The Last Station

July 2014


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Posts Tagged: 'journal:+hermione'

May. 13th, 2014



I'm thrilled to share that I've been offered the position of Professor of Muggle Studies at Hogwarts! Hogsmeade Reads will continue to thrive in the village, of course, and I'll split my responsibilities between the two posts as able.

I look forward to doing my part to help improve our world's understanding of our neighbours.

To commemorate this, we're doing a sale on some of the introductory texts in the field as well as some Muggle literature that features their interpretation of magic. The latter are especially entertaining in light of all we know, of course.

Apr. 7th, 2014



Well, that's it, then. I've got an official interview with Headmistress McGonagall that's set for next Friday.

In the event of my receiving this position, Hogsmeade Reads won't be closing -- I'd hate to deprive the village of a literary resource -- but we will be expanding the amount of available career opportunities. Please see me at the shop if you're interested in some part- or full-time work.

Warded to Gryffindor House:

It's been ages since that dinner Harry and I threw a few months ago. Let's do something else. Let me know if you're interested and when would be best for you. I volunteer Harry to host the gathering again, too.

Mar. 17th, 2014



Thank you, Julian, for letting me see the village water supply. While I did have to take a brief leave from the shop this afternoon in order to investigate, I managed to trace the magic to one of the flats in 24 High Street. Imagine my surprise, then, when I knocked on the door and a woman who had to be no younger than 95 answered!

It turns out that the culprit was her great-grandson, who's in the village visiting family. Apparently he blames the prank on his friend, Captain Morgan.

Anyway, the water's back to normal now, so here's hoping Tuesday morning won't bring with it another colour of the rainbow from our taps.

Mar. 13th, 2014



I think I may take that job after all. It might be nice to get out of this village every so often.

Warded to Harry:

Are you all right?

Warded to Ginny:

Recent developments mean that not only have I had to tell Harry, but now Malfoy and Bulstrode both know. I assume this means Nott does as well. I just thought I'd keep you updated. However, I dislike solely talking about myself and this mess, so please let me know what's going on with you, lately.

Warded to Bulstrode:

I hope you enjoyed what you did to her.

Mar. 11th, 2014


Journal - Warded to Pansy Parkinson

Would you be interested in going to a party on the 28th?

Mar. 3rd, 2014



I received an owl from Headmistress McGonagall today, alerting me to an anticipated vacancy on the Hogwarts faculty. She seems to have it in her mind that I'd be a good fit for Muggle Studies, and I suppose I can see the validity to her primary argument. However, I haven't been to Hogwarts in nearly ten years does visiting Hagrid count? I'm not sure if teaching is something I'd like to pursue.

Either way, it's made for an interesting start to the week.

Warded Private to Lavender Brown:

Are you free for drinks Thursday night?

Warded Private to Viktor Krum:

Are you free for drinks Thursday night?

Warded Private to Lisa Turpin:

Still interested in that project we spoke about last December?

Warded Private to Harry Potter:

I also received an owl from Kingsley today. He let me know that the committee is moving forward with sending a Ministry-approved inspector to look at the Shrieking Shack and that step should be completed by the end of the month. I know it's the Ministry, but do you think they could move any slower? Honestly.

Jan. 29th, 2014


Warded Private to Parvati Patil and Lavender Brown

My life is in a shambles and I have no will to go on.

Jan. 27th, 2014


Private to Parkinson

Who is Bulstrode sleeping with?

Dec. 9th, 2013



After a moment of personal inspiration this morning, I'm pleased to share that Pansy's just finished enlarging and duplicating some new posts for the bookworm in your life.

In addition, please note that Hogsmeade Reads will be closed Dec. 23-27 and January 1. We will be open up until then, of course, and I'll continue to lead knitting circle until that time period as well.

Nov. 29th, 2013



For those of you who are beginning to shop for loved ones, Pansy and I have been hard at work curating a selection of our favourites to put on display so you can start your gift idea brainstorming! I've also ordered a lovely assortment of wrapping papers. Come by any time between now and December 23 and you'll get your gift wrapped for free!

I can't believe it's nearly December. This year's just flown by.

Warded to Harry, Luna, Ginny, and Neville

We ought to do something soon, please! I'm sure Luna's got loads to share from her travels.

Warded to Harry

Do you still have nightmares?

Warded to Pansy

Please let me know as soon as possible what sort of time off you'd like next month. With the holidays and the wedding, I expect there'll be a few days.

Warded to Lucy

Would you still be interested in collaborating on a knit goods holiday charity drive?

Nov. 10th, 2013



I've just come back from Kevin's shop and it turns out that Crookshanks needs to lose weight -- so Harry, can you please tell Kreacher to stop feeding him steaks? He's very cranky right now, so if you hear some howling from #24 that's him. Don't be alarmed.

cut for picture charmed into the journal )

Warded to Pansy:

Your book's come in! It'll be ready for you to take home tomorrow after you've finished for the day. Please don't read it during your shift.

Warded to Theodore:

I've got the translations for you when you're ready. And I tried the solution you gave me and it works wonders. How much would the charge be if I were to purchase an order?

Warded to Parvati and Lavender:

I miss you two. Spending time with just Harry can get a little old sometimes. Can we do something soon?

Oct. 26th, 2013



We got our weekly shipment of books in this morning, so for all of you who've recently placed orders within the last week and a half, stop by the shop some time over the next few days to pick up your parcel and pay.

Also, in honour of the season, I've decorated the shop with Pansy's help much to my own surprise, though we have not agreed that dyeing Crookshanks black is a good idea.

Happy pre-Halloween weekend!

OOC: Can someone please drag Hermione to the Halloween party that's tonight?

Jul. 7th, 2013



journal: Crafting circle!

Knitters, crocheters, whittlers, makers of small charmed items!

Hogsmeade Reads welcomes all crafters (well, those who don't need roomsful of specialised equipment, anyroad) and their friends Wednesday evenings between 7:00 and ten-ish. Bring your own projects, or if you don't have one, work on an afghan for the charity shop (yarn provided)! Beginners, please don't be shy -- I'll be happy to teach all comers.

Cost: Nominal (for coffee, tea, and sweets). Donations for yarn for the afghan gratefully accepted.

Jun. 30th, 2013



journal: Welcome to Hogsmeade Reads!

Well, I think that's the last of the stock shelved -- my back certainly hopes so! -- so clearly it's time for a Grand Opening of sorts. This week: buy a book, half off the coffee of your choice; same-day sales only, please. Special orders count when paid in advance, and please don't be shy about special-ordering, as it tells me what I ought to bring in.

I haven't had leisure to look round. Who else is here I haven't seen yet? Quidditch hardly counts, as it's too noisy to talk to anyone.