The Last Station

July 2014


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May. 26th, 2014




Sent to: Stewart Ackerly, Katie Bell, Lucian Bole, Dan Bradley, Lavender Brown, James Cadwallader, Serena Capper, Asher Chambers, Merrill Davies-Urquhart, Roger Davies-Urquhart, Maxwell Derrick, Julian Dorny, Fera Dunstan, Marietta Edgecombe, Marcus Flint, Victoria Frobisher, Hermione Granger, Astoria Greengrass, Angelina Johnson, Megan Jones, Viktor Krum, Alexei Levski, Aidan Lynch, Morag MacDougal-Levski, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Malfoy, Cormac McLaggen, Eloise Midgen, Graham Montague, Gwendolyn Montgomery, Isabel Moon, Pansy Parkinson, Jimmy Peakes, Harry Potter, Adrian Pucey, Orla Quirke, Jack Sloper, Zacharias Smith, Alicia Spinnet, Sebastien Summerby, Lisa Turpin, Jacob Vaisey, Romilda Vane, Myron Wagtail, Ginny Weasley, Blaise Zabini

When the envelope is opened, a burst of magic fireworks and all-too-real glitter explodes from within. The illustrated flames on the invitation itself are charmed to flicker with light, hissing and popping like a real campfire.

Apr. 13th, 2014



Log: Pick-up Quidditch, Week 4

Who: Open
What: Gladrags vs Qualitea @ 10am; Fromage vs Foxglove @ 2pm
When: Sunday
Where: Hogsmeade Park
Rating: Low-ish.
Status: Ongoing
Pick-up Quidditch, Week 4 )

Apr. 12th, 2014




Who: Megan and Asher
What: A misunderstanding-slash-argument
When: Earlier tonight (before the Hydras party)
Where: Asher's flat
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Megan took out the tray of penis-shaped cookies from the oven and left them on the table to cool, cheating a little and taking a piece off one cookie-ball to taste-test them.

"They're good and hot," she declared, breaking off a section from the tip and handing it over to Asher. "Wanna try some?"

Mar. 21st, 2014



log: Saturday Happy Hour + Dinner at Fromage

Who: Open
What: Melted Cheese!
When: Saturday, 2pm - 10pm
Where: Fromage
Rating: ?
Status: Ongoing

The village was always busier on game days, and Hannah hoped that tonight's match against Puddlemere would bring extra business to her restaurant. Besides Hogsmeade weekends, home games for the Hydras were her best way to get exposure for Fromage.

It would also be a test for the sous-Chef. If Hannah were to hand over the reigns next weekend and go enjoy James' birthday party, she figured a test run couldn't hurt. She oversaw all the prep work and side tasks before open, though when the time came for service to start, she placed herself at the hostess counter rather than in the kitchen. Fingers crossed that tonight will go well, she thought to herself, as the door opened and the first guests of the day walked in.

Mar. 18th, 2014



Owl to Julian Dorny

You sure you want out? Won't find another fuckin' roommate who ignores it when you jerk off in the shower right before fuckin' work. Mermaids don't appreciate it when I'm fuckin' late.

New kid wants in on the 31st.

Mar. 9th, 2014



Log: Three Men and a Flat

Who: Julian, Jimmy, and Asher
What: Flat inspection and roommate interview
When: March 10, 2006 (Monday) at 6pm
Where: Asher and Julian's apartment
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Julian was pleased to have found a possible roommate for Asher in what felt like record time, and while he knew virtually nothing about Jimmy he seemed like a decent enough bloke. He hoped the meeting would go well, first, and then they can worry about Jimmy's current roommate, anyway.

He'd told Asher to be back home by 6pm, and even Julian had taken the half-hour since coming home and changing into more comfortable clothes to tidy up around the flat. Jimmy didn't seem particular about neatness, at least not in the way some people could be, but Julian still wanted to leave a good impression. If the current roommate became a harder issue to overcome, then at the very least Julian wanted Jimmy to end up really wanting to move.

Feb. 26th, 2014



Log: Roommate to Roommate

Who: Julian and Asher
What: Living arrangements conversation
When: Yesterday evening
Where: Their flat
Rating: Low
Status: Ongoing

Julian had been back from his weekend trip with Alicia for more than a week, but he hadn't been able to talk to Asher about his moving in with Alicia. There had been no definite date set, but that was really all based on talking to Asher first and finding out what he was comfortable with, which made it partly the issue-- Julian could afford the flat on his own, but Asher needed a roommate. He definitely didn't want to leave his friend in the lurch, so he hoped between the two of them they could find a solution.

"I bought dinner from The Three Broomsticks," he told Asher. "Figured it'd save us both the trouble of attempting to make something to eat tonight.

Feb. 3rd, 2014



[No Subject]

WHO | Mandy Brocklehurst, Millicent Bulstrode, Serena Capper, Asher Chambers, Cho Chang, Tracey Davis, Julian Dorny, Marcus Flint, Ernie Macmillan, Draco Malfoy, Theodore Nott, Adrian Pucey, Alicia Spinnet, Sebastien Summerby, Caleb Warrington, Oliver Wood, and the newlyweds. Plus-ones welcome.
WHEN | Monday, February 3 at 8:00 p.m.
WHERE | Grace (London, England).
WHAT | A celebration of marriage among friends.
RATING | TBD. Presumably low to moderate.
STATUS | Ongoing.

Despite its new status within the city of London, Grace was a hard-sought seating. Its chef and creator was a vivacious young woman with a son Violet's age, and Merrill knew her through the arts classes both their little ones took. The chef's table that evening was her wedding gift to Merrill and Roger, and it was as handsome as the small plates that followed.

Jan. 8th, 2014


Owl to Asher





Jan. 6th, 2014



Owl to Asher

Quick question for you.

Jan. 5th, 2014



Owl to Julian Dorny

The owl carries a magical copy of Megan's last owl response.

Real dick move, princess.



Owl to Megan Jones

You like kappas, tits?

Jan. 3rd, 2014



Note sent to Asher

Floated on a broken piece of a plastic cup, sometime during the party.

ASher you asre, your cups are paper!!!



[No Subject]

WHO | Asher Chambers, Roger Davies, and OPEN.
WHEN | Friday, January 3 from 10:00 p.m. on.
WHERE | Asher's and Julian's flat.
WHAT | The Ravenclaws host a party.
RATING | TBD. Potentially high for shenanigans?
STATUS | Ongoing.

It was a fuckin' embarrassment, if you asked Asher, that Ravenclaw House was the last to host a party. With the likes of himself and Roger, it was obvious they could do it best.

Obvious to whom, however? Though neither man was cognizant of the fact, they'd both purchased liquor-- beer and spirits, no fuckin' frou-frou wines. There was no food of any sort in sight, not even a crisp. They'd both noticed the similar absence of cups, but Roger had made short transfiguration work of a package of cocktail napkins. Asher was fuckin' proud of their (all too likely to fail) ingenuity.

And if their neighbors didn't appreciate the loud music, free of muffling charms that Asher swore distorted the sound, they could join the party or they could put a fuckin' cork in it.

Dec. 31st, 2013



OWL: The Boyfriend Survey

The following survey has been heavily charmed to Owl any wizard who kissed somebody at the stroke of midnight, and includes the following note (OOC: Feel free to tag your character if they kiss anyone <3):

Dear Prospective/Current Boyfriend/Girlfriend,

Congratulations! You have been selected by the charm on this document because you kissed somebody on midnight. My name is Emma Dobbs and I would like to conduct research on relationships -- if you could, please fill out the form and return it to me within the week. I guarantee the utmost in confidentiality with regard to your answers, though of course if you would rather fill out the form anonymously that would be more than welcome as well. The results will not be published anywhere.

You are under no obligation to fill it out, but we have developed an advanced rubric and system for determining compatibility based on the answers of this survey, and I would be more than happy to let you know the results in exchange, and what it means for the future of your budding relationship!

Thank you, and happy new year!

Emma Dobbs
Advice Columnist
The Hogsmeade Herald

The Boyfriend/Girlfriend Survey )

To fill it out:

Dec. 25th, 2013



Tis the season

Christmas presents were delivered in-person or through owl, with the following notes:

Gift for Serena )

Gift for Eddie )

Gift for Asher )

Gift for Cho )

Gift for Roger )

Gift for Alicia and Isla )

Gift for Merrill and Violet )

Dec. 24th, 2013



[No Subject]

Owl to Serena Capper
The owl carries a woman’s razor and shaving foam in a cloyingly feminine scent, plus a cashmere wrap sweater in silver-grey, ideal for evenings at the WWN.

You first, sweetheart.

Owl to Cho Chang
The owl carries a nude calendar consisting entirely of Asher, as well as a sapphire-and-silver bookmark in the shape of an eagle wing.

Feel free to mark your favorite cock shot, princess.

Owl to Roger Davies
The owl carries a lump of coal. (Within the coal lies a wizarding watch with hands that monitor Merrill's and Violet's safety, as well as the immediate Davies family's.)


Owl to Julian Dorny
The owl carries a masturbation sleeve, the narrow interior of which contains a Muggle fountain pen inlaid with slivers of sapphire.

Merry fuckin' Christmas, mate-- literally. Use a silencing spell.

Owl to Megan Jones
The owl carries a pendant necklace, the pendant a cupcake composed of a moonstone liner and an amethyst and ruby cake.

We both know this pales in comparison to my prick, but we must all make sacrifices, sugar nipples.

Dec. 25th, 2013



Christmas Owls and Presents

Owl to Eddie Carmichael )

Owl to Michael Corner )

Owl to Emma Dobbs )

Owl to Justin Finch-Fletchley and Wayne Hopkins )

Owl to Andrew Kirke )

Owl to Harry Potter )

Owl for Lisa Turpin )

Owl to Violet and Merrill Urquhart )

Owl to Caleb Warrington )

Owl to Oliver Wood )

Present for Asher left on the kitchen counter in Julian and Asher's flat )

Presents given in person on Christmas morning:
For Julian )

For Cormac )

Dec. 24th, 2013


Christmas Owls

Owl to Asher
Inside the package is a sparkly princess crown, charmed to flash different colours. Underneath this is a leather-bound journal, with dragons embossed on the cover.

Happy Christmas, Asher!

Owl to Eddie
Inside the package is a men's scarf.

Happy Christmas, Eddie!

Owl to Julian
Inside the package is a gift basket of wine.

Happy Christmas, Julian!

Owl to Merrill
Inside the package is a bottle of French Merlot.

Happy Christmas, Merrill!

Owl to Penelope
Inside the package is a book-shaped locket.

Happy Christmas, Penny!

Owl to Roger
Inside the package is a pink plush pygmy puff, charmed to coo and squeak when squeezed. Alongside this is a bottle of Belgian beer.

Happy Christmas, Roger!

Owl to Serena
Inside the package is a necklace with an "S" pendant.

Happy Christmas, Serena!



Christmas Owls

A series of owls go out on Christmas Eve.

Cho )

Penelope )

Ritchie )

Roger & Merrill )

Julian & Alicia )

Asher )

Justin & Wayne )

Orla )