Jul. 27th, 2013



[No Subject]

Think this flat will be motivating. Don't need much space for me and the puppy dog, and the location's real convenient to walk to the Neep (love food) and the Three Broomsticks (love my new employer; ‘lo, Rosie). Guess everything’s real convenient in a village, though... Little like camping too. Flat’s too warm by 7:00 a.m. to loaf around. Gotta work on some cooling charms.

‘lo, everyone!